Darkness and Heat

"Gregory! Don't ever do that again!" I firmly said when I realized that it was him.

I can see him smirk with his white teeth and fangs protruding from his luscious lips. It made me think about how those lips will feel on me besides my lips. We already kissed twice before so I have an idea that they taste sweet.

"What are you doing here? Let's get back outside!" Gregory said and took my hand.

My thoughts about how his lips tasted made me feel embarrassed. How come I have to think about that the moment I see him? But I tried to hide my thoughts and just followed him with one hand on his.

I have never been so close to a guy before and I can’t help but feel as if I’m blushing. That’s impossible though since I no longer have blood running through my veins. Everything I used to feel now was already just a figure of speech.

When we reached the stairwell going up to the second floor where the rooms are located, Gregory stopped walking. Before I can ask about the reason why he pulled my hand and kissed me. This is the third time he just did but it feels a little different.

It’s more passionate than we have ever shared before. The kind of lip lock that will make you forget about everything else. The deeper he kissed me, the more I wanted to kiss him even deeper. I never felt this way before. Not even when I was still human since I have never been with a guy.

“I guess you like kissing me as much as I want to kiss you!” Gregory commented after our lips parted.

He was right about that observation! I can’t think of anything anymore whenever he kisses me. The first time it happened was from the other side. I thought that he just hypnotized me back then. But judging how I responded with his kiss made me wonder if I also want it so bad.

“Let’s just get back to the room. I’m already sleepy.” I replied with his comment, not wanting him to think he was right.

“I don’t think I can wait until we get there…” Gregory whispered close to my ear that made me shiver.

I don’t know what to say to him. After that passionate kiss, I don’t know what else we can do in the dark and empty stairwell. My mind is racing with thoughts on what married couples do on their wedding night. That gives me an idea of what Gregory still wants from me.

“Gregory, I don’t think I can do it just yet,” I told him with honesty.

“I understand, I’m not going to force you with something that you don’t want to do.” He replied and started to kiss me on my ear and went down to my neck.

That does it! I can't tell him to stop because I also like what he’s making me feel. He’s no longer just using his lips to kiss my neck anymore but also his tongue. It turned me on so bad that I think I heard myself moaning a little.

“You can tell me to stop if you don’t want to…” Gregory seems to tease me with the words that he’s whispering to my ear.

“No, don’t stop…” That’s all I can say.

As if that’s the only thing that he has been waiting for, my permission! But how can I say no when he’s making me feel like I’m slowly going up to heaven? I don’t think I could even imagine stopping him even if he’s already unzipping my dress.

He’s doing it with his trained hands and I’m so sure that it’s not his first time doing it with a woman. After all, he’s been a vampire for 500 years. From what I know from the myths, vampires are promiscuous since they can’t impregnate anyone anyway.

Before I could change my mind, my dress already fell on my feet. But the cold air of the night didn’t do anything to subside the heat from our bodies. As Gregory took off the rest of my clothing, I stood naked in front of him. He steps back a little to see all of me.

“Beautiful...very beautiful!” He exclaimed, admiring the goddess in front of him.

At least, that’s what he made me feel now that I’m standing on my birthday suit. Interestingly, it didn’t make me feel uncomfortable nor feel shy even a bit. I allow him to look at my nakedness and let him feast his eyes on what he now owns.

“It’s my turn to look at you. Take off your clothes!” I demanded with fire in my eyes.

Gregory looks surprised at how domineering I talk to him just now. But he wasn’t turned off by that. Instead, he looks more turned on with my tone. He takes off his clothes as fast as he could, not wanting me to wait for another minute more.

I felt a sudden gush of wetness in between my legs when his clothes were no longer on him. But I tried to control myself and look at him with hungry eyes. Darn! He’s so beautiful and I feel so privileged to be the one looking at his naked body.

He steps close to me since he can no longer be content by just looking. I felt the same way too so I grabbed the back of his head as we locked our mouths together for another kiss. I can feel his body heat trying to fight against mine.

We both feel as if we’re rushing to explore each other's bodies. Our hunger for each other turned the cold night into an inferno. He sat me down to one of the steps of the stairwell with both of his hands feeling the softness of my breasts. Carefully, he went on top and drove himself inside of me.

“Ohhh…” my moan echoed all over the cathedral.

He then bites my neck and draws blood from it. I did the same as he pushed deeper inside of me until we became one.