Chapter nine

With each passing second, Alessandro was starting to regret Clara’s invitation to her pool party. Sure her place was beautiful and the crowd was okay but he would rather be in his own home working on his Indian Motorcycle. He was almost done installing the new engine and tires. That is what he would rather be doing, with a glass of whiskey in his hand. The effort it took to make conversation with these people physically hurt him. It was visibly clear that most of them, especially the women were trying to impress him. Alessandro from three months ago would be reveling in all this attention but this current Alessandro only had one woman in his mind and he had not laid eyes on her in a while, not since she had closed her door in his face. No woman had ever done that to him because all of them worshipped the ground he walked on and would do anything to please him. But Tanaka was different. Since the last time he saw her he had stalked all her social media like a serial killer would a target trying to find out what she was up to. But her social media had nothing to reveal, not what he wanted anyway There were a few pictures of her mostly selfies or half cropped pictures. The woman loved to wear black! He had to make a date to go visit her so as to set things straight with her and see how she was doing because he was still convinced she had been crying the day she shut the door in his face.

Then he had to see Nathaniel and ask him if… speak of the devil. He spotted Nathaniel, centre of attention among who seemed bent on showering him with hugs and kisses. His cousin knew how to work a crowd at a party because everyone was instantly drawn to him. How come he had not told him he would be attending this party? Was that Tanaka standing next to him? No way that was her!

Of their own accord, his legs started weaving through the people standing around the pool making their way over to his cousin and his best friend. It was Tanaka, his mind went blank for a few seconds before it came back to reality. The two-piece emerald swim suit she was wearing played havoc on his senses. The bra top showed a deep cleavage he longed to get lost in. His eyes traveled down her torso to her belly button and he found himself thinking how she would react if he dipped his tongue in there. Her thick thighs were exposed for all to see and he did not like that other men got to see those sweet thighs. “Back down Alessandro, she isn’t yours,” his mind reminded him. “Nathan why didn’t you tell me Clara invited you to this thing?” he asked all the while his eyes never leaving Tanaka’s. Nathaniel looked at him with a curious look, “uhm because then you would not have come and then you would not have seen this woman you are gawking at as if she’s naked. She is basically naked, he thought. Paying no attention to Nathaniel he spoke to Tanaka instead. “How have you been Tanaka?” He was genuinely asking as he needed to know what damage he had caused back that night. She gave him one of her award winning smiles and said, “I have been okay Alex thanks for asking.” She called him Alex that was a good sign.

“Okay I’m going to leave the two of you to chat bye!” “Nathan come on man you said you wouldn’t do this, abandon me,” Tanaka groaned. “That was before I knew dear Alessandro would be here to keep you company, “he winked and walked away. Now he was left alone with her, she looked a bit uncomfortable and he mentally kicked himself for that. “You look amazing Tanaka, that colour looks good on you.” She looked down her outfit, “You think so? Thank you, Nathaniel insisted I wear it maybe I could get myself a boyfriend haha.” His fury rose up at that statement and his nostrils flared. But why? She was not his to claim. Once again he failed to hide his emotions in front of her because she touched his arm and said, “hey I am kidding he did not say that.” Her small delicate fingers lightly holding onto his arm like that made him suck in a breath and her touch bruised him. Until this moment he hadn’t realized how much he had missed her touch, although he had felt it once before.

“Want anything to drink?” he asked to avoid saying anything he would regret. “I would thank you” “Let’s go over to the bar, after you.” He let Tanaka walk in front of him. Man she was beautiful! What had blinded him not to explore other body types in the past? The sway of her hips in that emerald piece of cloth had him hypnotized. What would it feel like to cup his- “Can I get a glass of fruit juice please,” her voice cut into his thoughts. “And what will you have Alex?” He looked at the menu board for a second, “I will get a glass of club soda please.” She looked at him weirdly as she perched herself onto a bar stool. “What is it?” “A club soda really, are you mourning someone?” He had to laugh at that, “I happen to like sparkly carbonated water Miss Huchi.” “Yeah I am not surprised. I got a strange feeling about you the moment I laid eyes on you, couldn’t figure out why but now I know. “Alessandro broke out in laughter and the people around the bar looked at him. “Hey stop embarrassing us,” she whispered with a smile in her eyes. “Sorry I couldn’t help it."

Tell me Tanaka how have you really been?” She took a sip of her juice and looked at him, “Really Alex I am fine, well work has been kicking my butt lately but other than that I am totally fine.” She did look great; he could not argue that. Her skin looked healthy and inviting and delicious. Get a hold of yourself Romero. “How have you been since the last time I saw you?” Having hot dreams of you every single night but he would not scare her off by saying that so instead he opted for, “Been doing great thank you.”