Chapter 11


This is bad. This is so so bad! Lucas is my mate? How is this even possible?

I look around and every werewolf in the entire hall is looking between the 3 of us, me in Henry's arms and Lucas staring at us. I jump out of Henry's grasp. "Luc, I know this looks bad but can we please just ta-"

I don't get to finish the sentence before Lucas lunges at Henry, tackling him to the ground. I see the wolves getting ready to help their alpha but one glare from me has them all staying put. I look back towards them.

Lucas might have thrown the first punch but even though Henry was quite skinny, it doesn't mean he isn't strong. Henry manages to flip them over and starts throwing punch after punch while Luc tries to block him. Lucas manages to kick Henry off him and is about to lunge again when I run between both of them and command, "STOP!" with so much power in my voice, even the humans stop what they were doing. Once again everyone looks between the 3 of us with me, once again, in the center. Lucas and Henry are still staring at each other, fury evident on both their faces and I can tell that if I don't defuse the situation right now, somebody is going to die.

I growl, low enough for only the wolves to hear, and they go back to doing whatever it is they were doing, making themselves scarce while the rest soon follow. I look between both the boys with a look that dares them to challenge me, "Lucas, I know how this must look but nothing happened. I slipped and Henry caught me, that's all. Go to the car and we can talk about this on the drive back." he doesn't dare go against my commands and I know for a fact Henry wouldn't disobey me either.

As soon as Lucas is out of earshot, I address Henry, "Calm down your pack members. I know you're their future alpha but make one thing clear to them. They are on human territory and if they harm a human without probable cause they will have to answer to me and mark my words I will not show mercy." I lace my words with as much venom as I can and receive only a nod in response. We part ways and I rush after Lucas, afraid that maybe he left me behind.

" He wouldn't leave us, our mate loves us."

Raeya speaks up for the first time since after our shift.

I sigh, "No, he doesn't. Our mate is a human, so he won't know we're mated. He doesn't love me, at least not the way I love him."

"I'm not so sure about that. There's something about our mate that's bothering me but I can't place it."

she doesn't give me time to respond before she puts a block on the link. I shrug and continue walking, finally spotting Lucas sitting inside his car, waiting for me.

I get in and he starts the car. We drive in complete, tense silence. His foot taps on the floor and I start picking at my fingernails, a nervous habit I've been doing forever.

It's been 10 minutes now I can't take it anymore, I still don't understand why he got so mad before, it's not like I cheated on him and besides, he doesn't even feel that way about me. "Luc, about what happened at the dance, I - what the fuck! " I yell as the car came to a sudden stop in the middle of nowhere. "Luc what the hell was that ab-" Luc leans over at lightning speed and kisses me hard enough to silence my every protest. It takes me less than a second to recover from the shock before I kiss him back.

He licks my lower lip, asking for access but I don't give it to him, not yet. He bites down on my lip and I gasp, giving him access to my mouth. The second his tongue touched mine, lightning shot through my veins and I'm lost. I moan into his mouth. He tastes like mint and the mango dessert we had at the dance and the combination drives me wild. I run my fingers through his hair and tug gently, making him groan into the kiss.

My eyes shoot open at the sudden realization.

What the fuck are we doing?

I push Luc away and get back in my seat with as much dignity as I could muster, which isn't much considering the fact that my lips are swollen red and my cheeks are on fire.

"See, I told you our mate likes us." I hear her laugh.

"Shut it." I block her out and sneak a glance at Lucas. His head is resting on the steering wheel and is breathing heavily. I can hear his heartbeat and it was all over the place. I open my mouth to say something, anything to cut through the silence but nothing came out. We sit in silence for a solid 5 hours, or at least what felt like 5 hours but really couldn't have been more than 7 minutes.

"Do you wanna know why I got so mad, Lia? Do you want to know why I nearly killed Henry because I saw you in his arms?" Truth be told, he wouldn't have been able to kill Henry if he tried but instead of saying it out loud I merely nod my head in response." Well, the truth is I don't know. I've never known when it comes to you and it scares me shitless sometimes because falling for you is one of the scariest things I've ever experienced and I just get so jealous that I-" He stops mid-sentence.


" Luc, what did you just say?" I ask in a small voice I barely recognize as my own. I touch his shoulder gently and for the first time since the kiss, he looks at me.

He smiles sadly and looks away blushing, "I like you, Lia. I've always had a crush on you but I don't know-" he sighs and lowers his head down to the steering wheel again. "- the last few weeks I've been falling for you more and more and when I saw you tonight, in that dress, looking like something straight out of my dreams, I knew I was in love." I gasp, my eyes going wide and I swear my heart stopped for a split second.

I pull my hand away from him and stare at him in disbelief. He just confessed to me that he loves me." yeah and you're staring at him like he has the plague. Our mate is nervous" I hear Raeya inside my head and can practically feel her rolling her eyes at me.

