Chapter thirty six Intriguing

Martin stormed into the living room, took off his jacket, and flung his bag on the sofa. "Who the hell does he think he is?" Susan sighs and shakes her head at her husband. "Good night honey." She said coming towards him. "Sorry baby." He said kissing her briefly on her lips.

"Well, I guess I don't have to ask how your day was. So what has Tyler done now?" Susan asks walking into the kitchen and putting her husband's dinner in the microwave. Martin washed his hands and took a seat at the counter.

"It's not only T.J anymore it's everybody that I've to work with. I'm so sick of everyone treating him like he's special or something." He said filling the fork and lifting it to his lips. "This's delicious baby; thank you." "You're welcome, honey." She said kissing his cheek.

"The man is a damn murderer but oh nobody can know about that because I was sworn to secrecy. So instead I've to watch him walk around the hospital like he owns the damn place." He said with his mouth full.

"We went to the same university, got the same training, and held the same diplomas but whenever anybody at the hospital wants advice about a case he's the one they go to." He said sighing heavily. "Where are the kids?' He asks looking around. "Doing homework." She answers putting a glass of juice beside his plate and taking a seat beside him.

"It's always Dr. Jackson this and Dr. Jackson that. Four of us could be standing there and they would still be hunting down the entire hospital just to get his damn opinion." He said angrily making quotations with his fingers.

"We're all qualified to assess the situation, but nooo it has to be Dr. Jackson; the rich kid. The murdering trust fund golden boy who was born with a gold spoon in his freaking mouth." Martin growls with disgust. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy?" Susan asks arching her brow.

"Oh please don't make me laugh. I just can't stand the fact that he's getting away with what he did." He sneers. "Even when they were choosing applicants for the advance medical specialist training did they think to choose me?" He asks sucking his teeth.

"But didn't you say you wouldn't be able to handle that level of training? That it was too time-consuming for you?" She asks. "Yes baby I did but that's not the point. I was standing right there. They could've asked me and given me the opportunity to say no but as usual, they choose him."

He cleaned the last of the food off his plate and took it to the sink where he washed it and placed it in the dish drainer. He then took his wife by the hand and led her from the kitchen.

"It's always going to be him and I'm sick of being in his shadow." He said entering his kid's room and after spending some time checking their homework he send them to brush their teeth.

When they came back he and his wife took turns reading them their bedtime stories, after that they kiss them good night and left their room. "Soon they'll be making him chief of staff because he has money." He grumbles as he enters their bedroom.

"But you know what? I've had it. I need to get away from that guy before I betray Kayla's trust. I heard there's another hospital that is seeking E.R physicians and I'm thinking of applying." He said stripping off his clothes.

"But baby you love working where you are now." "I know baby but I can't stay there; I just can't. If all goes well I should be transferred soon and personally I can't wait to get out of there and away from those brainless idiots."

Caleb was on his way towards Ty's room when Fabian grabbed his arm and stops him. "Hold up, I know we said we were going to talk to him tonight but we can't," Fabian said dragging Caleb down the passage towards his room. "What? Why? We need answers Fabian; we can't just sit around and watch him destroy his life. Why in God's name he would even still be talking to that bitch is beyond me." Caleb fumes.

"I know how you feel but Jason called me earlier, he and Jessie had a talk with Ty this afternoon and it didn't go well, he had a total meltdown and well, I was thinking that maybe we should wait for another time, I don't think he can handle a conversation like that twice in one day," Fabian said concern and worry in his voice.

"Alright, fine another time then, let him enjoy his cuddle time with Janice and Faith." Caleb laughs. "Yeah I just wish he would take his focus off Kayla and put it on Janice, that girl is something special." Fabian moans. "You can say that again. Soft-spoken, humble, and sexy as hell." Caleb said biting his lips.

"Don't forget seductive, I don't think she has any idea just how seductive she is, and she isn't even trying to be," Fabian said smiling. "She makes a man's blood boil with lust just by looking at him with those innocent full eyes of hers," Caleb said.

"You noticed those eyes too huh? I avoid looking into her eyes, they're downright dangerous." Fabian laughs. "True that," Caleb adds.


Tyler relaxed on the love seat in the lounge and enjoyed the beautiful view of the garden as he waited for the ladies to finish getting dressed for church. But there was one lady, in particular, that was occupying his thoughts and her name was Janice because even though the girl looked simple she was anything but.

She was the most mysterious and intriguing woman he had ever met and the more he tried to avoid it the more she fascinates him. And from the expression he had seen on his brothers' faces and from some of his cousins he wasn't the only one that found her alluringly captivating.

