Vampire Council

Learning to be a vampire is not easy. I thought that all I needed to know was how to hunt for food. But it’s more than that because there are restrictions now that I'm already a vampire.

Gregory is very patient in teaching me and I appreciate that. But there are times that it gets on my nerves. I didn't know that I needed to learn the vampire's way of living.

I have to act like a proper lady whenever the vampires gather. I disagree since we are all bloodsuckers there anyway. But Gregory has a status quo to uphold and I have to protect it as well as his wife.

There are times that I don't even want to join their grand get-together. Although I'm not sure if Gregory will allow me to avoid it. I don't want to know how he will react if I decide for myself.

Even if we're already married, I still don't know him too well. Being married to an important vampire to the clan made me question my decisions. But then I remembered that I don't exactly have a choice in this matter.

I became a vampire because Gregory sneaked into my dorm room when I was sleeping. He even followed me to the other side to stay with his side. But all the vampire socializing is making me feel uncomfortable.

I have to act as Gregory's loving wife at all times. Sure, the sex is too good between us. But something is missing about it. Maybe because I want to make love, not just have sex with my husband.

The problem is, I'm not in love with him, and it's making me feel sad. I even feel irritated being with Gregory most of the time. But I don't have the heart to tell him about it. He just looks so happy whenever we're together.

"Hey, what are you doing out here alone?" Gregory asked.

Here he goes again trying to invade my private time. But I can't burst his bubble so all I can do is just smile for him. That way, it will avoid disagreements between us. I'm already stressed out about being a vampire.

"Hi, I was just waiting for my next vampire training." I lied but it's better this way.

Gregory, affectionate like always, embraced me from my back. I just wish I could also feel what he felt about me. Maybe that way, we could live happily ever after. But the only thing I feel whenever he touches me is my need for him in bed.

I scolded myself because I was a virgin before we got married. But now I'm not sure why I feel this way whenever he's near. Maybe it's because we're still in the honeymoon phase. All I can think about is my desire for him to take me.

But there's no love between us, at least not yet on my part. I wonder how he can feel this way about me? He believes that I'm the one for him. His long-awaited companion and lover who he waited for 500 years.

"Let's get started then! But this time, you have to find what's your special gift." Gregory told me that brought me back from my thoughts.

"What do you mean special gift?" I curiously asked.

"Well, as an example, my special gift is to be the leader of our clan. I can also turn invisible so others won't see me." Gregory explained.

"You mean, we have superpowers?" I excitedly asked.

Gregory laughed out loud, "Yeah, something like that." He agreed.

I never thought about having a different superpower other than what I already have as a vampire. My speed and strength had increased rapidly compared to when I was human. I can also see in the dark and hear sounds from afar.

“How will I know what my special gift is?” I asked.

“The paranormal entities are attracted to you. That’s where you can start!” Gregory seems to know me better than me.

“Okay…” I replied.

I know that I can see paranormal entities and I can also go to the other side even when I’m still human. The problem is, I don’t even know how to start. Gregory brought me to the forest to start my vampire training.

It’s so easy for him to go back and forth in different places. I hope that I can also do the same in time. But as a newborn vampire, I need to learn a lot of things. It’s also my way to avoid Gregory from asking me about my feelings.

He has a habit of doing that whenever we are spending some quiet nights together. But now that I am busy with my training, that topic is off the list. I have to learn to be a proper vampire before we visit the council.

Yes, there is a vampire council, especially for newborns. If a newborn vampire didn't pass its test, that vampire should no longer exist. I don’t want to experience that punishment. That’s why I have to train hard.

“What test does the council do for the newborns?” I remember asking Gregory about it.

“I haven’t experienced it myself since I existed before the council. But some vampires told me that they want to see if a newborn vampire can do what other vampires can. There’s another important requirement but you don’t have to worry about that.” Gregory explained.

I’m confident that I can do what other vampires normally do. With enough practice and time, I guess it will not be an issue anymore. But what I need to know is that important requirement that Gregory failed to tell me.

This training about my special gift happened naturally. I just realized that I can call upon other entities. The fairies went to me when I called them and so are the other earthbound elements. I haven’t seen them for a long time.

The “Nuno” has been happy to see me since the last time I was still a kid. I played with them before but they have moved to this area because of the development in our town.