I compose myself quickly, looking him in the eyes, and am met with so much love and affection that I have to look away mere seconds later. "Luc, I never knew you had feelings for me, because if I did..." I trail off and his heart rate speeds up. "If I did, I would've told you that I feel the exact same way about you." The smile on Luc's face is so bright and wide it makes me smile in return before he pulls me to him and kisses me with so much love and need that I instantly melt into his arms. Raeya howls in my head and I can feel her happiness along with mine. I smile into the kiss before pulling away, trying to catch my breath. "As much as I would love to continue this, Luc, we need to get home."

He smiles sheepishly at me and starts the car, the dominant and confident Lucas from before long gone.


We arrive at my house about 20 minutes later after driving in comfortable silence. The lights from the living room are still on and that's when I remember that Cammie and Maddie are sleeping over tonight, in fact, I'm pretty sure I can make out their figures watching us from behind the curtains. I roll my eyes and cringe, yup this should be fun.

I glance over at Luc who's looking at me with a nervous expression, "Before you go, I was wondering if - well I was hoping that - if you know you'd like to go on a date with me tomorrow afternoon?" I smile at him and lean over to kiss him gently.

"I'd love that," I say and get out after telling him goodnight. I practically skip to the front door but before I can turn the handle the door shoots open and I'm pulled inside.

"Spill!" they both say in unison. They're both staring at me with their arms crossed. I start thinking of a million different excuses. I know they are referring to what happened at the dance and I know for a fact they know Lucas was my mate, every wolf in the school knew. Well, Cammie knew, I just wish I could tell Maddie the truth.

I roll my eyes at them, "Can't I at least get out of these shoes cause my feet at killing me." I stalk past them towards my room and make quick work of undressing and putting on my oversized t-shirt and shorts. I swear oversized shirts are the superior shirts. They're comfortable, big and I can wear them around the house without pants.

I turn around and let out a scream. These girls scared the bejeezus out of me. Thanks to the plush carpet their footsteps were nearly silent and the water running made it even harder to hear. "So?" Maddie says with a pointed look that tells me I'm not getting out of this. I sigh in defeat and they squeal in delight. All three of us gather by the window seat, which is big enough for all of us, and with the snacks surrounding us, I had no other way of avoiding this so instead I mindlink Cammie."Maddie doesn't know, she's human as far as we know although I've been noticing some strange behavior from her."

"of course Luna" I roll my eyes at her. I hate the title Luna because a) it means addressing the fact that I am going to be queen and b) because I'd rather they call me alpha instead, I'm the only heir to the throne and I'm powerful as shit so I am, in fact overqualified.

"Bitch I'm your alpha and none of that while we're living our lives in human territory" She snorts and Maddie looks between us, probably thinking that we're hiding something.

"So anyway, what happened with your date?" I blush a deep red and they squeal again. "Omg, you're the same shade as a ripe tomato, you must be hooked." they both start laughing and giggling after what Cammie said.

I roll my eyes at her. "Yeah, yeah laugh all you want but that means I won't tell you about the ki-" my eyes go wide as I slap my hand in front of my mouth but it's too late, I'm doomed.

"WHAT?" They both squeal at once. I hide my face in my hands trying to hide but they both tackle me to the ground, throwing all three of us on the plush white carpets.

"Spill now!"

"What do you mean kiss?"

"Omg, you guys kissed!"

I cover my ears but I can still hear them loud and clear. I laugh and put my hands over both their mouths, shutting them up. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you guys everything." they sit in front of me, legs crossed as if they are waiting for a fairytale. In an ominous voice, I say, "Gather round children and let me tell you a tale full of love, deceptive and true loves kiss"

"Ooh," they both say in unison and we all break out in laughter. Maddie is the first one to snap out of it "Okay for real though, what happened?"

We all calm down and I tell them everything, from how I slipped to the fight between the boys and finally to how Lucas confessed and kissed me.

I finish off by telling them about our date tomorrow night and both of them gape at me like fish out of water. Cammie rolls over, staring at the paintings on the ceiling, and sighs dramatically, "Your crush asked you out! I wish my life was that interesting."

I mindlink her, "Forgetting about your mate already, I must say I'm disappointed." I say in an amused tone I'm sure she heard through the link.

Maddie rolls her eyes, "Oh please, as if! Aren't you dating that super cute guy I saw you with at the mall yesterday?" Cammie blushes crimson and Maddie and I start giggling.

" Not the point, the point is Lia here has a date tomorrow" Cammie smirks and I know that look, "We have to go shopping" Maddie and Cammie start talking about what kind of outfit to get me.

I get up and walk past my purple and silver four-poster bed to the double doors leading to my closet. "Hey, guys I'm pretty sure I don't need to go shopping." I throw open the doors to reveal endless rows of clothes, shoes, accessories and so much more. They both scream and run in, dragging me along.

This is going be to a long night.