The Fight is now over and everything has blown over. Jin is now over at the church packing and preparing for his journey. because unlike his "siblings" he did not wish to become a magic knight or the wizard king he had dreams to see the world and hopefully see asta or yuno get coronated as the wizard king. life was good and was passing by so quickly it was now the next day and it was his time to leave. he was getting his final things together and saying his goodbyes a long 15 years was ending and a new journey was beginning he hated to admit it he was going to miss the church's chaos and Asta's continued marriage requests to Sister Lilly and Yuno's constant mocking of Asta and his lack of mana, Sister Lilly was crying and so was the priest and everyone else everyone was screaming goodbye they were happy but also very sad they were losing their big bro
Jin was now an hour away from the capital flying by broom was way after than foot he had been traveling for an hour he was heading to the capital it was his pitstop, in reality, he was heading towards the heart kingdom Jin had big plans for seeing the world and visiting other kingdoms was a major part of visiting the world. as he was flying Jin noticed a Group of bandits terrorizing a carriage. the carriage was exceptionally fancy it looked like it was owned by high-ranking nobles but more likely a member of a royal family. Though the carriage was astonishing, the guards were not their numbers were getting obliterated by the bandits so JIn started to descend towards the action just because he was heading somewhere doesn't mean he can't play hero from time to time. as he was getting to the action his grimoire opened up and the pages started to turn just as Jin arrived he screamed out "Gravity Magic Divine Obedience" and things quieted down as the bandits were forced onto the ground due to the large sum of weight forced down onto their bodies there was so much weight even the ground was creating what surprised the family in the carriage was the fact it took only one spell for the commotion to end or at least that was what the adults thought the daughter looked at the man with pure love and Idealization in her eyes
Jin walked up to the carriage door opened it asking if the people inside were okay as he said that they walked outside the people inside of the carriage were a family and as Jin learned a royal one apparently it was the Vermillion family They introduced themselves as Mari Vermillion and Fredrick their daughter's name was mimosa (AN: Idk if that is mimosa parents actual name please correct me if I happen to be wrong) they thanked JIn offering a place to stay in the capital while he is there and with that and a madly blushing Mimosa, the family, and friend went on into the capital. as soon as they entered the entirety of the capital flooded the streets to greet one of their royal families they went awkward when they saw a peasant with their precious royal family, they didn't know what to think had the family gone mad were they under a spell by that peasant. though both were untrue to the public it's the only way that this was possible. when the family and friend, went into the manor everyone quieted down and went on their way
Inside the manor sat the entire family including their son and some other family members they were discussing Jin's rewards because they felt a place to stay was not enough to reward their savior, and apparently the discussion of giving him a small royal title as in baron the only title they were able to give without having to discuss it with the king and the other royal families it was because it was the lowest title possible and that is all it really was a title. In the middle of Jin xing trying to deny the title, a child ran in towards the parents the child then look at Jin and asked "What is up with the funky glasses?" While the parents were trying to reprimand the child for being disrespectful other people were joining in on the question looking at Jin for a response and a response they got as Jin took off the glasses and said loud enough for everyone to hear and when they were silent he finished taking off the glasses and said "I wear them not to scare people with my eyes because I'm blind after all" this came as a surprise to everyone then more questions came as Jin put his glasses on the most common question was How do you live, fight and move so well without your eyesight and jin responded with one word "Magic"