Kalani's POV

Now, this was getting bad. I mean, I didn't think this far. I didn't think that other people could get affected. Romano's dad, yes. My family is in South Africa, possibly. But Eva's, definitely not.

What would my mom know, my dad? Eva's kids for goodness sake. This was starting to get to me.

I looked at my hands and I saw that I was shaking. I immediately closed them, forming a fist, and I took slow breaths.

Seven rushed to me to see what was wrong.

"Please tell me you ok?" His eyes pleading with his life.

"I want to use the restroom." I slowly spoke in between breaths.

"Okay, let me help you." True to his word, Seven helped me to the bathroom that was on the ground floor. I took my phone with me.

The moment I got to the toilet, I locked the door and leaned on it. I immediately speed-dialed my father. He picked up instantly.

"Daddy," I whispered. "Please come." I continued.

"I'm on my way." That was all he asserted, and I knew, somehow, I was going to be ok.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

My dad went back to South Africa and decided it was best he was close to family after the kidnap disaster that took place. And I agreed.

They did visit me twice a year though. A sixteen-hour flight. Not the best of comfort, but worth it in every way.

After the call, I washed my face, drank some water, yes, drank some water from the bathroom tap, and came out.

When I came out, I looked at my house and, it was not what I knew it to be. There were people with guns everywhere, and our guys that were shot were being taken inside our house. That alone was enough to send me into a coma.

My hands started to shake again, and my vision started to blur.

"Kalani." I heard Seven call me, I looked at him but my vision was starting to blacken.

I was taking hard blinks but still, my eyes kept closing themselves until I could see nothing but the dark abyss I've been trying to avoid.


Montero's POV

19 hours later.

I woke up in a dark room. Or should I just say, my room? I could smell that my room was being sterilized and I was under tubes.

Only doctor Kana could do that. But what was he doing here? Wasn't he in Sicily, how could he get here this fast, I mean, how long was I out? As these questions kept circulating in my head, I remembered.

Shit, Kalani.

I'm sure she knows about my condition just now. And she wasn't supposed to know about my condition, at least not this way.

I took out the tubes and I put on some clothes. When I opened the door, and the first person I saw was Johnathan.

"I see you finally awake." Backing away from the door, making way for me to get out.

"Where is Kalani?" I ignored him and asked Eva who was close to him.

"Uhmmm...I'll go check on the kids." She turned.

"Stop! I'm gonna ask one more time." I spoke in a more stern voice.

"Kalanikindafaintedwhensheheardthatyouareeallergictobullets." She quickly replied. Johnathan looked away.

"What?! Where is she?" I asked, my voice laced with anger I wasn't gonna be able to control I,f she wasn't gonna tell me the truth.

"She's in the guest room." She retorted in a sigh, playing with her hands. I ran downstairs as fast as my legs could take me. I was running down the stairs in twos.

When I got to the guest room, I halted. Seven was outside.

"Sir I tried to" He tried explaining.

"It's ok." I stopped him by raised my hand to stop him from talking. And thank goodness he did.

I took a few breathes in and I opened the door.

But would you guess who I saw?

Mr. Jacobson.

Note to sarcasm.

Doctor Kana was also there and so were the kids. Dakota was the first to notice me.

"Daddy!" She ran to me. Rumi followed than the others. They slammed into me and I hugged them as if the world depended on it.

I picked up Rumi and then Dakota, one by one. I kissed them both on their foreheads separately, since I couldn't use my right hand.

"Don't ever do that dad," Enzo warned when he got to me.

"Sorry son." I patted his back.

"You got a lot of explaining to do." Charlie chimed in folding his arms together. I looked at him, like the heck, do I answer to you now.

"I agree with him, dad," Placido added. I looked at Eawa for help, but she shrugs her shoulders.

"Sorry, not on this one dad." She shook her head.

"Fine." I shook my head in defeat. I knew I couldn't win this fight anyway. "I'll explain when your mom is awake." I continued.

"It's good to have you back, dad." Enzo smiled.

"I wasn't gone for long." Picking up Dakota again.

"Trust me, it was the longest time without you," Eawa muttered. And it made me wonder what my kids had to go through.

"Momma was right." Dakota interrupted. "She said you were just sleeping and now you awake." She continued.

"When did momma sleep?" I asked her.

"Right after I told her about your condition." Doctor Kana interrupted, him not looking at me, but still up checking on Kalani. My blood suddenly ran cold, and Jacobson looked at me with suspension. "And you shouldn't be exposed like this. Your sterilization process isn't complete." He continued.

"Father, what a pleasant surprise." I smiled sarcastically, ignored Doctor Kana.

"Montero, I can't say I like being here under these circumstances." He came closer.

"Feeling is mutual." I can confidently say that my relationship with Jacobson has improved. He isn't trying to kill me every time he comes here, which is a good thing.

It's progress, right?

But now all that progress was going to go down the drain. I could tell. Which makes me wonder, who would phone him...gosh they are so dead.

"How is she?" I asked about Kalani.

"Resting. You know how she gets when she's worrying. When she called me I could tell she was trembling. Montero, what happened here, son?" I placed Dakota down.

Well, I guess nobody is going to die now.

"Enzo take the kids to their rooms. We will have a family meeting when your mother awakens." I commanded him.


"I'm not asking you nor am I asking for your opinion. Please just take them, son." I pleaded in a calmer tone.

"Ok. Come, guys." Slowly they all left, leaving me with Kana and Jacobson.

"I'll wait for outside Montero. You need to finish your treatment." Kana stood up too. "Mrs. Montero will wake up in a few hours. She just panicked under the stress she was in. Montero, you know her best. Don't let something like that happen again. We don't want her to lose this baby." He then left.

"Yes, doctor." I nodded in agreement. Kalani's health was important and I couldn't put her life and the lives of my family in danger. As much as I didn't like to take orders, I knew Kana was right. If I didn't finish the treatment, the damage was worse than death itself.

When everyone was out, leaving Jacobson, I knew nothing good was going to come out of this conversation.

"You heard that Montero?" He pointed at the door. "You promised to take care of her!" His voice was a little too loud for my liking.

"And I have been doing so for the last sixteen years." I defended myself.

"Not today you didn't..." He added.

I looked away, completely turning away from him. "I'll find out who those guys are and I promise you-"

"Yeah, I'm tired of your promises Montero. The minute Kalani wakes up, I'm taking her home, with her kids."
