Came back

"Take this, you bastard!" He said, as though the burning clothes on his enemy.

He didn't look back. He just continues to ride forward without paying any mind to it whatever happened to that person. even though some of the horse's saddles had melted on his skin that pain didn't make him look back or stop he only continued forward.

The ecstasy he had gotten from the burning Bridge was fading away slowly and it took all of his mental strength to keep hold of it.

" more...more, I need more that was not enough to satisfy me," he continued to scream in his mind.

" I know the perfect way to get this feeling again. Sorry, Gypsey please bear a little longer for me," he said as Petted the horse.

" Diego stop! DIEGO STOP!," Lucas screamed to Diego.

It had taken Diego a few seconds to stop after he heard Lucas scream. When he turned back to look at Lucas. He saw the black smoke coming from behind them. " why is smoke coming from behind us," Diego said with a look of Shock.

" I don't know but I have a bad feeling about those new guys," Lucas said with a worried expression.

they were both currently halfway through their lap of the mining town. they were both thinking of ways to find out what's going back there. It took them a few more minutes to realize that there was a new judge in their area. The judge was placed there to stop Daniels's trickery.

" holdup wasn't Nuyn the judge of the mining town'"

" Diego, you're right I forget about it him. We should go and find-,"

"Shh! Shh!," did you not feel that Tremor," Diego said, With you be amused face.

A second later they both heard the sound of the building next to the trembling. The trembling didn't stop, it travelled closer and closer to them. " are the old building Collapsing or something," said Lucas in confusion. " don't look at me like know what going on," said Diego, As he turned around to look at Lucas.

" WHAT THE FUCK'" Screamed Lucas.

Diego immediately turn to see Hey figure jumping from building to building as he got closer to them. When the person was close enough they saw that it was Daniel out of a shirt.

His being half-naked was not the thing that surprised them, what surprised them was that his arms were scarred and bleeding. Daniel only smirked as he saw that he caught up to them.

" WAIT! isn't that cheating," Diego shot it to Daniel with a goofy smile.

Daniel retorted with " The rules state that I'm not supposed to go through buildings, nothing on riding on top of them,"

" these two morons are thinking about the rules while Daniels's arms look like it needs urgent care," Lucas said to himself with a deep sigh.

" Forget about the race your arms look terrible. Get down so we-," before Lucas could finish his statement Daniel Interrupted him with "SHH, and by losers,"

after that brief interaction, Daniel went back to focus on his actions. He leaned forward and got in sync with the horse. in a situation where he was dodging and jumping to avoid chimneys, trash, holes, and other obstacles. He was calm, cool and having a fun time. Even Though every step, the horse takes the whole building feels like it's going to crumble. He was so focused that he didn't see the two figures staring at him with bewilderment.

(( tap tap )) the silent figure.

"What is it," said the laughing figure.

(( points at Daniel then twirls his finger on his head,))

" I'm not sure if he is crazy or not. The fact that he looks like he's enjoying that doesn't help his case either," said the laughing figure.