Chapter 10


What the hell did I just see happen? I look up and notice the moon and almost crap my pants out of fear. I look back down at Lia and back up at the moon. Oh no, a force shift can leave a werewolf traumatized!

"Shit!" I rush to her and shake her body, trying to wake her, trying to bury the need to run for the hills, "Wake up Lia! Wake up!"

Her eyes suddenly shoot open and she lets out the most terrifying growl I've ever heard in my entire life. A blast of golden energy surges from her and it forces me to bow my head in submission. An alpha never bows but her aura is too powerful. She closes her eyes again and collapses back down to the ground.


My eyes slowly open to see Henry staring at me with shock and amazement. I look down at my hands and notice something weird.

They're covered in fur

In fact, my entire body is covered in fur.

A voice chuckles in my head, "Hello, Amelia. My name is Raeya, I am your wolf." Wait wait wait! I shouldn't have shifted yet, not now!

I only now notice that Henry is still standing next to a tree, slightly hiding behind it but staring in awe nonetheless. "This one seems strange but I can sense his alpha blood, still I can't fathom why they want to crown him the next king," Raeya says. Talking to her is just how I've always imagined it would be. It's like hearing a voice in your head but instead of a faint figment of your imagination, it's clear as day. "Yes, he is strange, and yeah I don't understand it either but his pack is strong, powerful and they're a huge pack. It makes sense why we'd form an alliance with them."

Raeya huffs out loud and I imagine it's her version of a scoff, "You're saying that as if you're not against this arrangement. I know you and I'm a part of you. I know you don't love this boy and besides, he's not our mate." It's weird now that I think about it. My friends and other pack members have always described their wolves as instinctual and animalistic, they would communicate but the wolves would follow their instincts and primal urges, nothing like Raeya.

" Hey, Raeya, how come you're not like other wolves?" I hear her chuckle, "Well, firstly you're a tribrid so that would've been clue enough. I'm bigger than most wolves, including alphas, and because of what we are, your magic kind of transfers to me in a sense, giving me special abilities like being able to mind link anyone regardless of species or pack and we heal way faster than regular wolves." Wow, I definitely didn't know that. I knew each species would probably end up affecting the other but I didn't know to this extent."There's a lot more that we can do but we'll have to figure that out later. We should probably shift back before this poor soul gets a heart attack."

I laugh at Henry's face, half-hidden behind a branch, and take control. Before I shift back I recite a spell that allows my clothes to stay intact when I shift back into human form. My bones start cracking and pop back into place and before I could blink, I'm back in my body.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Henry walks out from behind the tree and stalks towards me, grabs my arm, and starts pulling me back towards the school.

A sudden wave of anger overtakes me, "Let me go!" I scream and Henry is flung across the woods, all the way to the school, and hits the side of the building. The trees around me have turned to ash everything else is dead. I look down at my hands and I'm glowing, my body is giving off a red aura. Henry's eyes are wide as saucers and I can tell he's terrified of me.

" Amelia, I'm sorry for grabbing you but I was freaked out by whatever the hell just happened okay, so please calm down and let's go back inside." Henry's speaking to me as if I'm some sort of wide animal. I catch my reflection in one of the windows and I seriously can't blame him. My entire body is glowing red and my hair is floating around my head like a halo. What really strikes me though, are my eyes. They're glowing blue and gold, a combination I've never seen before, ever.

I try thinking happy thoughts and almost instantly, images of Lucas flash through my mind. I immediately calm down and stop glowing. Henry is still staring at me and I swear I've never seen his eyes so wide, "What?" I ask. I get that I just shifted but he shouldn't be freaking out this much.

"Okay, I'm really trying to stay calm here but can you explain why you started glowing? Wolves don't glow!" I giggle slightly but I know he heard it. I forgot Henry doesn't know about what I really am, in fact, no one knows besides my mother and the witch who trained me, Clarissa. She was like a mother to me, a real mother and she was the only one who could be trusted with my secret. "Hello! Earth to Lia!"

My mind races to figure out what to tell him, there's no way I can tell him what I am yet. We walk down the path, back towards the school, "Henry, I seriously don't know what to tell you. I'm sure the blood moon along with my royal bloodline caused a forced shift and the weird red glowy thingy." Well, I wasn't technically lying, the blood moon did force the shift and I'm sure it was responsible for the red glow. Half the truth is still a truth.

He seems to be in thought for a while. I take this time to study him. Henry is a... strange one as Raeya said and maybe in another life, I could've found him kind of cute. I try and feel how Raeya feels about him and all I feel is indifference. Henry definitely isn't my mate then.

We walk in silence the rest of the way until we reach the steps and I slip. I yelp and brace myself for the impact but it never comes. Henry caught me at the last second and I smile at him in gratitude, "Henry, you do realize that we're not mates, which means we'll have to reject our true loves for this alliance." for a second I see the mask slip and for a split second, I think I see the real Henry, underneath the cocky, arrogant and territorial facade.

He looks away with a grim expression but quickly masks it with a smirk," It doesn't matter, you're mine and that's how it will stay."

I roll my eyes at him. I can't believe I thought I could have an actual conversation with this guy. I try to steady myself enough to stand up and get out of Henry's grasp when the doors are thrown open and Lucas comes charging out but stops in his tracks the minute he sees me in Henry's arms, fury written all over his face. Every wolf in the entire school turns towards me, their future queen, in the arms of their supposed future king. I stare into Luc's eyes and Raeya howls with joy.



"Arya, did you feel that?" Erika rushes towards the rest of the council, addressing the head, Arya. Arya, along with a few others are seated around a huge round table in the center of the gathering room. Every member of the council is here, each an elder and a master of their species, well everyone except Erika. How she landed a spot on the council is beyond me. Just because she killed a few hundred rogues with her magic and managed to stop a war, she gets a seat on the council of supernatural leaders. We're the ones who oversee everything and make the laws all supernatural species have to abide by. She's too young to be on the council and she's a witch too.

Arya smiles brightly and waves her hand, projecting the prophecy we all know by heart. All 12 of the members gather around, 4 from each of the dominating supernatural species. "Yes, Erika, I think every supernatural felt that power, which will make it even harder to locate. It's them, the link between the species the moon goddess told the very first council members about. The aura was so powerful but I felt it had traveled quite a distance. "

" I agree with you Arya, and the blood moon makes things even more complicated." Atticus, another warlock, answers. Another pretentious prick.

" What do you think, Lillian?" I look up, finally being addressed in the meeting.

What do I think? I think a certain friend of mine will be very happy to hear about this. "I think we should find this tribrid right away. He or she might be just the thing we need to finally settle things once and for all."