Entrance Test Zone-1

-Skill Rank: Epic

-Skill level: 5

-Cost: 200 spirit energy per seed.

-Effect(previous): Using this skill, you can create a seed that you can control. Once it hits an enemy, it will explode to deal damage and release two demonic vines to impair the enemy. Impaired enemies will have difficulty controlling their spirit energy.

-Effect(Current): Using this skill, you can create a seed that you can control. The seed will explode to deal demonic damage and release three demonic vines to impair the enemy. The enemy impaired by the vines for at least one second won't be able to use any skills or abilities that require spirit energy for the next three seconds.

-Note: You can use multiple seeds for more damage and better impairment. You can either form vines around the target or connect the vines to the ground to make the enemy trapped in one spot.

-As the vines are of the demonic element, their attack power will increase if the user has the demonic affinity.