A Kings Arrival

As the double-doors to my fathers study opened, Tyrion and I entered after the unnamed member of the household. "My Lord, I have brought you your sons" The servant said respectfully. My father, sat at his desk barely acknowledges the servant with only a slight nod.

Taking that as his cue to leave, the servant departs from his Lords study. "Father" me and Tyrion both say in unison, putting our lessons in etiquette to use. Tywin stares both of us down with a look of hatred in his eyes. It was only then that I noticed the other occupants in the room.

Jaime standing to my right, slightly sweaty from what most probably would have been sparring. Cersei sat slightly to the left of father, obviously trying to make herself seem important. and then littered around the room are other members of the family.

My uncles Kevan and Tygett standing to the right of my Father and then Gerion, my favourite uncle, is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and the ever present smirk on his face. And then in most circumstances we would of seen my aunt Genna, however she is currently at the twins with her children and husband, Emmon Frey.

Seeing that everyone has been gathered, Tywin spoke "Now that everyone is here, we can begin. I'm sure that all of you are aware that I have offered to host a tourney in celebration of the birth of prince Viserys Targaryen. And with not only the king but most of the greater houses of Westeros coming, I have brought you all here to discuss your duties and what will be expected of you whilst this event happens."

Turning to Kevan, the Lord of Lannisport he reminds "Kevan, how goes the planning for the tourney?". My uncle replies "All is going well, the tourney stands have been built and most of the preparations are ready. There are only a few small things that need sorted, but they will be done before the start of tourney".

Tywin nods at that, then he turns his head towards his other two brothers, "I'm sure that I don't need to tell what is expected of you both?" Tygett just nods whilst Gerion flashes his eldest brother a grin.

Now moving to look at Jaime, Father states coolly "This will be an important event for you Jaime. You are to do your duty as my son and heir, and that also includes courting". And before Jaime can protest, Father elaborates "You are of an age where it is expected of you, Lysa Tully and Alysanne Lefford are both suitable to become Lady of the rock".

Leaving Jaime with a scowl on his face, Tywin turns to Cersei "And the same goes to you Cersei, Prince Rhaegar is also travelling to take part in the tourney, you are to do your best in gaining his favour, having Lannister blood on the throne will ensure the Lannister legacy".

Finally, after leaving Cersei with a smitten look on her face, Tywin turns to Tyrion and I "You two will do your best not to embarrass the Lannister name" He drawls slowly, causing Cersei to snap out of fantasising about the crown price and to smirk at us with a smug look in her eye, "Both of you will be present for the joust, melee and the main feast. Apart from that you are to stay within the Lannister apartments and the western wing". Leaning back into his chair he calls out to everyone " Now all of you get out and get ready, The kings is to be here within the next hour".

[1 hour and 30 minutes later]

All of the Lannister's, well all the important ones, are gathered in the courtyard waiting for the arrival of the king. Just ahead of us is the Lions mouth, a long cavern that acts as Casterly rocks main entrance, it can fit twenty riders wide and is nigh impenetrable in a siege due to tight confines and numerous arrow slits.

Not only is my family here waiting but also important members of the household, such as Maester Creylen, Ser Rylen Algood who is head of the household and the last member of House Algood and then Vylarr who is the captain of the Red cloaks, an elite force of 1,000 sworn to house Lannister.

Its a mild day I find as we stand out there in the yard waiting. There's a bite in the wind, though that is to be expected when one is so high up. its late morning, when the sun is obscured by high sturdy towers and battlements, casting a light shadow on the Lions Mouth. I don't quite know how long we were waiting out there for, as i was told that the king would be here anytime, yet whether they were wrong or time is passing slowly, I'm unsure.

And then we hear it, a neigh from what could only be a horse or some other kind of equidae, then it multiplies, the echoes from the cavern project out and gives one the image that an army is coming through the gate. Tyrion beside me is radiating in excitement and bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking forward to seeing the king that, unknown to him would be partly responsible for the rebellion and deaths of thousands that would start in the next six years.

The light from the torches in the Lions Mouth reflect of the shiny plate armour of the first rider, a Kingsguard. His grey plate emblazoned with the three headed dragon and black scales reminiscent of a dragons, a billowing white cloak behind him catches the wind.

"That's Ser Gerold Hightower, the commander of the Kingsguard. And there's Ser Oswell Whent, the black bat" as Jaime lists of the names of the renowned members of the kingsguard, Cersei rolls her eyes at his childlike behaviour, and as his fanboying gets to a level where many of the household can hear his excited but loud whispers, Father silences him with a glare from the corner of his eyes.

