The Begining

On a Bright day in a village far away, a church could be seen. on this church's doorstep, a baby could be seen quietly sleepy. Soon enough the church's priest, Orsi Orfai was walking towards the baby on the doorstep as he picked up the child he read the name Embroidered on the t-shirt Jin xing he read out loud. It sucks to see another child get abandoned and with that, they walked inside of the building.

Years have passed since then and Jin xing has grown immensely he was now 5 and he was what people called loved by Mana but not by life. You see 2 years ago Jin xing went blind due to illness his blindness was a best-case scenario he was lucky to be alive. Jin had to be extremely careful because now there were two more youngsters around the place. 3 years ago just like him, kids were left on the Church's doorstep their names ended up being Asta and Yuno. Asta was a loud rambunctious baby while Yuno was the opposite. Jin had a hard time learning how to Live blind with the extra 2 around but he managed thanks to the priest and sister Lilly life was good for Jin. Jin was currently on his way to make a Delivery with sister Lilly but life had different Plans and Jin got lost, JIn was panicking he didn't know where he was All he could hear were dozens of footsteps coming what he thought was his way and he thought correctly. what he heard coming his way, were a group of bullies that didn't like weak-looking Jin. and to put it short they beat him and called him names around 2 hours later sister Lilly finally found him beaten on death's door in a side alleyway.

sister Lilly didn't realize it then but Jin had formed a promise to himself a promise that meant he wouldn't be a weak pushover even if he was blind. So he did what any normal person would do, Start training. He had magic down but he didn't want to be an incomplete fighter so he trained his body to the best of his 5-year-old body. no one was going to help him so he planned on helping himself.

Ten years have passed already after than you can click and you can just by sight Jin xing doesn't regret a second of it. Asta and Yuno have grown up fast and you can feel the excitement for the day they will receive a grimoire just like Jin xing will today The Ceremony is at 4 and it is currently 2 Jin instead of letting time fly by is right now training his ass off practicing forms, mana control, working out his muscles. His lack of sight no longer brings an issue to him he has learned how to use his mana as a guide, he still can't read or write but he can hold his own in a fight and that's what matters most to him time was slipping away and it was now time for him to head over to the grimoire tower and receive his grimoire everyone is excited for Jin it's now his time to shine and be the genius he was meant to be. It was time Jin could be seen walking towards the building as he entered the building he was surprised by large mass of people inside of the building as he entered the building the ceremony began and all Jin could say the ceremony was boring as hell, his excitement was overflowing and it was now the time an whole ass hour after he first arrived the room started to glow as all of the grimoires started to fly towards their owners There was a large purple glowing light floating towards Jin it was his grimoire his was different from anyone else's everyone had simple 3 leafs mean while his had 4. His grimoire was purple with 2 black meteors on the front heading towards the back the four leaves were gold just like the grimoires lining. Everyone was in awe and the nobles were pissed that some peasant got a four leaf while they had 3 leafs as everyone was leaving including Jin some nobles were upset with the outcome so they came to the decision to kill him and take the grimoire so they could show off.

Now it's been 20 mins and they are now in front of Jin they were cocky they thought that numbers would give them the advantage they needed but man were they wrong Jin showed no fear as his grimoire opened up and started to turn pages the air around started to surge because of the large amount of mana being released the nobles started to buck tail and leave out of fear but before the can get to far Jin xing yelled "Gravity Magic Almighty Push" and the nobles were sent flying into the wall and the ground was torn up due to the spell. By this point dozens of people came to see the commotion as Jin was leaving the scene tired and wanting to go home after all he had a journey that begins tomorrow.