Tormented Love

"Bill..." Sounding like a ghost, Arabella's voice was so cold. " love. Help me... Help me, please..." Arabella felt trapped in the unending darkness.

She could not move nor cry.

Not even her tears were moving.

They were stuck inside her eyes.

Her body was very light but numb like it could float in the air.

She could not hear herself breathing nor feel her heartbeat.

'Am I dead?'

She had thought trying to figure out where she was in.

The darkness was consistent.

It had no plan to allow some light to enter like it was very oppressive.

"!" Struggling to make her voice come out, she spoke again even if she knew that it was too impossible that one could hear her. It was like Bill was the only person who could get her out of the darkness.

Arabella was waiting...

She was patiently waiting for him…

Even if there was no hope that he would come...still, she was hoping for him to save her.