Chapter 6: Shadow Encounters Part 1

Thanks for the support so far, I have reentered school a week ago and needed to reschedule release dates but I am now ready to continue uploading new chapters.


~In the captain's quarters, Drake POV~

As a hundred puppets where doing chores such as cleaning, cooking and steering the ship I took it upon myself to relax at my quarters. Sasori was stationed at the crows nest controlling all of the puppet crewmates and navigating the ship with the log post we obtained from the resources of Baroque Works. Pain locked himself inside the ships training room and left Fluffy next to me, he can look through Fluffy's eyes so he will no if there's a problem up deck.

Sasori: "Greetings master, we are on route of the grandline towards sabaody archipelago. We will arrive next month as long as there are no disaster storms or unwanted encounters."

"Nice to hear, continue your work and try to train along with Pain so that you can also increase your strength."

Sasori: "I will keep that in mind master."

The ship which waved the akatsuki flag sailed smoothly for weeks but we were running out of resources, thus we needed to restock.

'Good thing our profession is being pirates and not law abiding civilians.'

I looked towards Fluffy and say,

"Pain, come here."

A large 'bang' could be heard in the lower deck and in a few moments the door calmly opened with Pain coming in. If I didn't know that Pain was my subordinate, I would have thought I would die just by making eye contact with that gangster looking appearance.

~Minutes ago, Pain POV~

I was focusing on incorporating a unique taijutsu style which incorporates my six paths abilities into my physical attacks. A weakness that I had in my previous life was that I had to stop my assaults to prepare my abilities which I have decided to rectify to overcome my previous strength. I continues to train with my soul absorption punch which takes my regular punch and as I retract the soul is pulled out. I can't use it to much as I would get confused with the different souls I absorb which would also absorb the targets memories, thus I can only do it a limited amount of time before I have to sort my thoughts. My training continued until master in his quarters ordered, 'Pain, come here' through Fluffy to which I immediately left without restraint and due to my speed broke a few walls until I reached the upper deck. I then reached masters quarters and calmly entered.

~Drake POV~

"Are there any ships nearby, I remember that your a sensor."

Pain: "There is a pirate ship a ship as large as an island docked north of our ship."

"Good, the larger the ship the bigger the resources it has. Tell Sasori to steer the ship towards the island ship."

Pain: "Understood master."

Pain left my quarters to tell Sasori my orders and the ship began to sail in the set direction.

~A few days later, Sasori POV~

The sky began to turn dark as we kept moving towards the island ship as master requested. Thick fog blocked the view past it but I know that we are still going in the same direction, I got a bad feeling and went to check on everything else. Through my puppets I was staying on my guard and taking out my reserve collection from the storage room of the ship just to be safe before leaving towards masters quarters.

"Master, I don't like the fog coming towards us. We should be careful moving forward."

Drake: "Then let me take a look, also go and call Pain."


I used one of my puppets to call over pain from the lower deck as I locked my eyes ahead directly towards the fog while keeping close to master. Pain came over but that didn't matter as the island ship that we were heading for was coming right at us!

~Drake POV~

'I am starting to regret trying to practice doing pirate things.'

"Maybe we should head back."

Sasori: "I'll get on it..."

Before Sasori could finish his sentence the island ship sailed towards us and pushed our ship into an open docking bay which then closed off.

"I guess were trapped here."

Looking around the fog slightly subsided, the view of the island came to view.

"The ship that was described as large as an island was actually an island that floats. I believe the only way to leave is to open it view the control room of the island ship. Sasori will guard the ship with his puppets while Pain and I look around."

Pain/Sasori: "Yes master!"

The akatsuki pirates split up, Pain and I walked through a eerie forest with a haunting wind blowing.

Pain: "Master, there's something passed those trees."

Pain went ahead of me as we went to check out what he sensed. Passed the trees what was saw were monster-like individuals with body parts held together by stitching.

"Pain, are they dead or alive?"

Pain: "They are both dead and alive master. They contain some vitality within them but are also in the body of the dead."

"Let's continue to stay unnoticed and try to collect some information."

Pain: "Understood!"

~Zombie POV~

I was tasked with patrolling the forest on orders today and met up with my fellow zombies.

"Have you found the new pirates captured by master Moria, he has ordered there ship to be looted as soon as the crew is completely captured."

"There is nothing here, master Moria doesn't want to be disturbed as he is currently building his strongest zombie yet but he hasn't found the right shadow."

"Let's just continue searching."

"I miss when we could eat, I would really like some fish now."

"You can't, master has forbidden eating that type of food full of that stuff."

"Right, right."

Thus continuing our boring patrol for the pirates.

~Drake POV~

The feeling of pity could be felt towards this Moria guy as his subordinates just spoke out important information to whoever could here it. From what was said...

1. Moria has a shadow power that can create zombies from dead body parts

2. They are looking for us

3.Moria is busy creating a strong zombie so he should be hidden or won't appear

4. They can't eat fish or the 'stuff' in fish.

If I think about it carefully, if you make fish plan it just tastes salty so maybe they can't have salty food for whatever reason. Looking towards the direction the zombies left to a giant castle could be seen at a distance. Traditional boss headquarters accompanied with patrolling troops makes place where Moria and control room are.

"Pain, I want you to collect some sea water in a couple of bottles. Then let's head over to the castle discreetly."

Pain: "I will get it done master."

It didn't take long that pain came back carrying a few bottles of sea water we began heading towards the castle.

Pain: "Master, I feel like we are being watched."

"Then let's pick up the pace as I would rather arrive at the main event under my own terms."

Pain: "Right!"

Pain held my arm as he body flickered us towards the castle.

~Moria POV~

"My shadows have picked up the movements of the pirates that we captured earlier, they tried to hide but nothing can escape my notice on my ship Thriller Bark. The little kid looks especially weak but the person next to him seems to be extremely powerful. I believe I have found the perfect shadow for my strongest creation and it is coming to deliver itself to me. I can't wait, shishishishishishishi!"


To be continued