One And Only Love

“Bill, where are you going?!” Kelly asked angrily and in panic seeing her son was going out somewhere with his terrible condition.

George, his great assistant was putting him a coat.

Bill didn’t say a word.

He seemed not to want to talk to his mother or his mind was just so preoccupied with something that he missed hearing her or even noticing her presence.

Either way, clearly, Bill was not in the mood.

After getting a call from Lira, he quickly sat up and took off his hospital gown.

“Bill, son! Your doctors were still not letting you go out with your condition. You are still not well for God’s sake! Can you listen to me please for once?!” Kelly was worried about him.

Her heart was thumping like a drum.

She could not just let him do whatever he wanted as his condition was not yet to be called stable.

“Let’s go, George.” Bill didn’t answer her instead he walked through the open door with George behind.

“Bill! Stop!” Kelly shouted angrily.