Kalani's POV

You know that moment when everything stops functioning and for a second, your brain shuts down, and the only thing you hear is your heart beating fast, and then somehow, as quick as everything stopped, it comes back to normal but you not?

That's how I felt when the bullet pierced through Montero's flesh. Montero was shot. My mind couldn't wrap itself around that. Montero was shot. I kept blinking my tears back, trying to see if was real, but I just couldn't function.

And he kept saying I should focus. How could I? How could I function seeing that he was bleeding and in pain, well oblivious to that pain, but I felt it. I felt every ache that he went through and it hurt. It hurt a lot.

Tears just kept pouring out my eyes like Niagara Falls and Eawa kept trying to calm me down. Seven and the boys were on standby, and Seven's mom was praying. Dakota and Rumi were crying with me.

But that wasn't the worst part, the worst part was when he smiled at the camera, and he fell thereafter. My heart stopped. I immediately lost all senses, and I ran out of the office but Seven stopped me by blocking the door with his arms.

"Seven move," I commanded.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Kalani." His face was stern and you could tell he wasn't going to move, not was he planning to do so anytime soon. "I have direct orders that no matter what happens, I don't let you out of here. I'm sorry." He looked away.

More tears fell.

"What did Montero promise to do to you?" I asked.

"What?" He titled his head.

"What did he promise if you kept me here?" I repeated.

"Nothing. It's my job." He confidently replied. I nodded, backing away. The nearest table had a 9 millimeter and a shotgun. I picked up the 9 millimeters and I wiped my tears with my shoulder then I looked at him, the gun still in my hand, but not pointing at him.

"I think you should reconsider that." I then looked at him, cocking the gun.

"Kalani you won't shoot." His voice was laced with confidence that had a very high chance of killing him at the moment.

"Wanna bet?" I pointed the gun at him. "Seven move." I reiterated.

Everyone grasped in the gym.

"Mom no!" Charlie exclaimed.

"No mom." Enzo chimed in.

"Please, mom, please don't," Eawa whispered.

"Momma no." The twins added.

I looked away, biting my lower lip, trying to stop the sobs that were preventing me to stay stable, even for a second.

"Seven move." The sob escaped. My voice was cracked up and it sounded like a plea.

"I can't it's an-" before he could finish that sentence, I shot the corner of the room and everyone screamed, while others jumped at the fact that I shot something.

I looked at him this time, his face now shocked and with uncertainty, but mine unwavering. I was determined and nothing was going to stop me. Not even Seven.

"Seven I'm not going to ask you again. You are my closest friend, and I love you, but you best believe I'll choose my husband over you. Every single time. And right now he is hurt," My voice betrayed me and cracked, but I continued. " And he needs me. So I need you to move, please." I whispered.

"Things don't have to be this way, honey." Seven's mom interrupted.

"Then tell him to move.." I looked at her. "Come on!" I spoke louder. "Montero is bleeding out!" I yelled.

"What?" Charlie exclaimed. His face written all the shock there could be. He then turned his gun and pointed at Seven.

"I'm sorry Seven but I'm siding with mom, please move." His face was focused and unwavering.

Enzo followed.

"We will deal with dad Seven, we promise." He added.

Eawa took a gun and pointed at him too.

"Please." That was all she said. Placido just stood in front of Seven, his arms wide open.

"Y'all gonna have to go through me first." I looked away then I silently broke down. Or so I hoped. After a good two minutes of them pointing their guns to Seven and me sobbing, I turned back to them.

"Cido, come to momma." I urged him.

"Momma, I can't just watch y'all doing this." He explained. "I know this is hard for y'all but daddy ordered us to stay here no matter what and-"

"That was before he was shot." I interrupted him. "He didn't say anything about being shot because he somehow thinks he is invincible, but he is not. And right now, he needs the hospital. Cido please." I begged, going down on my knees.

My child was preventing me from saving my husband because he was following an order, wow.

He first looked at me, somehow trying to think if what I was saying was making sense. Then he turned to Seven and muttered, "I'm gonna have to side with mom on this Seven. Please let us pass."

"Montero is gonna kill me." He looked down.

"We swear to protect you." He assured him.

"Easier said than done." He gradually opened the door and I immediately stood up, dropped the gun on the floor, and I ran as my 7-month pregnant body could take me.

Getting to the door took longer than I thought it would, but eventually, I got there and I opened it with my biometric hand scan and there he was.

Felix was now with him, holding onto him and on the phone.

"Montero." I halted.

My breathing hiccuped. When I looked around, it was a bloody mess. Bodies were everywhere and our men were also casualties.

It was horrifying.

I knelt down to Montero and I slightly touched his cheek and his face was still warm."Montero wake up." I softly shook him.

"Montero," I spoke louder, shaking him some more.

"Wake up Montero," I repeated. Holding in the tears that were already falling.

"Kalani stop." Seven held my shoulder, urging me to stop.

"Let go of me Seven!" I yelled at his face.

"I know you scared ok!" He yelled back. "But you can't keep shaking him. Apply pressure on his wounds. Just try to stop the bleeding." He explained. "I'll take go get another band-aid to suppress the flow of blood. I'll be back just now." He left.

I looked away, willing myself to calm down, trying to think of all the positive there was in the world and I couldn't think of anything.

Montero was my positive. And without, without him, I ceased to be. I couldn't lose him, not like this.

So gathered myself and looked back at him. I put the necessary pressure on his shoulder as his arm already had a band aid of some sort.

"Just hang in there ok?" I muttered. My kids were behind me and some were sobbing. Seven came back a minute later and he wrapped up his wound and he handed him to me again.

I took his face into my palms and I pulled it close to my face. When our foreheads were touching, I whispered, "You better survive ok? Please. You promised Montero. And I want you to keep your promise ok? I need you, we need you. Please Montero, please. Wake up, babe." Tears kept coming out and I was so oblivious to everything and everyone.

Dakota was holding on to Eawa's pants and she asked, "Momma, why is daddy on the floor?"

"Da.. the day is- re..st.ing." I hiccupped. "He'll w..ake u...p in a fe..w hou..rs, ok?" I tried conjuring an audible sentence.

She nodded.

I leaned in and placed my forehead on Montero's forehead and whispered, " You better wake up for your children or they will never forgive you." I slightly rubbed his cheeks. "Neither will I."
