Chapter sixteen Awake

Two hours later Janice slowly opened her eyes. She tried sitting up but she was too weak, turning her head slowly to the side she noticed a man in her room, he was walking back and forth cradling her daughter in his arms while humming to her. She was about 5ft-4inches but this man looks to be about 5ft-8inches or somewhere around there, he had short black curly hair and fair skin, his shoulders were broad, not too broad but it was obvious that he worked out.

She tried once again to move but couldn't find the strength to sit up but her movements did draw his attention. Still cradling her daughter in his arms he came over and sat down beside her. "Hello again, I know you're still in a lot of pain so try not to move too much okay." She nods her head slowly.

"Could I please have some water?" She asks in a weak voice. "Sure." Placing her daughter in the cot again he went to the table and took up a sealed bottle of water which he took back to her and opened it put a straw in it, he then press a button and the top of her bed began rising slowly.

To her surprise, the movement of the bed didn't hurt as much as when she tried to move. When she was comfortable enough he placed the straw in her mouth, she winced as she lift her hand to hold the bottle. "Take it easy." He whispers softly as she sipped the water slowly because her throat felt very sore, after taking a few more sips she turned her attention to her daughter.

"Is Faith okay?" "She's going to be fine, she has a lung infection which is being treated, she may be very small but she'll be just fine." He smile but she could only manage a weak one in return. "She weighs three pounds- two ounces when she was born." She said in a weak voice.

"Don't worry, with her mom's breast milk and an additional bottle of formula she'll be packing on the pounds in no time but right now she's a precious little angel who misses her mother very much. I hope you don't mind but I nick-named her muffin." "Why muffin?" She asks. "Well, because she's soft, warm, and smell divine," I said smiling down at Faith in her cot.

She giggles and winced as once again pain shoots through her body. "Thank you very much for taking care of her, I'll be forever grateful." "The pleasure was all mine, but um…would you like me to call someone, your family may be, they must be worried about you."

"I was raised in an orphanage, I've no family." She said softly. "Okay then, when you woke up earlier you mentioned someone named Leon, who is that?" I asked sitting next to her. "He's Faith's father." "Is he the one that did this to you?" "Yes." She answered as tears ran down her cheeks. "Why would the father of your child want to hurt you?" I ask my heart filled with compassion as I wipe her tears with a tissue. "Because I pressed charges against him." She said without looking at me.

I was about to ask why again when my father entered the room. "Oh good you're awake, how are you feeling?" "Like I was hit by a truck," Janice said giving the older man a weak smile. "Janice meets my father Mr. Steven Jackson. He's the one that examined you when I brought you here Saturday night." I explain. "Saturday night? Wasn't that last night?" She asks confused.

"Nope, today is Monday," I said. "Monday? I slept all through yesterday?" "Yes, you did." Mr. Steven answered. "Thank you for taking care of me and my daughter sir." She said softly. "You're welcome, now your ribs and stitches are healing nicely but you're going to be in a lot of pain for the next few days, so I need you to take it easy." Mr. Steven instructed.

"Stitches sir?" She asks. "Yes, ten to be exact." "Where did I need them sir?" she asks confused. "Um…. In your private area." Dad said and she blush deep scarlet and dad was embarrassed for her. "Now unfortunately you and your daughter will have to remain here for the next few days but overall you are both going to make a full recovery. Okay now I've to get back to work and I'll send someone in with something for you to eat. I'll check back on you in a little while, okay." "Okay, thank you again, sir." "Son, can I talk to you for a few minutes." He asks walking towards the door. "Sure, I'll be right back okay," I said to her before following my father out the door.

I entered my father's office and saw that Fabian was already there with mom's morning serving of fruits and he hand me a bowl as I take a seat at dad's desk. "Good morning bro, I was about to ask how you're doing but seeing as though you have been here since Saturday night it's clear you're not doing very well. Are you going to work today?" Fabian ask.

"I don't want to but I've to," I said in a weary and tired voice. "You could take the day off you know." He said with his mouth full. "No, she has already succeeded in keeping me from my home; I'll not let her keep me from my work too," I said firmly and began eating my fruits

"So, how long has she been awake?" Dad asks putting a spoon full of fruit in his mouth. "She woke up earlier this morning in a state of panic, thrashing around, crying and shaking like crazy, begging someone named Leon not to hurt her.' "Who's Leon?" Fabian asks.

