Shop and Ceremony

[Your path has leveled up to 9]

[Two talent points gained]


Aren looked at the notification of his path leveling up after he healed himself until all that was left to heal were his cut-off limbs. He was surprised that he got two talent points.


[Armalist Drive +5]: Increase the cap of your Armalist force by 500. Gear slots increased to 12 slots in total.


'Hmmm. This time, I gained a boost in my Armalist force capacity, while in the previous upgrade, my control range for the Armalist gears increased to one kilometer. Hmmm...Anyway, the more Armalist force I have, the better.'

There were two more blinking talent nodes.


[Armalist Cloak+]: Your natural control of gear manipulation is increased even more. The skill of the Armalist Cloak will unlock as the information on how to use it will be etched on your brain.

[Emporio Heart]: Innate Core Gear;

- First Form: Throne