Path Trial-3

When Aren reached the 6-hour mark, his mind suddenly felt intense fatigue, and it increased each second. He had a difficult time manipulating his gears to attack the monsters.

Hence, he used his stored experience to level up one time to recover himself fully.

But he didn't use his stat points. He still had 32 stat points that he didn't spend and saved the 5 stat points he got from reaching level 31 as well.

Time passed as Aren continued fighting with full focus, killing monsters efficiently and with calculations.

He could kite monsters and be in full focus mode to dodge their various attacks. He was injured many times as well, but as his pain resistance had gone up, his performance didn't drop due to injuries, and he gradually healed them with his potions.

[...1550 path exp gained.]

[...1550 path exp gained.]

[...1550 path exp gained.]

[...1550 path exp gained.]

[...1550 path exp gained.]
