The Revelation

Arabella was suddenly taken aback.

Bill’s supercilious order made everyone puzzled and terrified.

Everyone was holding their breath.

There’s something unexplainable in the atmosphere that their eyes kept switching from Bill to Arabella then back and forth.

The air suddenly became frosty and an extreme bone-chilling could be felt by Bill’s pompous aura.

At this moment, Bill was the only person in the group who remained calm and dignified.

“Babe?” Mia tried to break the awkwardness. Last night, she knocked on Bill’s room and no one answered. She thought he had already gone back to the city, but she was surprised that he did stay overnight.

Bill was elegantly sipping his coffee while his sharp eyes fixated on Arabella’s back. He seemed not to hear Mia and he didn’t care about everyone’s thinking around. By the way, he stared at Arabella, one could clearly tell that there must be something fishy going on between them.