Fillatent Capital town

In the end, Aren decided to use 500 spirit energy per five-minute-long circulation. However, he only managed to do five circulations before stopping as Cerity and others slowed down because they reached the capital town.

Aren looked at his spirit energy pool and spirit stone.

-Spirit Energy Pool: [ 4848/10,200 ].

[Spirit stone I]

-Grade: uncommon.

-Storage: Force level 1 spirit energy [5120/10,000].

"It looks like my spirit core's recovery speed is slower than this spirit stone," Aren muttered before he put the spirit stone inside his pocket instead of putting it inside the inventory to let it continue recovery spirit energy.

He then looked at the front and saw a large, brightly lit area. The capital town was bigger than what Aren expected.

However, he saw that the extreme right of the town was wreathed in flames, and several lights were moving around.

There were three giant flame pillars in that area, and a burning cloud was moving around, being chased by a purple light.