After the conversation settled down everyone went their way now Jin was settled down in his room he didn't fully unpack because he was gonna leave in a couple of days to hopefully complete the first part of his journey. He was extremely tired and was laying down preparing to go to sleep when he heard a knock on the door and maids and butlers flooded in with clothes and food of many types they were fancier than what he normally wore the servants explained that they were in charge of taking care of the home while he was staying at the manor
After what felt like a century of torture Jin was now finally allowed to Rest In Peace. He then slept like a baby mimosa wrote in her journal turns out she has been watching Jin xing for the entire time he has been out of the parent's conversation she started an entire journal dedicated to him taking crazy in love to a whole other level
It was now the morning Jin was not used to being in such a lavish place it was weird and to make it worse the servants have arrived with new sets of clothing to where they gave him instructions to head over to the dining room when ready and so he did when he arrived he could no longer be surprised with how fancy this place was. There were chandeliers everywhere with gold and beige walls this place brought the term fancy to a whole other level Jin saw mimosa, Mari, and Fredrick sitting at the table with all of the other family members the quieted down the moment they saw he entered the room and they asked the basic questions "how did you sleep?", "was everything to your liking?" as Jin sat down a new question was asked, "what type of magic do you use?" Jin replied "I use gravity magic as showed everyone his grimoire some were surprised to see 4 leaves on it. Others had one thing on their mind how come a mere peasant can get a 4 leaf why can't us royals who deserve it and just like the village dumb asses a plan to steal his grimoire was formed they were going to wait till it was dark and while everyone is asleep they will attack him.
Mimosa had other plans she wanted some one-on-one time with him. so planned on inviting him to walk around the capital or as she would put it a d-d-date. So the mimosa got up and ask Jin if he wanted to walk around town and just like she planned he fell for it hook line and sinker
Breakfast was now over and Jin and mimosa were heading out to town Jin was scared at first because of all of the people it was nerve-racking for a country boy to see this many people up and about Unlike himself Mimosa was stopping at every store buying tons upon towns of clothes for Jin to carry it all she started to feel selfish as everywhere they went it was for her she wanted Jin to enjoy his time too so she asked if there was anything wanted Jin responded "no if it means that much to you I will let you know if I see something" and they went on that way until they passed by a store that caught his eye the store sold goods from the Hino country the clothes he was interested and so they went into the store. Jin xing saw a kimono that caught his eye
Jin was walking through the store when a Small Umbrella caught his attention in the corner he asked the owner if was for sale the owner was shocked to see the customer interested in such an old thing but responded "yeah" and with those two purchases Jin and Mimosa went on their way to continue the exploration of the capital and After a couple more hours they went home and everything flowed smoothly until night struck and dinner finished everyone went to sleep but Jin just started his training THe family was surprised to hear Jin was training so late and It weird to them to see how much harder life of a peasant was compared to them unlike themselves he had to put in an Insane amount of work just to be anywhere the power of a normal royal and with everyone went to sleep Except Jin and a couple of Family members their plan was about to begin they walked up to Jin, Jin could hear their Grimoires he had no Idea what was going on until he heard them cast the spells And he was barely able to dodge them Jin was surprised to be attacked by the family even Mimosa who was hiding in bushes was surprised
Jin opened his own Grimoire and started to turn the pages the royals cast more spells to try and prevent his ability to cast spells but it didn't work all of their spells were countered by Jin's spell "Almighty Push" about a third of the royals rushed Jin going for close-range spells but they were ultimately stopped by Jins Spell "Divine Obedience" By then everyone in the manor was awake and able to see a third of attacking royal subdued using Jin magic they could also see the rest of them preparing another attack but before the finished the fight was stopped by their favorite cousin Fuegoleon
(AN if anyone is questioning "Oh how does he see everything if he's Blind"the answer is simple Magic Bitch)