The Tourney

Its been about a week since the King has arrived and despite what some people may think it was rather boring, well that might be because Tyrion and I have been forced to stay within the western wing. Although that isn't the worst considering the library is in that wing and it also means i wont run into any 'unsavoury' types, like the King for example.

Tyrion and I were present for the first feast though, however that is more to do with tradition than anything else. It wasn't very enjoyable having to listen to Aerys continuously talk shit about my twin with little remarks and hidden insults, even I weren't spared for a few of them. However trying to watch Cersei flirt with Rhaegar went about as great as it could've, with 'trying' being the keyword. There is just something so entertaining about watching a ten year old Cersei trying to gain the interest of the seventeen year old Prince.

And that's about it for all the somewhat exciting things that have happened this past week. Many Lords have arrived since then with nearly all the Western Lords turning up, the only exception being the Westerling but that's mostly due to Lord Robard Westerling becoming ill, leaving his son Gawen Westerling to attend the tourney.

Among those are a few fighter famous for taking part in tourneys are here: Ser Brynden Tully, Yohn Royce, and many other all wanting to win the tourney.

I'm distracted from my thoughts due to the door to my room being opened, and in walks Maester Creylen. "Cerion, come we have your lessons" he says with a tone of finality, leading to me to follow after him past the corridors and up to the Maester's tower.

When i arrive at the tower I see Tyrion sat on one of the two chairs facing the Maester's desk. Taking a seat next to him, I ask "What are you reading there?"

Taken back and surprised at my sudden appearance, Tyrion flashes me a grin and replies "I cant read, I'm only looking at the pictures. Its a book about dragons by Archmaester Chevlethijim"

I just sit there and smile as my younger twin butchers the Archmaester's name, I mean how are you expecting a Westerosi child of three years to pronounce a name in High Valyrian?

Settling down in front of us, Maester Creylen starts to question us on our knowledge of Houses, their sigil and then their words.

After a good couple of minutes, Tyrion asks in a tone filled with curiosity "Maester Creylen" to which the Maester in question replies back with a "yes".

"Why does the King and Father not like each other?" Surprised that a child of three can be observant to see the dislike between the two, Maester Creylen answers "The king and your Father do not not like each other, they just have to be serious due to their important positions".

Taking what the Maester had told him at face value, Tyrion just hums and returns to his book on dragons.

You cant really blame Maester Creylen for lying about the situation between Aerys and Tywin, I mean if he was going to be truthful then there might be a chance Tyrion wouldn't understand due to the complicated issues and if he was going to tell the truth then that would mean insulting the king which could be punishable if he his heard, and no one wants to be punished by a king, especially said king is Aerys II.

Clearing his throat, Maester Creylen continues with the lecture, "House Farman?" and to which I reply " Their seat is Faircastle, the sigil is three silver ships on a field of blue and bordered by red and gold, Their words are 'The wind our stead'".

[A week later]

Its time for the melee to begin and contrary to what I thought it might be like, it seems like it wont live up to my expectations. As I have little knowledge of tourneys in general I didn't realise that you can only participate in one event, and seeing as Arthur Dayne, Rhaegar Targaryen and most of the highly skilled fighters are competing in the joust, this may not be as fun as I though it would. Of course my moaning and disappointment could never reach the level of Jaime's though, as he wanted to see the Sword Of The Morning in action.

Though with him not taking part in the melee, it will be interesting to see who will win. There is Lord Commander Gerold Hightower and Oswell Whent of the kingsguard, The Blackfish, Bronze Yohn Royce and other renowned warriors. I will say that my money is on Gerold Hightower, I mean after Arthur Dayne and Barristan Selmy he is probably the best swordsman in Westeros, only his age limits him.

With a countdown from the presenter of the tourney, the melee began. Gerold Hightower is swamped with three Riverlander knights as he is the favourite to win, Oswell Whent takes on a Reach Knight bearing an Ashford surcoat. And the Blackfish and the Bronze Yohn fight against other unknown knights.

Soon swords, maces, shields and other weapons are flying about in a fury, with men going down yielding. The Lord Commander is overwhelming his opponents with a flurry of movement, his sword finding its way breaking through and wearing down their defence, disabling them.

