Cerion Lannister

Cerion Lannister, that seems to be my new name in this world. Ya know when the thoughts of reincarnation came to me when I left the womb, I thought I would be living in the future with advanced technology and other cool shit. Never did I ever think that I would be reincarnated in to a world that is both television and book series, I mean its fiction right? apparently not!

And so here I am, in what is most likely a cot, remember I cant see very well, with a baby beside me. Now the fact that that baby is Tyrion Lannister, THE Tyrion Lannister absolutely baffles me. I'm a pretty big fan of Game of Thrones, even after the Tv series was getting shitter each season from season 4 onwards, I've also read about half the books.

Now I need to assess my situation, My father is Tywin Lannister, The old lion, He is ruthless cruel and does everything to further the family and its legacy, he just so happens to hate my newly christened twin for the death of his wife and deformity. Now this is where I come in, as a twin to Tyrion I may or may not also be blamed for the death of my mother, god or gods I suppose rest her soul, if this is the case then I am not really looking forward to my childhood.

Anyway, on to other thoughts, what am I gonna do? I mean there isn't much I can do right now because I'm a baby, and I'm not too sure Tywin will fall to my cute childish charms like any other parent. I meant what is my future? will I learn how to fight like Ser Arthur Dayne or explore the world like that one Velaryon guy, I'm not really too sure. But what I do know is this, I'm going to live this life to fullest I possibly can.

[ Time skip: 1 Month]

So I've been reincarnated for about a month now, and like what any other reincarnation novels will tell you: being a baby is fucking boring. I didn't realise it was gonna be like this, everyday I shit, suck the occasional tit and then shit again. Not the most thrilling life, though I will say I'm not fussing about being fed.

Now that I'm starting to settle down from being born, my eyesight is getting clearer as well as my other senses are starting to adapt to being out of the womb. I can see fairly clearly now, as long as what I'm looking at isn't too far away, and that means I'm also able to observe people and their appearance. My nurse maid for example, she's a rather plump women with dark brownish hair and brown eyes, a pretty plain look. Now my father, the neglectful bastard he is, has only came too see me and Tyrion once. I want you to imagine a younger Charles Dance with greying blond hair and pale green eyes, and also a rather majestic pair of mutton chops on the side of his face that look like they belong in an Jane Austen novel. Now lets get onto Jaime, who I shall name my second favourite sibling (after Tyrion of course). He has curly blond hair and cat-green eyes with a bright smile. And for my least favourite sibling, who I shall name the bitch, hasn't even come to see us, at least to my knowledge because her and Jaime are meant to be identical at this point in time. And there we are, My loving, caring and don't forget sweetest family.

[Time skip: 3 Years]

The year is 276 AC, quite an uneventful year in comparison to the future, and Prince Viserys Targaryen is miraculously born after a number of miscarriages and stillborn. In honour of his birth, my father has decided to host a tourney at Lannisport, which also means that my father will return home after working as hand of the king to Aerys Targaryen II.

These last few years have been boring to say the least. despite what one may think there isn't much to do around Casterly Rock, I mean I can explore and run around and watch the men-at-arms spar and train, but the rock is massive, its meant to be larger than the wall in the north or the Hightower in oldtown. It is incredibly tiring trying to walk along the never ending corridors or the steep stairs, I will however compliment whoever's genius on implementing an elevator.

Tyrion is quite possibly the cutest thing I may have ever seen, with his large mismatched eyes and Cheshire cat-like grin, unlike what the rumours say of him being a demon with a tail and having both female and male genitalia, though I will say I don't feel comfortable talking about my three year old twins genitalia to you all. I feel like I may be getting quite protective of him but who knows, I'm sure that cook is perfectly fine after I reported her to uncle Kevan and told him she was calling Tyrion a monster, perfectly fine.

You all might be wondering 'what is Cerion getting up too after all this time?, after all three years is quite a long time skip' and to answer your question, Reading. What else can one do when reborn into a new world, I have been gathering knowledge because whilst I was an avid fan of the series, the books and may have also read a few fanfictions here and there, I only know the basic knowledge and plot. Now some of you may be thinking 'how can a three year old read books and a few scrolls that might date back to the time the kings of the rock were still kicking and breathing?' and then I would simply say "Common Tongue=English". I mean there is literally no difference except for a more wide and difficult range of vocabulary. Of course I only read some of the simpler books among the endless collection because watching a three year old reading a tome that may probably weigh the same as me is quite odd.

Through my limited research, I have gathered that there doesn't really seem to be any changes, but then again I've only been looking at the key details of the history of Westeros. Other than reading, my lessons with Maester Creylen have begun, only learning how to read mostly. I do suspect that either me or Tyrion might be his favourites because Jaime is too busy sparing in the yard and the bitch is probably ignoring half the things the poor man teaches her because of some dumb shit that she's a lioness and is superior too all others, gods what a bitch!

And so my agenda for what looks to be the next few years of my life seems to be a mix of pretty fun and boring, when I'm five I'll start learning the basics of swordplay which I may or may not be good at, I would say my only sort of experience with sword fighting is whacking people with a lightsabre and swinging a stick. and once I'm able to read and talk I will start my lessons, which include: Geography, History, Houses of Westeros (though I guess that links to both), Economics and then a whole load of other stuff that I cant be bothered to name. But the one lesson I'm looking forward to most of all: Politics.

Why politics? you may ask, well I've always enjoyed watching things or playing games that have political intrigue and plots and schemes. And lets also mention that I'm the son of Tywin Lannister, I'm bound to become a high member of court and person of interest when/if Cersei becomes queen. And lets face it, if I'm shit at fighting then the only things I would really be able to rely on is my brains, which I would like to say are pretty good considering I'm having such complex thoughts at the age of three.

Suddenly, the doors to my room burst open, pulling me away from my thoughts on my intellectual genius. "CERRY!..... CERRY!" cried a small figure as it bundles through the room. Of course this small figure is my twin, Tyrion.

"Tyrion what's going on?" I ask him, "The king's coming!, I can see him from my window!" just as Tyrion finished that sentence a member of the household entered "My Lords, Your Father wishes to see the both of you, I am here to take you to him".


That's it for chapter 2, they may seem short but I'm just trying to find my pace at writing. Do comment if you have any questions or things that I could improve on. Thank You for reading!

(I do not in any way own Game Of Thrones or A Song Of Ice And Fire)