Rising Tensions

[278 AC]

Its been five and a half years since I've came to this world and I like to think that I have settled in nicely, I'm enjoying life and still sometimes get baffled by the fact I'm even here.

Lets talk about me, as I've said I'm five and means I'm starting swordplay, which I think I'm learning very well and and if I'm being vain then I would say I'm a prodigy, but that's probably not true because all we have covered I footwork and stances.

I have also been working out, though just little exercises like climbing stairs, because I have no idea what kind of exercises a five year old should do or if its even safe. I have also been eating healthy and that's easy considering Casterly Rock has a vast variety of food, I am trying to get Tyrion to join me in eating healthier food, however he seems to have a sweet tooth with his obsession of lemon cakes.

Lessons with Maester Creylen are going well, politics is fun and everything else is easy for someone who is an adult stuck in a child's body, though I will say finance is my bane, not do to the fact that I'm struggling but more to do with the confusing currency in Westeros and the exchange rates, unfortunately all Lannister's are to learn finance due to the fact that we are the richest house in Westeros.

Jaime went to Crakehall a year ago because of him squiring under Lord Sumner Crakehall, Tyrion took his departure hard and I have to admit it was pretty sad to see him go. One person I am not sad to see fuck off is Cersei, who was taken by Father to court in Kings Landing. She still despises and treats us like shit but then again I don't really care

Not a lot has happened in Casterly Rock since the tourney, of course during the final feast before the king left Father tried to betroth Cersei to Rhaegar, which led to the king calling House Lannister servants. If only you could see the venom in Tywin's eyes.

Now outside of Casterly Rock things seem to be heating up. The Defiance of Duskendale happened a year ago and Father had to marshal his forces to rescue him, this is leading to the King to become more paranoid and even rumours are reaching across Westeros to here of his new appearance and mentality.

Earlier on in the year, Lord Steffon Baratheon and his wife Cassandra died in the capsizing of their ship in Shipbreaker's Bay. There were sent looking for a Valyrian bride for the Crown Prince and now a good friend and aide to King has died, leading to more paranoia. Father thought taking Cersei with him to court might get him the royal betrothal he is after, whether that royal is Rhaegar or Viserys.

Life at the Rock is more..... refreshing than it was before, I think it has something to do with Father and Cersei gone as well as the knowledge that they will stay in Kings Landing for a few more years. Aunt Genna has been left in charge of the Rock itself due to her experience of running a household, whereas Uncle Kevan will be performing the minor tasks required of the Lord Paramount, leaving Father to deal with his duties as Hand of the King.

With the two biggest negative people across Westeros, Tyrion has really come out of his shell. He is more cheerful and full of life instead of the much more quiet child. He spends most of his time within the library, and I wont lie I do too. He has also grown a lot mentally over these last couple years, his reading has allowed him to be more mature and smarter than others his age. We spend many hours in the library talking about the books we had read that day and comparing them.

[Three Years later]

Many months pass and that static tension in the air thickens every year. Its 281 AC, called the year of the false spring due to the warming climate, Westeros has slowly been heating up within the last three years, a King who is falling to insanity and madness, resulting in him burning traitors, murderers and plotters alive with wildfire.

The rise of the Kingswood Brotherhood doesn't help matters either, with them harassing the local nobles and disrupting trade within the Crownlands and the Stormlands. My Father had apparently sent out a small force to destroy the Brotherhood after they kidnapped Lady Jeyne Swann, resulting in their destruction as well as the Knighting of my Brother Jaime, at which Tyrion and I were proud of.

A Royal wedding occurred, which Tyrion and I weren't able to go to, between Price Rhaegar and Princess Elia Martell, and from that wedding Princess Rhaenys Targaryen was born. It has also been confirmed by Grandmaester Pycelle that Elia Martell is expecting another royal child.

As for where I am, I'm still stuck at Casterly Rock doing my 'duty' as my Uncle so eloquently put it when I asked him I wanted to leave the Rock. After exploring the whole castle as well as reading all the interesting books a year ago it does get very boring.

Today my lessons consisted of swordsmanship and you could tell I was 'learning' well due to my haggard and tired appearance.

"Lets end the lesson here" Ser Rylen Algood calls out, stopping the spar between me and Ser Ilyn Payne.

I wasn't a prodigy with a sword like Jaime, but I was definitely getting better. Some of you might also be wondering why I was sparring with Ilyn Payne, that's because due to having his tongue torn out with hot pincers he has been deemed unfit to be the captain of my Fathers guards, Ser Rylen thought he could be put to better use as my sparring partner.

Ser Rylen would always watch us spar and then comment on what I was doing wrong and how to improve, most likely because Ser Ilyn can't talk.

Ser Rylen walks up to me with a bucket of water and a towel, "You look exhausted" he comments, to which I reply "I am".

"Good, that means your trying, which means your learning", I sit down whilst simultaneously shaking my head at his occasional bursts of wisdom-filled quotes.

House Algood has served House Lannister for years, as stewards, Knights, advisors etc. It is said that the first member of House Algood was cousin to Lann the clever and it is due to him that House Algood has their position.

Ser Rylen Algood is the steward of Casterly Rock and a good friend and advisor to Tywin. He is a veteran of the War of the Ninepenny Kings as well as half-a-hundred other battles. Whilst his senior age has caught up to his martial ability, it has definitely not dulled the mans intelligence. Unfortunately he is the last member of House Algood, with his eldest son dying from an illness and his youngest from a high fall.

As we both sit down and he shares his opinion on the spar Maester Creylen walks out into the courtyard. "A raven came from King's Landing", handing it to Ser Rylen I catch a glimpse of the seal on the wax, a lion.

After reading the letter Ser Rylen turns to me, "It would seem that the King has elevated your brother to Kingsguard, Your Father has also resigned as Hand of the King and is coming back to Casterly Rock with your sister, no doubt he's furious".

I just sit there in silence, contemplating the fact that within a few months the Rebellion would begin.


That's it for chapter five, do leave a comment on your thoughts of this chapter, I know it may seem a little rushed but that's because I couldn't really think of anything to write about his childhood and I just want Cerion to get older.

[I do not own Game of thrones nor A song of ice and fire]