Chapter 5: Eternal Art

~4 years later~

The sun shown high today and with that began the day me and pain leave this island. It has been a couple of years since I arrived in the world of One Piece and had an interaction with our new neighbours.

Yes, the Baroques Works piartes that invaded that night have had a change in attitude overtime. At the beginning the pirates kept attack Pain and myself morning, noon and night but after countless defeats they have become submissive, well everyone but the previous leaders and as you may have guest I have become their new leader. It's weird when you believe a toddler is the boss of over 100 pirates, but this world is crazy on its own so this is my contribution to the works.

The pirates have become cannon fodder members of my akatsuki organisation even if they don't know it, the funny thing is they think being under me will get them power and strength but I'm saving them all for a certain individual I will meet in the future.

Another update is Pain's power, he can now proudly be called a super kage who can Madara in his prime. This was of course due to training for 4 straight years without rest or complaint and he managed to unlock conquerers Haki. I knew since the day Pain was summoned that he already had a powerful aura. It was unlocked during the finally attempt the pirates made that afterwards made them submit.

It was a year ago, I was with fluffy watching Pain train his rinnegan's ocular powers. Pain felt that the rinnegan had more powers to it than what he knows. During the day he kept focusing chakra into his eyes and just as he was about to make a breakthough, the pirates attempted their 1000th attempt at my life as they already gave up on Pain. Swords were drawn from within the bushes and 100 shadowy figures emerged rushing at me. Since Pain was focused on his training, he noticed to late. Right as I was about to see red, the pirates hit an invisable wall, Pain unlocked Madara's rinnegan ability limbo. This skill Madara used in the anime summons invisable shadows of the person and contain their strength. Through this new power Pain subconsciously summoned 4 limbos that all surrounded me. As the attack failed and Pain realised I could have been killed he got pretty pised off. The aura around him brought a whole new definition to 'if looks could kill'. Just then the clouds turned dark, lightning struck and unstable winds blew throughout the island as Pain unlocked conquerors haki. The pirates couldn't even move and just went unconscious. Thus they just gave up and submitted under my rule as akatsuki pirates. Mr 9 and the rest of the previous leaders were banished to the most desolet part of the beach.

Now enough of that, it's time to leave.

"Pain, Fluffy, everyone it's time to leave"

Akatsuki pirates: "Yes Boss"

Pain: "Understood master, lets get on the shi..."

Miss Wednesday: "Wait sir, please listen to my request. I know your strong and that's why I need you to save Alabasta, I'm the princess Vivi Nefertari and..."

"Stop right there, your not my princess and I don't care about your situation. You believe someone will help you just because you ask, maybe some other idiot would but not me. No one in this life will be above me or order me around. I will be king of the pirates, not for being the most free but to have power and strength. We're off."

Miss Wednesday: "We're doomed."

[Condition receiving reward...done]

[Host wishes to claim reward? y/n]

'What condition? Nevermind, what's the reward. Yes, claim reward."

[Acknowledged, pending reward]

-1x pirate ship customiser

*Use on a ship to upgrade it to adams wood and seastone coating.

[Adams wood is what Gol D Roger's ship was made out of, it is the best kind of would and seastone counting repels sea kings from attacking the ship]

-1x random akatsuki member summon ticket

*Summons one random akatsuki member from the anime with their abilities and added benefits from being summoned by system. Member summoned will be 100% loyal to host, unlimited chakra, have strength at the time of their peak and unlimited regeneration.

"Well that's convenient, but system what was the condition?"

[The condition host met was declaring to the world your goal, this usual unlocks conqueror's haki for special individuals like yourself which you will find out about in the future, but to compensate the systems creator generated these rewards. Host can earn more rewards by achieving conditions through future actions.]

'I won't think about this know but it's good to know for later. Time to summon my second member/subordinate. System, use random akatsuki member summon ticket'

[Using summon ticket by host command]


[Summoning akatsuki member 'Sasori of the red sand' to host world]

A familiar scene occurs as light particles descended from the sky. Once the light show ended a new individual emerged. He had red hair, lifeless eyes and was wearing an akatsuki uniform. This was Sasori of the red sand, the naruto worlds strongest puppet user. Sasori started absorbing the surroundings, afterwards locking eye contact with me. He started walking towards me and smirked.

'Show status'

Character: Sasori of the Red Sand

Status: member of akatsuki, subordinate

Strength: S

Chakra: Jonin

Skills: Secret red technique: performance of a hundred puppets, secret red technique: thousand puppet hands, water pressure jutsu, air pressure jutsu, fire pressure jutsu

Sasori: "I don't understand what happened, or why I'm here. I feel like I'm forgetting my past anyways so it doesn't matter. I just know that you are my master and also akatsuki's new leader. Thanks for achieving my dream, now I am the puppet, an eternal art."

"I didn't expect to summon you so soon, but now that your here lets get to work. I've prepared 100 bodies for you to do your specialty, making puppets out of human bodies."

Sasori: "Of course, master is the only one who appreciates my art and I as your puppet shall happily fulfill your desires. I would prefer them to be unconscious."

"Not an issue, Pain can handle it."

Pain: "Understood master."

Pain unleashed his conquerors haki on to the unsuspecting pirates, without much resistance all the pirates went unconscious.

Sasori: "I'll get to work then."

