Unpleasant Tie

Arabella was so amazed at the mansion’s elegant interior. The trademark of a billionaire was screaming inside the mansion. The shiny polished woods and bricks were at their finest and high qualities. In the corner was a chimney and the lightings were warm that reserved the coziness of the place.

She thought that she already had entered all the rooms in the house, but still, she could not find Bill.

Just when she accidentally tripped a button on the brick wall.

The wall automatically slid to the side, revealing a stairway down to the basement. In every step, the pathway lit until she reached a huge door that was slightly open. From her position, she could hear some noise coming out through the open.

It made her more curious and strode towards the room. From the small opening, she sneaked to see what’s inside only to find out that the room was dim.

Bill was sitting on a leather chair and he was seriously watching on the big screen in front of him.