Kalani's POV

Montero's doctor, or should I say, the Montero's mafia doctor happened to be passing New York and he got here as soon as he could. I was pacing around outside our bedroom waiting for the doctor to come out and tell us something.

Seven was with me and the children, in Enzo's bedroom. After fifteen minutes of waiting, the doctor came out.

"Please tell me something good." Those were the first words I uttered the moment that doctor opened the door. I was nervous as hell. That much I was certain of.

"He didn't damage anything important. The bullet in the arm was a through and through. It only pierced some muscles. The one in the shoulder almost left him paralyzed." He started.

My heart stopped for a second or two. My eyes nearly popping out its sockets. I stumbled back, my breath hiccupping up.

"Don't worry Mrs. Montero, he is out of danger. I took out the bullets without complications but he needs to rest." He finished.

I took a few breaths of relief, then I nodded.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. The worst of it is over. Now, all we have to do is wait ok?" All I could do was just nod. Before I rushed into the room, he stopped me.

"He needs some time alone. Give him a few hours then you can visit him. Montero's health is something complex. If his blood gets in contact with iron forged for a bullet, it affects his whole body." He explained.

"His immune system crashes. That's why he collapsed. He then needs his whole body and the room to be sterilized throughout. He currently can't have human contact." My lips trembled, tears falling unguarded.

"Montero told me to never let anyone know. But that was long ago. I don't think he knew he would have a family." He shook his head smiling. I kept blinking, trying to process everything but it was so hard.

Montero had an allergic reaction to bullets yet he used to be in the mafia? But why would he risk his life like that?

"I see that you trying to process all of this Mrs. Montero, I'll leave you to it. I will see to the others who are hurt." I just nodded, trying to wrap all of this information around my already busy mind.

Why Montero? I looked up, trying to stop the tears. I then patted my cheeks to stop them from being puffy. Heck, my whole face was puffy.

My mind was everywhere. The kids, Montero, our safety, the baby I was carrying, Montero's allergic reaction, gosh this was too much. Our house was buzzing.

Men kept going in and out and Felix was supervising the whole thing.

A few minutes later

After finding out that much about Montero, I went to the kitchen to drink some water. After I was done, I tried pacifying myself.

Kalani calm down, Kalani calm down, Kalani calm down, I kept chanting while pacing around the kitchen. I was slowly losing my sanity.

Seven kept me company the whole time. His mom was with the kids, and all he did was just stand there by the kitchen island while I spoke myself to oblivion.

"What should I do Seven?" I stopped pacing and I finally looked at him.

"Breathe?" He replied, shrugging his shoulders. But it was more of a question than a statement.

"Yeah, I am trying on that department, I mean, like now, who should I call? Maybe Mr. Montero or something?" I suggested.

"Yeah, Romano will surely have your head when he wakes up on that one. I can allow you to do a lot of things, but letting your phone his dad is out of the question. He will do it when he feels like it. The bad blood between them remains between them." He reasoned, and it made more sense to not wanna die because of stupidity.

I know Montero loves me, but if I phoned his dad without his allowance, I was dead and buried already.

"You have already put me through a lot of trouble with your kids. More trouble than I have ever encountered in the last sixteen years. Montero will wake up and friends aside, he'll crumble down on me like the walls of Jericho for letting you go outside." He explained.

"Montero cares for this family more than himself. And if any harm had come before you or your kids, him going out alone would have amounted to nothing." He continued. I nodded my head in understanding.

I had put my needs first and I didn't realize that Seven's life was also important. His protection for mine and my family's lives was his life promise. And I disregarded that the moment I saw Montero laying on the floor.

All senses went out the door. And to my defense, I freaked out ok?! I have six kids, expecting another soon, with an anxiety problem, and I have a husband who happens to be an Ex-Don of the Italian mafia. He killed for a living, I mean, I was bound to crash at some point.

"I'm sorry Seven. I put you in a very compromising position earlier. I wasn't thinking, and me doing that could have caused a lot of difficulty for you." I looked down disappointed at myself.

"Hey don't do that." He came to me and held my hand.

"You are very much justified to have done that. Heck, I'd be surprised if you didn't." I smiled.

"Montero is going to be angry I give you that," I looked away. "But on the good side, no one got shot right, well except Montero, which is better if I'd ask me." I slightly hit his shoulder.

"Hey, don't say that." I reprimanded him.

"Sorry hon, but your husband's a beast." He grinned.

"Hah." I chuckled. "Yah think?"

"I don't think. I know that for a fact." He let go of me and went to pour himself some water.

"On the real though, I wonder who those men were, and what did they want." Seven looked deep in thought. Then I remembered.


"Let's call Eva. I know she'll think of something. And when I tell Eva, Johnathan will automatically be included." I smiled.

"Ok. I mean that's fine." He agreed.

I picked up my phone and I immediately called Eva. Her phone rang about four times before it was answered.

"This better be good Montero." Her was voice still sleepy, and I could tell she was still in la-la land, having the time of her life.

"We got attacked." That was all I said.

"What?!" Her voice was now on alert.

"Men came and they attacked us. I mean, our home. Montero got shot and I almost shot Seven an-" I rushed through what happened.

"What?" Her voice held evident shock and quite frankly, I wasn't surprised. I'm freaking out if that calms someone down.

"Yes, and they killed so many of our many and-"

"Ok, calm down yeah?" She interrupted me.

"A lot of people keep telling me that, and it's now starting to get annoying. If it was that easy, I wouldn't withhold myself from doing it." I honestly replied, frustrated.

"Sorry. Ok, I'm on my way, just hang in there." I then heard shuffles in the background, and I assumed she was getting out of bed.

"But Johnathan, the kids?" I asked.

"I'll grab Johnathan along the way. The kids will go to Moms. I don't know what those guys want, and if they can attack you and not get what they want, they can go for the closest friends." She explained.

"Oh my gosh!" I covered my mouth, staggering back. It gets worse.

"Kalani it's cool. We have a backup plan. We live for this ok? Just wait for me hun bud, I'll be right there." Then the call got disconnected.