As several of the Targaryen men-at-arms ride through after the two Kingsguard, two more horses side by side come out of the depths of the Lions Mouth. The one on my right sat atop a black charger coated in white, a sign of a another Kingsguard. The rider of said horse wears the same armour of his brothers, yet the eyes beneath the helm gleam of amethyst, a trait of those descended from Valyria. A great sword on his back, with a decorative but practical cross guard made of blinding silver and the pommel of a star. Only a glimpse of the blade can be seen at where the hilt meets the sheath, however that glimpse was all it took for the purest form of white to shine through. Ser Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the morning.

The rider next to the infamous Sword of the morning sat atop a white destrier, a tall, strong horse that gives a majestic air. He wore a black brigandine with red highlights, the sigil of house Targaryen displayed on his chest and on his two leather pauldrons. At his waist hung a longsword decorated of ruby and onyx at the guard and hilt, the sheath wrapped the blade in a black leather. The rider has a head of shoulder-length alabaster coloured hair, fair skin and a set of deep indigo eyes that radiated of melancholy. Sitting atop the destrier in a graceful posture was Rhaegar Targaryen, Crown prince of Westeros and Heir to the Iron Throne.

Cersei's eyes turned dreamy as she got her first ever look at who she was to marry and started fangirling over him, hypocritical to what she saw Jaime doing.

Behind them came a horse-drawn carriage, decorated extravagantly with gold, obsidian and other gemstones and rituals, a carriage fit for a king. Behind rode three members of the kingsguard: Ser Barristan Selmy, Prince Lewyn Martell and Ser Jonothor Darry. Leaving Ser Gwayne Gaunt and Ser Harlan Grandison to look after Queen Rhaella Targaryen and the new born Prince, Viserys Targaryen.

As the procession came to a halt within the yard, everyone dismounts their horse and the men-at-arms line up behind the carriage, allowing the Lannister party to have a unblocked view on the left door of the carriage. One of the servant boys then ran up to the carriage door and placed down a step, allowing whomever is inside the ability to exit gracefully.

Then Ser Gerold Hightower walked up to the door and opened it, and after a few moments of nothing a pale, thin hand grabbed the inside of the opened door.

Using it as leverage to pull himself out and onto the steps beneath him, descended the king.

The Defiance of Duskendale wouldn't occur for another year, and so King Aerys Targaryen II wouldn't be the same man who burned Rickard Stark and had Brandon Stark strangle himself to death, though he wasn't far away from that person.

His appearance resembled that of a frail older man, his once thick white hair is slowly showing the signs of time and the crowfeet at the corner of his eyes deeper. But as he walks up to the line of Lannister's there is a incomprehensible look in his eyes.

The Lannister's and I, as well as the household, all kneel, as custom demands. "Rise" the king calls out in an aged voice.

As my Father and the king meet eyes, an overbearing tension fills the air. Once as close as brothers and now more like strangers.

"My king, Casterly Rock is yours" says father in a voice void of emotion.

Aerys ignores Tywin's declaration and instead casts his eyes down the Lannister line, a wicked look appears in his eyes.

Turning slowly towards Tywin, he stares for a beat and then walks down the line, stopping in front of the first pair of twins. "Jaime" he says "is your swordsmanship coming along?".

Jaime nods "it is your grace" he replies to the question in an excited tone, after all the King himself is talking of his rapidly growing martial ability.

Aerys turns his head to Tywin and says in an amused tone "well if you are as talented as I've heard then I might allow you onto the Kingsguard" still keeping his eyes on Tywin whilst ruffling Jaime's hair in an familial way, enjoying the way Tywin clenches his teeth.

Now moving to face the other twin, Aerys stills. "Lady Cersei, you are a replicate of the Lady Joanna's beauty and grace." he whispers with an creepy look of hunger in his eyes. Too enraptured in the shadow of a face he held an unrequited love for, he misses the way that Tywin glares murderously at him.

After coming to his bearing, he moves down the line to Tyrion and I. Looking at the both of us with a condescending stare he turns back to father again.

"Your second and third sons, I presume?" he asks rhetorically "Yes, I can definitely see the resemblance" he states mockingly whilst looking at Tyrion, ignoring me altogether.

Turning around and walking back to Tywin he orders loosely "Now my men and I are well traveled and would like to rest, guide us to our chambers".

"Of course, Your Grace" Father responds, sending a look at Kevan, signalling him to show the king to his room.

As uncle Kevan leads the king away, Aerys turns to his Rhaegar "Come son, dont want you getting lost in the lions den" causing Rhaegar and several members of the Kingsguard to follow after him, Leaving the Lannister party out in the courtyard.


Well that wraps up chapter 3, this is the first bit of dialogue i have written and it took me a long time trying to write Tywin and Aerys so tell me how i did and whether you enjoyed it or not.

[I do not own anything to do with Game of thrones or a Song of ice and fire, only my OC]