Montero's POV

I scoffed, turning around, going to sit next to Kalani. His face was puffed up with anger, and his ears were red.

Well, now I know where Kalani takes that trait. It's a family thing. I smiled, taking her hand into mine.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"I'm thinking of the days when you lived to have me behind bars, but look at us now. We are in one room, and we actually not trying to kill each other." I smiled, then I looked at him.

"You know, I can always arrange that." He stood, confidently tall.

"That's cute." I softly chuckled. "It would be interesting. I haven't played with your boys for while. It might be fun." I grinned, rubbing Kalani's hands.

"Montero, you threading on very thin ice son." His face red, his hands forming fists.

"This is how I remembered you to be." I put Kalani's hand back inside the duvet, then stood up and went towards him. "Since you all worked up and ready to murder me, let me remind you of something," My face going back to a stoic mode in zero point two seconds.

" She," I pointed to Kalani, "She's my wife, and the mother of my children, including the one she's carrying. If I say she stays, or she, on her own will decides that she will stay, you best believe father that she will stay. This is my house and whoever comes to my house follows my rules. Including you Jacobson."


"You should show respect when it's needed. I was the Don after all." I smiled patting his shoulder. He removed my hand with more force than I would have liked with resulted in paining my right arm.

I slightly hissed and he smiled.

"I wouldn't smile so much if I were you. Because if Kalani got to know, tsk tsk tsk," I slowly walked around him. "Man, that would be a shame." I came closer to his ear and whispered, "You're not the only one she calls daddy after all." I smirked leaving him the most shock I have ever seen him.

"Please take care of our little princess si, or should I say, my queen?" I saluted him and I was out.

Kana was waiting outside as instructed. We didn't talk along the way, I just led the way. When I got upstairs, Johnathan was still outside my door.

"This is really creepy Johnathan. You just standing here, it's actually nerve-racking and weird." I spoke truthfully.

"Trust me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the wife." He leaned on the railing.

"Still has you whipped," I muttered, shaking my head smiling.

"Says you." He chuckled, looking away.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stopped walking and I looked at him.

"It's been sixteen years Montero, and you still running after her like you just got married to her yesterday. That's sounds, and looks pretty whipped to me." He tried suppressing his laugh, and failing at that too.

"Whatever." I muttered as entered the room and waited for Kana to enter.

"We have a meeting in five," I informed him.

"Make it ten." Interrupted Kana.

"Sure, five or ten, either one works for me." He smiled, enjoying this moment more than he was supposed to. I closed the door behind me annoyed and I went to bed. I laid down as I should, and Kana starting putting back the tubes.

"You shouldn't have done this Montero. You know what happened last time." I looked away trying to forget instead.

"Just continue doctor." I pretended what he said didn't mean anything.

The last time I took out my tubes without finishing my process, I got hospitalized for three months. My stomach got infected which somehow caused kidney failure and it got so severe that my appendix burst. So I had to go for surgery. Those were the worst three months of my life.

After getting out of the hospital, I had to be bedridden for another month, then after, take medicine for six weeks. So he's right on one thing, we definitely don't want a repetition of that.

"Doctor, what were you doing here anyway? I mean, I know they couldn't get you to get here that fast." I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"There was a hit on the Semaphore's ." He explained.

Now he had my attention. The Semaphores were another family business. It was under the Delapo brothers. The most ruthless men I have ever met. They had my respect I give you that.

They were under our family name because it was easier to trade under our name in Italy. It was good for business. Adding to the fact that Mr. Delapo and my father were sworn brothers.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at him.

"It's this new gang. They call themselves the Black Stallions." He continued, as he inserted the needle for the drip. I slightly hissed as I hated injections. But I overcome that while I was still in the mafia. But that was a different era of my life that has been closed. And now it just hurts as it once did.

"Black Stallions?" I scoffed. "No offense, but they sound like boy band scouts." I looking away for a second.

"Yea well that boy band scout took out half of Semaphore's people. A boy band scout that was heavily armed that it destroyed all their merchandise." I quickly looked back at him, sitting up.

Kana pushed me back down.

"Lay down Montero." He instructed.

"The damage doctor, who did you go there for?" I tried sitting up again, while he pushed me back down.


Well, I know that when the mafia doctor is called, it was for the high ranking in the hierarchy. We had different doctors for different levels. Kana was on for the Don and second in command. López was on the third in command and the wives. Matos was on the common grounds. So calling Kana was serious business.

"You know I can't reveal that to you son. It's against the code." He reasoned. And it was true. No matter what happened to another mafia group, only the Don could disclose that. And right now, I wasn't the Don, so I didn't have the right to know.

"Doctor please," I held his arm tightly, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Sorry, Montero. I can't give you special treatment." He pulled his hand away. "Johnathan can come in. But he has to be five feet away from you. Your wife will wake up in two hours. You better have a good explanation ready for her." He then left.

A minute later, Johnathan came in with Eva, and they both sat at the far corner of the room.

"The doctor said five feet apart, not Covid 19 restrictions typer of eish." I shook my head.

"Yeah, we not taking chances." They held each other's hands.

Whipped. I shook my head.

"The Delapo's were hit. Kana was the one attending to them." I started, sitting upright.

"What?" The shock on Jonathan's face told me he also wasn't aware. When I left the mafia, Jonathan followed right after, but his inside connection never got burnt out. I can't say the same about me. Kalani said cut all ties, and all ties got cut.

"I think this is somehow connected, to us being hit I mean by those men. But I just don't know how as yet. It's a boy band scout, they call themselves the Black Stallions and-"

"Wait, I've heard of them." Eva interrupted.

I kept quiet and looked at her. Johnathan gave her the 'explain' look. She just squeezed his hand and she continued.

"They are an elite group of men. Some were in the military, and others were just born to kill type of people. They are like killing machines. They kill and dismantle everything they come across, and they know nothing of the word remorse." She explained.

"Well, that elite group is starting to be a problem. A problem I have to end." I spoke between my teeth, annoyed and angry that someone could just mess with the King while he is doing nothing but protect his Kingdom.
