Flaming Horseman

He splashes the horse with some water that came off of his clothing.

Gypsy, Daniels's horse, was hesitant about crossing a burning bridge. However, a gentle hand petting made all of its worries go away. Unlike his horse, Daniel only felt excitement in that situation. Daniel was salivating as his horse got closer to the burning bridge. Without any more delays, Daniel and his horse started to run across a 20-meter burning bridge. A smile that had cropped up on Daniel's face grew more and more as he felt the heat and the fiery ashes burn the skin of his forearms. In all honesty, he was enjoying feeling pure ecstasy, and this would be a thrill he would chase for the rest of his life.

"Wait, look at the smoke over there," said one of the children. On top of the hill, everyone had stopped paying attention to the race. Rose had collapsed a few minutes ago. Her father, the mayor of the town, had begun to cry out, "My daughter, my poor baby, what monster would wish to hurt such a delicate flower?" The kid who first pointed out the smoke kept yelling about it, but no one was paying attention to him. They were all trying to suck up to the mayor of the town to pay fewer taxes. However, the kid did not stop. He went straight to one of the announcers and pointed at the smoke.

After the announcer sees the smoke, he turns pale and screams, "FIRE... FIRE... FIRE,"

When everyone heard the screams, they stopped paying attention to the Mayor and his daughter. Even the mayor stopped yelling hysterically and looked at where the people were pointing at. Alejandro had immediately taken one of the binoculars a woman stole earlier and looked straight at where the smoke was coming from. He saw a brown and white horse run across the burning bridge.

At the same time, the hooded figure was shaking his head and sighing. "Why am I not shocked he did this instead of just jumping off the bridge?"

"I think the mister made a mistake by choosing him over the other," said the unknown rider who caught the bridge on fire.

Raphael, one of the race's judges, was the one who had to make sure everyone crossed the bridge in the order they came in. He was originally riding towards the unknown rider who set the bridge on fire. However, he stopped the moment he caught the sight of a flaming figure riding a horse. The figure was running across the bridge as flames danced around him. It made him forget everything he was doing and just stayed there in awe.

It made him remember a story his father used to tell back when he was a kid. The story was about how the legend El Zorro had saved the people of Sirena from the Brigada contra incendios. (He loved that story so much that he memorized every word of it.)

(They once led the town of Sirena, or what remains of it, on the eastern coast. The town used to be known as the jewel of the East. Due to its vast amount of resources, both the gangs and the military held it in such high regard. The town of Sirena used to provide up to 46% of both fish and oil that used to be sold around the East Coast. However, the thing that made a beautiful town into a historical remnant today is the jealousy of one man.

General Arturo González had fallen in love with Ms.Ruwana. She was the most beautiful girl that lived in Sirena. The general had fallen for her the moment he had seen her voluptuous curves and her strong demeanour. He wanted to conquer both her body and her heart. However, she had fallen for his adversary, who defeated the General on several occasions.

The General was not going to let the love of his life go to his adversaries. He had offered a challenge for her love, and to show his courage and determination. However, when his adversary didn't show up or accept the challenge, he decided to provoke him by setting the town on fire while forgetting one important detail: Ruwana was still in the town.

When fires started, one man appeared out of nowhere to save the day. He was the bane of both the gangs in the military. He was fair and judged above all. He was a young fox by the name of El Zorro. To his enemies, he wasn't fair or just. He was a canine bastard that used any trick necessary to get the job done. However, thatday he shown why he was the best and not a single person stood as high as him. He single-handedly managed to save both the young man and the woman of the town. In the end, when the general had seen the bravery shown by Zorro, the only thing he felt was rage, and he decided to attack him. Yet the only thing that fiend had managed to get was a quick and painless death by the hand of El Zorro. "(More

details of the story have been lost due to time. However, it didn't matter to him in this current situation. He was seeing the bravery shown by zero in another person, and then I managed to get a tear out of his old doll eyes that had lost faith in the world.

The boards beneath him were trembling, and the words felt lost, but the only thing he felt was joy as he made his horse jump across the bridge's finish line. As soon as his horse made contact with the earth, he saw that bastard. Who was just staring at him like he was a ghost? Yet he didn't stop; he ran straight towards him while taking off his burning clothes.

"Take this, you bastard!" He said, "Wow, rapping is burning clothing on his enemy."