Tournament Entrance Test

After killing the lion, an arrow was again shot towards Aren, pointing in a particular direction.

"That was a powerful attack."

Aren turned to his left and saw the girl flying towards him with emerald feathered wings behind her back.

'Such a powerful bloodline aura; he should have high potential,' thought Lavena as she approached Aren, 'hmmm, maybe I can use him to achieve my goal.'

"Haha, your attack was more powerful; you killed that tiger with one attack, unlike me," Aren said with a wry smile.

"This is the third time we encountered each other despite the vastness of this world," Lavena said with a small smile, "my name is Lavena. How about we travel to the test spot together?"

"Sure, let's go," Aren nodded, "you can call me Aren."



-Level: 40

-Lifeform: Supreme-2

-Path: Lustrous Deadeye




'Oh, she is nine levels above me,' Aren thought as he looked at her information while following behind the arrows.