Its pretty dark in here

When I was alive I tried to imagine what being dead might be like. Safe to say that whatever I thought the 'afterlife' might be like, this wasn't high on the list.

I was expecting a gate made out of gold and angels welcoming me or maybe a backstreet boys concert if Seth Rogan movies have taught me anything. Maybe I would've met the ferryman taking me sending me to eternal pain or some shit like that, not that I think I deserve to go to hell, I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything to deserve it.

And yet here I am, in this dark place. I don't really know how I could describe it but it's not like being in a dark room or just keeping your eyes closed. You ever seen black paint? I mean that really really black paint that's meant to absorb light, it's sort of like that I guess.

Anyway I'm getting ahead of myself, I am…. Uhh fuck what's my name? I genuinely can't remember, ain't that weird. Anyway back on topic, I'm dead if you somehow couldn't figure that out in the previous paragraphs, at least I think I'm dead but I could be in a coma or just a really long sleep, and if that's the case then that is very impressive and I'm proud of myself for such an achievement.

So I can't really remembered how I ended up here, shit I can't really remember anything important, the only kind of stuff I can remember is the most unpractical and useless pieces of information for a situation like this, I mean what can I do with knowing that pigs don't sweat! And don't even get me started on the torture of knowing that I might never see the ending of one piece or about the other hundreds of TV shows and movies that I never got around to watching or finishing, I mean fate can be pretty cruel.

And so here I am, just floating around here. Yes floating, I'm pretty sure I don't have a body anymore considering that fact that I can't even feel one nor can I look around or move my eyes. I guess I have ascended or some deep religious shit like that, maybe I have awakened my inner soul and will now be able to slap some young masters or visit an auction! Ya know although those auctions in Wuxia novels, despite them being like a massive cliché I always liked seeing protagonists buying rare stuff and just shitting on people by showing how rich they are, it's probably because I..

[A very tight squeezing]

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!!! Jesus Christ it's like I'm in fucking giant's grip? Oh shit what is that? I see something! it's pretty small but it looks like it's getting bigger! Its nearly here! So close! I'm… I'm…. I'M FUCKING FREE BABY LETS GOOOOOO!!!!


It's like I've just been flashbanged, eugh god my ears are ringing, my eyes are just seeing bright colours and skin feels like it's on fire.

Okay okay it's settling down now it's definitely getting better. Right let's evaluate what's happening to me, I spent what felt like an eternity in a dark place then I saw a bright white light that I emerged from and now I'm suffering from a bad case of sensory overload. Now if you are a connoisseur of literature such as me then we all know or at least have an inkling as to what I have just been through. However if you, yes you, the reader are a novice and new such fine art then let me help you. For you see I may have not awoken from a long slumber or coma but I might've been reborn. Yes reborn, reincarnated, or quite possibly isekai'd, choose your word of choice but that's what all the evidence point too, anyway sorry that monologue where I may have broken the fourth wall, let's carry on shall we?

After emerging from what could quite possibly be a womb, I am then manhandled or womanhandled, don't want to be judgemental and rude, and then wrapped up in some sort of blanket. Now I will admit being held and cared for in such a way is not the most unpleasant of things, but I am rather glad that I can't see clearly, only blurry images at best, so that i can enjoy my pampering without the view of what may look like a giant from my point of view. I am then moved, and could only interpret as being transferred to one pair of arms to another, and held close to this new persons chest.

Whereas the other pair of arms felt squishy and soft, these are more boney and frail. I can just make out with my blurry vision a mop of golden on top of a white face, but the one thing that stands out is the vibrant green that shimmers and glistens as if piercing through my terrible eyesight.

"My boys" she says affectionately "your name will be Cerion" she turns her head to her other arm "and yours Tyrion"

It was only then I noticed another babe being held in a similar way to me on her other arm.


"Oh Tywin, My love. Take care of them please, don't blame them for me"

Now I don't mean to interrupt the emotional drama going on around me but it's safe to say that those names ring a bell, but who knows it could just be a coincidence, Let's observe shall we.

Joanna looks back down to me and the other babe "Be safe, I love you my little Cubs" as she says those final words a light seems to slip from her viridian eyes and she slowly stills as the cold grip of death takes hold of her.


Well that's it for the first chapter. I just want to say that this is the first form of story writing or anything of the sort that I have ever done and that this is my first attempt at a fanfic.

This may seem pretty short but I did this on my phone and my fingers are pretty tired so I thought I'd wrap it up. On the topic of chapter release, I have school and other stuff so this is purely for fun, so don't expect me to upload regularly.

[I do not in any way own game of thrones or a song of ice and fire]