Chapter ten

Nathaniel had obviously been aware that Alessandro would be at this pool party but had chosen not inform her. It seems he had neglected informing the man himself. That’s why he had strongly insisted on her going and wearing the most revealing swimsuit she owned. The moment her eyes spotted him she her mouth had gone desert dry. She had managed to forget about how uncomfortable she was in this piece of cloth she was putting on. He looked like he owned the place in those semi tiny beach shorts. They left his muscular thighs on display and their shape fascinated her. He was not wearing a shirt or t-shirt and those muscles she had conjured long heated fantasies over were right there for her to see and admire. She loved the colour of his skin, he was naturally tanned and the olive shade made him look like an Arabian sheikh. How she wished she could run her fingers lightly over those washboard abs.

Then he had started moving towards Nathaniel and her. She had tried to hide herself in the group of people but who was she kidding she was too big to fit anywhere. Now she was sitting with him at Clara’s Sponge Bob bikini bottom themed bar and for the second time he asked her how she was. Delighted to see that he wanted to talk to her was how she was. Had she noticed a spark of interest in his eyes earlier on or that had been a figment of her imagination.

“How is work going?” His eyes lit up at the question. “Work is going great actually, which is something I have not said in a while. We are working on building a gothic style church in a location just outside the CBD.” She had read about the project in an architectural magazine online and the plans were like nothing she had seen before. “I saw the plans in a magazine and I have to say you are a genius Alessandro.” “You flatter me Miss Huchi.” She smiled as she took a sip and asked, “when do you expect to finish the building?” “The church gave us a deadline of six months so we still have a little longer to go.” What! Only six months. “Are you serious right now? They gave you six months to finish a two hundred sitter church, gothic style at that!” He looked impressed but she had no idea why. “What is that look on your face?” “I am impressed, you really read the article on this project didn’t you?”

Before she could reply Clara’s voice came through the PA, “Ladies and gentlemen if you could all make your way to the games area!” Tanaka heard a lot of people moan in protest. “Oh come on guys it was clearly printed out on your invitations that there would be time for games. Just go over there and find out what kind of games I am referring to, some of you may enjoy yourselves” She got off the dj’s stage and led the way over to the game area. “You want to play,” Alessandro’s deep voice asked her. “If you want I’ll play.” Because she did not want to do this alone. “Cool, let’s go over there,” he said while taking her small hand into his big calloused one. She loved the feel of his hands, they seemed capable of- “Alessandro,” an overly chirpy voice cut into her thoughts. In front of them stood a tall slim blonde who looked to be an inch shorter than he was. Instantaneous insecurity washed over her like a flood, she took her hand out of Alessandro’s hand and stepped back a bit to give the two of them space. It was clear from the way she threw herself onto him to hug her that the two had history.

This woman served as a reminder of the reason she had not wanted to attend this thing, tall slender beautiful women everywhere to remind her of what she was not. She prayed for the ground to open up and swallow her that minute. Alessandro looked at her and said, “Tanaka this is Hazel.” Without waiting for him to finish she chimed in, “Well go on tell her about us.” Alessandro threw daggers at the woman. And again without giving Alessandro a chance, “I’m his fiancée.” The smile plastered on her face was clearly to mock Tanaka and that is exactly how she felt. She needed to get away from this place right now. What a fool she had been, to seriously believe someone like the devastatingly handsome Alessandro Romero would be into her for who she was. He only saw her as an amusement, exploring angles he had never before he settled down with his gorgeous fiancée. And why had Nathaniel forgotten to mention this to her! The air around her was getting thinner by the second and she would suffocate if she did not leave the crowd of people for some fresh air.

“Tanaka-” he said. “Excuse me I need to go find Nathaniel,” she barely said then started walking away, anywhere her legs would take her. As she got further away from Alessandro and his woman she heard her laugh and she managed to catch the words, “Oh come on Alessandro what are you doing with that mini hippo, you have had your fun now grow up.” No she would not cry; she would not let her self-esteem be determined by a stranger. It had taken all of ten years to build the little confidence she had in herself and she was not letting it slide away at the remarks of whatever her name was. But who was she kidding, as she walked away she felt like the teenage girl back in her home country avoiding any contact with the human world but choosing instead to stay in her cocoon of safety. She walked as fast as her feet could go while looking down at the ground and bumped into a hard wall which turned out to be the one person she was trying to get away from, Alessandro.