As his last adversary yields, he finds himself in front of his fellow brother. After a few seconds of staring at each other, they fight. Oswell Whent is a skilled fighter, one as to be to be in the Kingsguard, but compared to Ser Gerold Hightower and his vast experience, it would be a more then tough fight.

Meanwhile across the arena, The Blackfish had just defeated another opponent before moving onto the next. And the same could be said for Yohn Royce as he smashes down his foe.

The melee lasts longer than one would think, and now the final fight is here, between Ser Gerold Hightower, who had just defeated Oswell Whent in a long duel, and Ser Brynden Tully. The Bronze Yohn had been taken out by a Westerlander Knight after getting to worn out.

Both veterans of the war of the ninepenny kings and famed knights, they clash. Their swords ring out in succession, one after the other, as they go back and forth, both trying to take advantage. Each sequence of strikes and parries different from one another. It ends when Ser Gerold ducks under the Blackfish's sword and hits the back of his knee, bringing him down.

On his back and held at sword point, the Blackfish yields. Only exhausted, the Blackfish stands up and clasps arms with Ser Gerold. They exchanged low words and then separated with the Blackfish heading out of the arena. Ser Gerold is then given a large chest filled with 20,000 gold dragons by my uncle, Ser Kevan.

[The next day]

The joust is set to go ahead within the next couple of minutes. The stands are packed with people and the squires are running around the tourney grounds with lances and pieces of armour.

As the House hosting the event, My family are all in the middle of the stands, with the king sat next to my father.

As we are waiting for the joust to begin, the two jousters line up on either side of the tiltyard.

Ser Barristan the bold against a Frey, I'm sure everyone can make a good bet on who will win.

After winning a joust that only lasted one tilt, The Bold leaves the tilt yard, getting ready for his next joust.

Knights ride and crash blunt lances into one another for some time. When the next rider comes out onto the field the applause and shouting get louder, because Rhaegar Targaryen makes his appearance.

He is to ride against my uncle Gerion, who isn't the greatest jouster, but that probably has to do with him not taking it very seriously.

It takes three tilts for Prince Rhaegar to take him down and Cersei, despite witnessing him defeat her uncle, cheers and claps enthusiastically.

Other riders take their turns with other rider. Rhaegar Targaryen defeats my other uncle Tygett and twelve other Westerlander knights. The same results can be seen amongst the others.

It is now time for the final Joust, after Rhaegar defeated Ser Baristan in a joust that lasted seven tilts. Ser Arthur Dayne against the Crown Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen.

They charge in unison and level their lances, as they charge Rhaegar moves his Lance slightly lower, aiming at the abdomen.

Their lances connect with Arthur's shattering on his princes shoulder, whilst Rhaegar's strikes true, lifting Ser Arthur off his horse.

The crowd cheers as the Crown Prince wins his first tourney. Said Prince rides up to the centre of the tiltyard, near us, and picks up the crown of roses on his Lance.

Riding slightly to his left and nearer to the Lannisters, he lays the crown on top of Cersei's head.

"Lady Cersei, I name you Queen of love and beauty" he says with a stoic expression on his face.

Cersei gushes and thanks the Prince for the crown whilst Tyrion and I secretly make retching expressions on our face.

Obviously not secretly enough as Cersei glares at us from the corner of her eyes.

He dismounts his horse and kneels before the middle platform in front of his father. Keeping his head low.

Getting up, the King slowly descends the steps, "My son" he says with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

He makes a grabbing gesture to the side where a kingsguard is, understanding his meaning the kingsguard unsheaths his sword and hands it over

"In the name of the Warrior I charge you to be brave. In the name of the Father I charge you to be just. In the name of the Mother I charge you to defend the young and innocent. In the name of the Maid I charge you to protect all women…"

As the kings finishes listing the seven and the duties of a knight, he exits the tiltyard, leaving me wondering whether he forgot that he was meant to give Prince Rhaegar his prize.

Taking over his duty, my Father gives the Prince his prize of 80,000 gold dragons, after which he also leaves the yard.


That's chapter four, sorry that it's so late I was busy with a history essay I had to write as well as getting carried away watching squid game on Netflix. It may also seem pretty rushed but that's because I was struggling with the writing, I can't wait until he's older and can start doing shit.

[I do not own Game of thrones nor a song of ice and fire]