The departure was delayed by a couple of hours but the benefits outweighed the loss of time. Sasori finished his work and now 100 bulky 'pirate' puppets wearing red robes stood motionless behind sasori. Their were all lifeless and now were hollowed out. My puppet master then skillfully manoeuvred thousands of chakra strings to attach to the puppets, after a second they all started to move. This was just like the anime and this is sasori's ultimate puppet jutsu.

Sasori: "Secret red technique: preformance of a hundred puppets."

"Now the akatsuki pirates have the leader, secret power house and a puppet master assassin. The akatsuki won't have to deal with betrayal as the rest of the crew are 'loyal' puppets that won't move unless wanted. Anyways lets set sail!"

Pain/Sasori: "Yes master!"

We moved towards the sorry excuse for pirate ship, it looked so broken that is was basically floating drift wood. What self respecting pirate will sail on this empty and unarmed ship, well it won't be a problem anymore.

'System use the ship upgrade'


[Upgrading pirate ship]

A white light surrounded the ship and engulfed it until the light made the shape of a cocoon. The process took abit longer then that of a summoning but not much as the light dimmed down and a large pirate ship was left. It included bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, captains quarters, main deck, crows nest and the akatsuki pirates flag. The flag had a skull and cross bones positioned behind 3 red clouds placed on the left, right and bottom.

The wind started blowing and the sails pushed us off, puppets were cleaning the ship, making food and petrolling. Pain was by my side while Sasori hid himself but was close by. Sasori, just like in the anime was amazing in infliltration and assassinations. This is just the start of my journey and the new legend of the akatsuki in One Piece.

~Sasori POV~

I'm still in a puppet body but this time not with that weakness of a heart. I am now a complete puppet, an eternal art. Master has fullfilled my wish so I will do the same for him as I'm no longer the puppet master but just a puppet. Master may wield me anyway he desires and I wish to never be human or human-like again as I was before I was summoned.

~Earlier Today~

Sakura: "I may be a woman but don't underestimate me! cha!"

Chiyo: "It seemed that princess Tsunade beat her spirit into her disiple, she fights just like her."

Sasori: "Lets continue fighting old hag."

~Nearly the end of the fight~

Chiyo: "Look at Sasori's body, his heart is missing, now I understand why he still looks the same as back then. He turned himself into a puppet but since he still need chakra, he had to keep his heart. We must destroy it."

Sakura: "I got it, now I''l give you one last chance to tell me where Sasuke is! now."

Sasori: "Defeat me first..."

Chiyo: "You let your guard down my foolish grandson, you didn't even realise the seal I prepared. I will cleanse our family sins now..."

Sasori: 'I just wanted to become an eternal art, one that transands time. I got close but this seems to be it'

A strange light started to appear, I thought it was from my grandmother but she would be to weak to do this so I didn't understand what was happening. Stuck in thought, the light attracted my puppet body into it as I faded from the seen.

Sakura: "We...won...sniff...he didn't tell me...sniff...anything about Sasuke."

Chiyo: "Sorry Sakura lets head back to the others and help Garra."

~In the void~

I felt my vitality decrease until I felt my connection to my heart severed, but I was still alive and the human heart in my chest turned to dust as the remaining hole sealed up. The same light reappeared in front of me and entered my body, infomation appeared in my mind. After a while my mind become clear. I was now a puppet and my master needed me. Once I felt loyalty towards this master I haven't even met yet, my body started to fade from the void.

~At Whiskey Peak~

My vision once again turned bright and I was able to see I was at a beach. Continuing to look around my eyes locked onto a 4 year old and a connection was then immediately formed. I was his puppet and he was my puppet master.

Sasori: "I don't understand what happened, or why I'm here. I feel like I'm forgetting my past anyways so it doesn't matter. I just know that you are my master and also akatsuki's new leader. Thanks for achieving my dream, now I am the puppet, an eternal art."

"I didn't expect to summon you so soon, but now that your here lets get to work. I've prepared 100 bodies for you to do your specialty, making puppets out of human bodies."

Sasori: "Of course, master is the only one who appreciates my art and I as your puppet shall happily fulfill your desires. I would prefer them to be unconscious."

"Not an issue, Pain can handle it."

Pain: "Understood master."

Pain unleashed his conquerors haki on to the unsuspecting pirates, without much resistance all the pirates went unconscious.

Sasori: "I'll get to work then."

Master treats me like a puppet, he wants me to make more puppets. I will create more eternal art that will aid master now and forever.

~Hours Later~

It took me a lot of time but I managed to rebuild my collection of puppets just like before I hollowed them out, filled them with hidden weapons and gave them a red cloak. Since I used pirate bodies they seemed more bulky than the ninja bodies I used to use. Now was the time for my ultimate technique

Sasori: "Secret red technique: preformance of a hundred puppets."

"Now the akatsuki pirates have the leader, secret power house and a puppet master assassin. The akatsuki won't have to deal with betrayal as the rest of the crew are 'loyal' puppets that won't move unless wanted. Anyways lets set sail!"

Pain/Sasori: "Yes master!"

We came to a poor built boat that magically got upgraded by the same light that brought me here. I'm sure the destiny of this world is for master to control and I will aid him stand at the top of it all. My puppets are already doing all sorts of chores on the ship as we sail. I will make more and add them to the army I will make for master. A puppet taking the initiative for the puppet master, that's a first but I seem to be ok with it. Now and forever.