Chapter eight

“My girl you look like the dead! What is going on Tee?” Subtlety was not a word in Nathaniel Romero's dictionary; he spoke his mind without any thought. But that was one of the things Tanaka loved about him, she knew he would never sugar coat anything especially when she needed his honest opinion. “You were crying weren’t you? Who is it?” He abruptly sat up in the sofa he was sitting in. “Can I at least get a coffee first,” Tanaka murmured as a waiter came to take her order. I will get a large black coffee no sugar please. Nathaniel opened his mouth clearly amazed, “so not your usual iced caramel mocha latte then? Okay something is definitely wrong here. You did not even notice your favorite song playing in this place. Why are you dressed like that? Are you not going to work today?”

Nathaniel enough with the questions and I look fine by the way,” she said looking down to her go to comfortable outfit of black sweatpants and black t-shirt. On her feet were her favorite pair of crocs in black obviously. True she had not heard Chris Isaak’s wicked games playing overhead and that was a problem. “You do not look fine in the least babe. What is going on? I already figured out that it’s a guy but who because you never told me anything since the last time I saw you.” Tanaka would not meet his gaze, instead she started to analyze her surroundings. Oh hey their favorite café had been partially renovated, the previously brown exposed brick was painted white and- “Excuse me miss!” Nathaniel shouted while clicking his fingers into her face. “It’s Alessandro,” she sighed while still not looking at him. Her best friend was a dramatic character but in this moment he became instantly angry and she found herself concerned. “What did he do to you?” he annunciated each word slowly. “You better tell me now or so help me God!” Whoa Nathaniel, “Nothing he did not do anything Well he paid me a visit yesterday after leaving your mom’s house.” He raised his eyebrows. “Did he now? How come he did not tell me about it when I called him?” Tanaka shrugged and murmured, “I don’t know.”

“Tanaka what happened between the two of you? Did you two?” She cut him off before he could continue, “he made sure that did not happen after he kissed me and then made the excuse that you Nathaniel would not like anything to happen between me and him. Was he right babe? Would you mind if anything sparked to life between the two of us?” He seemed to think about it for a moment. “Look Tee I am carefree and all that but you are my best friend, the only person I am close enough to tell all the gory details about my life.” “Your point Nathaniel?” He sighed and continued, “Look what this Alessandro has already done to you and you are not even an item. My point is I do not want to see you hurt Tanaka.” He was extremely serious because he just called her by her full name. “Thank you Nathan." "And," Nathaniel added with a guilty look on his face. "What did you do now?" He sipped on his iced coffee before continuing, "I may have given him your phone number at some point. What! "Pardon, may? You may have given him my number?" He said and confessed, "Okay fine I definitely gave it to him. I don't know why so don't ask me please." She could not be pissed with him. "It's alright babe."

I think my overthinking is also to blame for my crying.” Nathaniel smiled and said, “of course it is and let me guess the moment he gave the excuse about me your mind being your mind thought it was about your weight. Am I lying right now?” He knew her too well. Had they only been best friends for four years? Felt like they had known each other since forever. “No Nathan you are right, that is exactly what I rushed to think of.” He took her hands in his, “I need you to stop thinking you are not worthy of some guys and worthy of some because of the way you look.” “But-” she interrupted him. “No, shut up and let me speak,” he cut in before she could say anything else. “Besides that you are a goddess Tanaka Huchi three quarters of the men you think you are not worthy of will never be worthy of you in a thousand years.” She felt a weight lift off her at her friend’s encouragement. “Thank you Nathan,” she said in a low voice. “So does that mean it is okay between me and Alex?” He smirked and said, “Already calling him Alex are we? Yes, it is fine. You go on and do what you have to I am right behind you.” “Why am I even asking if it’s ok I shut the door in his face he probably never wants to speak to me again.” Chuckling Nathaniel said, “Oh he is definitely going to call you. One thing about my cousin he does not like to leave things unfixed so he will probably come to your work place or back to your house to apologize. That should give you hope,” Nathan squeaked as he took a long swig of his iced latte. A ray of sunshine came into view through the dark clouds Tanaka had been seeing.

“Now tell me, what has been going on with that hunk from the party?” she asked with a naughty smirk on her face. “Meh it is alright cannot complain.” Yeah right as if she would believe that. “Nathaniel I can see you are trying as hard as you can to contain your happiness, please don’t try to make me feel better by not telling me because I want to hear every detail.” As was his signature sound he squeaked and animatedly started to describe everything that had happened since the party. Man, Tanaka was super happy for her best friend. He deserved happiness more than anyone after the last break up he went through. Nobody had expected him to bounce back from it but he had and happiness had found him again. “I am excited for you babe.” With a huge smile on his face he said, “thank you best friend.”

“Moving on to serious matters, what are you wearing for Clara’s pool party tomorrow?” Oh no Tanaka had completely forgotten about that. “Agh do I have to go? Can’t I just stay home and binge watch the office?” she groaned out. “Woman do not do this to me! You are going to that party even if I have to drag you down there. You have a serious problem are you aware of that?” She raised her eyebrows not comprehending what he was talking about. “What are you on about Nathaniel?” “The Office! How many times have you watched that thing in the past three months alone? I do not even know where you get the time to watch it.” Tanaka took a sip of her coffee, “Hey you do what you have to do to make time isn’t?” He raised his hands in surrender, “I will never understand your love for that thing.” He looked at his watch and got into action announcing he was late for work. “I am coming round for a sleep over tonight so we go over your swim suit choices. “Nathan come on-” He raised a finger at her like she was a child, “Tanaka no you are going and there is no argument about it. I have to leave for work now bye!” She continued sitting in her seat thinking of an excuse to get out of going to this thing. It seemed her best friend was set on getting her out of her comfort zone, first it was the red dress at that party and now this pool party where she would obviously have no choice but put on a swim suit.” If it wasn’t for Nathaniel she was not going to go but she had to for him.