Hello Matt how are you doing
I am doing fine thank you I'm sorry about your childhood as well mine was more Bittersweet than tragic there was some good parts but there was also some horrific Grizzly Parts in my childhood that really I shouldn't be mentioning. I was born in a war zone in a be used in the orphanage before I was adopted and then I was adopting then I went to Catholic school where they have you started even more in Catholic School. So I'm not too fond of Catholic School System. I'm sorry to say that. Other than that I'm doing well I've had some good experiences in life are unseen year of Turkey Greece and South Central and North America I live in North America but as well as the rest of North America and North Africa is where I was chilling that's good that's inside my family outside of my family I was treated like trash. Until I want to the place where I live now and then I feel like I'm valued and Care before again without the drama of the school system
It'll be fun to Roy to you yes I'm going to be happy to write you and send you some of my artwork so that I have worked on particularly on my iPad but I'm not on my iPad now I'm on my phone and I actually like to do difference digital paintings. Right now I'm planning on doing a mural on the wall adjacent to my bed so that should be good and had to take some time. I'm also learning about palmistry which is life reading knuckles and hand palms and stuff it's really interesting. Did you know that there are certain pictograms in your knuckles that you wouldn't be aware of noticing if you didn't look close enough peer like a stick figure another stuff here is very interesting.
Hope to hear from you soon