Eva's POV

Kalani stopped breathing. Her heartbeat was gone. I shook her body but still, hers just laid there, lifeless.

"Kalani!" I yelled at her. "Wake up god damnit!"

"What's wrong with mom?" A voice suddenly startled me. When I looked behind me, and it was Dakota. Felix came running after them, but it was too late. The kids were here, and we couldn't make them unsee this. But I could save the little ones from the trauma.

I believe these kids have seen too much for the last couple of days to last them a lifetime. And they couldn't have any more of it. I'm afraid their tiny hearts can never stomach it.

"Aunt Eva, what's wrong with mom, and where is dad and Eawa?" Rumi asked. Truth be told, she was asking all the questions I didn't have answers to, and I didn't know what to say.