"Well when she woke up a few minutes ago I ask her, she said he is the father of her child." "The father of her child did this to her, why?" Mr. Steven asks. "She says it's because she pressed charges against him." Fabian cross his arms in front of him and leaned back in his chair. "Why would he do this to a helpless woman?" He asks through clenched teeth. "Sorry, I didn't get that far," I said finishing off my fruits.

"Well clearly from the marks on her this isn't the first time he abused her, they indicate a long period of abuse," Dad adds. "Oh, and she says that she has no family and that she was raised in an orphanage," I add. "Okay and that means she'll have to come home with us when she's released. I'm sure your mother will agree." Dad said with a smile.

"Your mother will agree to what?' Mom asks entering the office. "That Janice will have to come home with us because she has no family," Fabian answered. "Oh dear, no family, poor girl, well she's welcome but where's her family?" Mom asks.

"Don't know, she said she was raised in an orphanage," I said. "Okay then, she can stay with us for as long as she likes." "I know you would say that." Dad Laughs. "I bought her some nightgowns and some very cute outfits for that sweet little princess and had them washed, anyway I pass the nurse assigned to her in the hallway, she was taking faith for her checkup, so I'm going to check on her then on her mom ."

My phone rang and I checked it. "It's Miss Alice, I need to go speak to her before I go home to bathe and change, I'll see you guys later," I said kissing mom before leaving the office. Mr. Steven took a deep breath and ran his hands over his face. "Fabian, could you please take this bowl of fruit to Janice on your way out?" "Sure dad." He said leaving his mom and dad to talk.

Janice lay in the bed as still as she could. She sends up a silent prayer to God, thanking him for saving her and her daughter. The nurse had taken Faith for her checkup, so now she was alone, and even though she didn't want to move she knew she would have to soon because she needed to go to the bathroom. Thank god the nurse had temporarily removed her IV needle, there was no way she could've moved with that thing in her arm.

She really wish she didn't have to move, it hurt so bad when she does, but she had no choice. So moving as slowly as she could, she slid one foot off the bed, and then the next, pain-racked her body as she sat up causing her to wince and groan.

Tears ran down her face as she shakily stood to her feet and put one foot in front of the other. She swayed as the room began spinning, she sobs as she continues to move slowly towards the bathroom. She was only a few feet away when her knees buckled beneath her and she fell to the floor. She tried crawling on her hands and knees all the time praying that God would have mercy on her.

Fabian opened the door to her room slowly as not to startle her but seeing her on the floor he put the tray on the table and rushed over to her. "Hey, what are you doing down there? Shhh, let me help you up." He said softly as she sobs uncontrollably. "Don't worry it's going to be alright." "I need to go to the bathroom, please help me." She pleads.

"It's okay I'll help you." He reassures her. He was wondering just how he was going to do that when his mother entered the room. "Oh thank God." He breathes in relief as his mother rushed over to them. "What happened?' She asks wrapping her arms around Janice's waist. "She was trying to get to the bathroom." "Okay I'll help her, you get the nurse in here now." His mother instructed ushering Janice into the bathroom and close the door.

Fabian got the nurse and was about to leave when the door opened slowly and Tyler and Miss Alice walked in, Tyler was holding a bottle of formula in his hand. "Oh, where is Janice?" He asks. "Bathroom." He said pointing to the bathroom door. "She's in there alone?" I ask.

"Nope, she's with mom and a nurse." "Oh, where is Faith?" I ask shaking the bottle. "Sorry dude, they put her back in the incubator, she needs more treatment." "Janice tried to reach the bathroom on her own and collapses on the floor, That's where I found her. She was crying so hard I don't think she even knew who picked her up." Fabian said scratching his head, he then turn his attention to Miss. Alice.

"Hey Miss Alice, what's up beautiful, long time no see." "Hi, Mr. Fabian how are you? She asks with a warm smile. "I was doing fine until you called me that. Why is it that you have to put a Mr. and Miss before every name you call?" Fabian asks annoyed.

"Well because it's the proper thing to do Mr. Fabian but it could be worst." "Really; how?" "Well, I could call you Mr. Jackson." Miss Alice laughs. "Dear God you're right that would be worst. Anyway, I've to go, I'll see you all later." He was almost to the door when he stopped and turns back. "Hey Ty, I know today is going to be hard but just try taking it easy okay and call me if you need me." "Sure and thanks for all your help bro." "No problem man, later."

Thank you all for reading

Food for thought

Faith-testing times can be

Faith-strengthening times.