Sure she didn't have fair skin or long flowing hair like Kayla but she did have the curves and those curves were becoming more obvious as she settled into her exercise routine.

Kayla was beautiful yes but Janice had a different kind of beauty. A beauty that shines from deep within. She also had a genuine sense of joy and appreciation for life that shone through everything she does.

A smile creased the corner of his mouth as a particular memory cross his mind. He had returned from a medical seminar yesterday and saw her watering the flowers at the side of the driveway.

He was about to get out of his vehicle when she turned the hose towards it trapping him inside. She had then taken out her cell and rings his informing him that he couldn't come out until she said so and that would be her playful side.

Sensing a playful dare he had taken off his jacket; emptied his pockets and boldly stepped from his vehicle but as soon as he did she blasted him with cold water from the hose sending shivers down his spine.

Within minutes he was soaking wet but for some reason, he couldn't stop laughing. He attempts to wrestle the hose from her but she tripped and he ended up on top of her instead. He remembered how close his lips came to hers before his car alarm went off.

He reluctantly pulled away from her but if he was honest with himself he would have to admit that he didn't want to.

And again if he was totally honest with himself he would also have to admit that he absolutely loves coming home and curling up on her sofa or her bed or his bed with her; with Faith wrapped securely in his arms while he tells her about his day or night as his shifts changes, and he wasn't allowed to leave anything out.

She wanted the good, the bad, the sad moments when he loses a patient, and the happy times when his efforts paid off. Kayla was trying to show interest in his work but was easily bored with all his medical words and terms and it wasn't hard to notice that her interest was forced but not Janice; she practically hang on to every word he said and when she didn't understand a term she would ask questions. Sometimes they would talk for hours and often times would both fall asleep on whatever they were curled up on and Faith's cries were usually what woke them.

But what made her so intriguing were the different sides to her. At one point she was like a timid child or a playful child. Then there was her very shy side which was when she blushes a lot.

Her loving mother side and her virgin side when the words foreplay makes her blush or leave the room. On more than one occasion he had actually forgotten that she was a mother and that she had lived with a man for five years but she had; so why was she so timid around half-naked men.

He was trying to sort that out in his mind when they walk into the room and announced that they were ready. Getting up he turned towards them and was utterly amazed at how beautiful Janice looked in the dress that Sandra had given her a few days ago.

He remembered that he was showing her how to use the computer when Sandra had given her the dress. It was a beautiful dress but he had absolutely no idea it would have looked so good on her. "Wow, you look amazing." He breathes out slowly as the words roll off his tongue.

"Thank you." She said softly with her head down. He was about to say something else but Caleb's deafening whistle stopped him. "Holy smokes girl. You're working that dress!" He shouts in admiration. "Thank you, Caleb." "Oh man; I'm actually thinking of changing my plans and….um following you to church." He said licking his lips. "I think that's a very good idea," Janice said with a bright smile. "Okay but only if I get to sit next to you." "Okay, it's a deal." She agreed. "Alright, then I'll be back in five minutes," Caleb said running from the room.

"Are my ears deceiving me or did I just hear Caleb says that he's coming to church with us?" Anna asks in disbelief. Mrs. Jackson burst out laughing at the look of utter shock on her daughter's face.

"Oh, you heard him right." She replied still laughing. "Caleb, my brother? The one that would rather stick needles in his arms than go to church, That Caleb? Wow the Lord does work in mysterious ways." Anna said still shaking her head.

Tyler quickly turned his attention to Faith so that no one would see how Caleb's bold flirtation had affected him. He could feel his possessive nature fighting to get out and a part of him felt like punching that smug look off his brother's face but what right did he have to be possessive towards Janice; she wasn't his girl, Kayla was, but on the other hand his brother is a womanizer and very smooth with the ladies; and he wasn't about to just stand aside and let him hurt Janice.

They were walking towards the door when again Janice stops dead in her tracks. She was still terrified of leaving the house but his mom insists on her coming to church with them but no matter how much they tried to reassure her that she and Faith were safe that didn't stop her from trembling with fear every time she was to leave the house.

Six of his cousins stood in the driveway all dressed in black suits and wearing earpieces ready to assume their positions as her bodyguards but it was Caleb's gentle persuasion that finally got her to move.

Thank you all for reading

Food for thought

Are you drinking from earthly fountains and still feeling thirsty? Turn to Christ and drink so deeply that you'll be spoiled forever from wanting anything less.