South Africa

I Hello Emma

How are you?

I'm doing fine thank you it's good to hear from you and it's good that you want your palm read but do you know that you can also have your knuckles red as well. Is there truth there are pictograms in your knuckles that you don't usually see it unless you squint and look very closely. And there's different lines and lumps in your hand that mean different things and mean things about your personality and your career and other things I don't really agree with the career part because I am kind of multiple personality person.  I am still hoping to teach kids astronomy and stargazing one day and to teach them what my father taught me about the stars in the sky. I'm as far as the shamanic roots of Canada it's that everything is interconnected with the universe and nature and the spirits and ghosts. And there's this thing called The Vision Quest where you end up having a dream about your spirit animal or Spirit Animals I have three Spirit Animals the wolf the bat and the peacock bird.   I haven't seen a wolf in my dreams but I've heard them howl around my bedroom window at night one time I have seen a peacock bird in person in a petting zoo and I was and I thank it for showing up there. I'm very and I also met my other spirit animal the bat in the dream realm as well.  I am actually very interested in nature and spirituality of nature that actually one time I heard someone say can clean your DNA and your karma but that is just hearsay about that I get flying when I do go into a teepee or something that I'm able to actually enjoy nature and feel cleanse as if I just took a really good shower only on the inside out.

Hope to hear from you soon
