Chapter 4: Whiskey Peak Claims

~At Night~

A quite night complemented by a proud full moon, joyful crickets and a restless fire. Drake layed in his bed as he slowly drifited to sleep. To his side was Fluffy, the summon that Pain called to further protect Drake when he wasn't around. The silence could fool an smart person into feeling safe to attack, just like the Baroque Works pirates did but they didn't expect the hiding demon waiting in the shadows.

The invaders pushed onwards as revealing as daybreak, not even trying to conceal their arrival. The large pirate ship docked at the beach and started to gain movement. Their view of the sight after a while, was caught by a house further back from the beach at the edge of the forest.

Mr 9: "So this is the island boss picked out for our operation. It's quite nice and getting pirates would make it alot better, don't you agree Mr 8, Miss Wednsday, and Miss Monday."

Miss Monday: "Of course dear husband, we can settle down here just fine as lone as boss gets his wealth."

Miss Wednsday & Mr 8: "definitely!"

As the pirates conversed loudly, a certain purple-eyed guy was staring at them annoyed, not by their appearance but because of their noise. Before sleep Drake commanded Pain to stay watch and to make sure that he is not disturbed. Pain accepted his task wholeheartedly, thus absolutely despised the pirates that have just arrived and are close to disturbing his master.

"If using my full strength wouldn't inturn disturb master then these pirates would already be back at see on or off their boat." Pain whispered to himself. He locked on the 4 pirates that looked to be the leaders of the 100 pirates that arrived.

Random pirates: "Lets raid!"

The pirates charged towards the house in hopes of steal riches and leave and to find a certain individual who created the large floating planet they previously witnessed. Leaving thousands of footprints on the dark beach, the pirates were close to the house until a shadowy figure jumped out of the roof, his face full of anger. Before the invaders understood what was happening they barely heard the phrase, 'be quiet' before a strong pressure was pushed upon them. The pressure kept increasing until nearly half of the Baroque Works pirates were on their knees.

Random piartes: "What's happening? Who is this guy?"

As the moonlight hidden by dark clouds began clearing, the view became clear. The pirates looked solemnly straight at a oranged-haired personage with purple eyes covered in a black clock with red clouds as he spoke,

Pain: "Get lost or be quiet!"

Mr 9 who suddenly grew a backbone, decided to challenge Pain's threat with his own.

Mr 9: "Who so you think you are to interfere with Baroque Works business, since you have sime talent due to that big boulder we saw when coming here, either join us or you will die!"

Within the house, Drake was tossing and turning irritably and muttering, 'quiet'.

Pain's facial expression grew fiercer as he saw Mr 9 get louder and he was able to hear his master getting disturbed by the sounds coming from the house. The rest of the pirates looked on in anger at Pain while Mr 8 and Miss Monday wanted to know why he was getting angrier at them.

Pain started to body flicker and punch 10 pirates per second in the face for atleast 3 full minutes as his body started to get sore, but as he finished the pirates opposite him all had bruised faces that even their parents wouldn't be able to recognise.

Miss Wednesday tried to diffuse the situation.

Miss Wednsday: "We were just trying to settle here because we were ordered to, so how please show us mercy as we had no say in the matter."

Pain looked on at Miss Wednesday and Mr 8 behind her who looked like they were hiding something but didn't care and responded,

Pain: "I have been tasked to make sure no one disturbs my leader tonight, but all of you are threatening that missions sucess with your noise and you all dare try to rush the house I was told to guard. All of you need to stay away, if any of you decide to stay or get closer heaven will be your relief. I warn you know as if you don't listen you shall all feel Pain!"

Due to the straightforwardness answer the pirates recieved, they dragged their bruised bodies to the other side of the beach as told while regretting waking up in the morning, also to make sure they were on good terms they offered compensation for what they did. Little did they know that Pain took all their ship had as punishment for disrupting Drake. Soon the sun started to rise and so did Drake as he sat on Fluffy and went outside only to find a battle to claim Whiskey Peak has already ended in his favour. Outside his door stood pain who respectfully spoke to Drake about what occured at night. His face gave off a suprised facial expression. The Baroque Pirates that look at a distance to Pain greeting a baby respectfully felt like the world was all wrong while their leaders felt wronged for different reasons.

~Drake POV~

From what I heard of Pain's encounter last night, I seemed to recollect a similar scene that I had in a dream. I was in an impenetrable fortress at night while a mob of animals came rushing in but when it got brighter they looked lifeless and deformed. As I looked at the sorry state of the pirates further away I thought.

'Maybe it wasn't a dream'

~Pain POV~

As I looked at Masters happy satisfied expression with my work and effort from last night, I started feeling fulfilled, that this is what my life is meant to be for. I will forever live to serve and protect master Drake.