Chapter forty four Nervous wreck

Janice bit her lips and wrings her hands nervously as she walks beside Fabian towards Ty's room. He has been in a coma for four days now, all the efforts to wake him up had failed, and even though he no longer needed the machine to breathe his entire family was still a nervous wreck with worry because this was the second-longest coma he has ever been in. They were almost to his door when Anna came running up to them.

"Hey guess what? Kayla was admitted an hour ago, she's in labor." She states. "Good, now we can find out if Ty is the father or not," Fabian said angrily as he opened the door. His scowl grew deeper when he saw Martin standing by Ty's bed. "Get the hell away from my brother." Martin jumps as Fabian barked at him. Ty's family hadn't allowed him near Ty since he saw him that night he was admitted. They were as angry with him and Susan as they were at Kayla and he really couldn't blame them.

"Calm down alright, I just wanted to see how he was doing," Martin explains. "You have some nerves; he's lying in this damn bed because of you! You tried, convict, and sentenced my brother as a cold-blooded killer, without even giving him a chance to defend himself." Fabian sneered coldly. Martin couldn't help but wince at the anger in Fabian's voice. "I know alright and I'm sorry I judged him wrongly….I …." "Oh just shut up! it's way too late for apologies; the only reason you still have your teeth is that Ty begged Caleb to stay away from you and let him handle this and now look what happen, just get out!" Martin nods and without saying a word he left the room.

"I see you have your portion of anger stored away but thank God you're not as scary as Caleb, the way he talks scares me to death sometimes, which makes me grateful he didn't get his hands on that man that gave me the drive that night." She said massaging Ty's hand.

"That's because he doesn't know who he is." Fabian snorts. "But he does, I showed Caleb him a while back when we went to Price Smart, I thought he told you." "No, he didn't." "Well, maybe he just decides to forget about him, attacking that man would only put Caleb in a lot of unnecessary trouble." She said sitting beside Ty.

His father entering the room stops him from replying to her last sentence but he knew his brother well enough to know that he didn't just forget about the man which means that there was reason to be concerned about what his brother might have done to him but his parents were already worried about one son and he didn't want to add to their stress, so he decides to drop the subject for now.

"Any changes?" His dad asks. "Nope, he's still the same, so how's the baby situation going?" Fabian ask. "I already have the DNA test done, we'll have the results soon." He said walking towards his youngest son; he was almost to his side when Ty's body began shaking violently. "Dear God, he's seizing." Mr. Steven said in a panic. "Get his doctor in here now!" He shouts and Fabian rush from the room returning seconds later with the doctor behind him.

"Clear the room please." The doctor said as he began tending to Ty. Janice, Anna, and Fabian did as the doctor said but Mr. Steven stayed, they were so worried that they couldn't even speak. They were still sitting in the waiting room when Mrs. Mellissa came in with a few family members and some of the members of their church including the pastor. "What's going on?" She asks. "They won't let us see him, he was seizing so bad that the doctor ordered us to leave the room," Fabian said sadly.

"He was seizing while in a coma?" Caleb asks puzzled. "Well, that was certainly what it looks like," Anna adds. A few minutes later Mr. Steven enters the room and ran his hands over his face. "Thank you all for coming, we had to put him back on the ventilator. His pressure is critically low and his other vitals aren't looking so good, his pulse is so weak we could hardly hear it, the bottom line is, he's getting worse." His father said with tears in his eyes.

"Well Jesus never fails, I know that we have been praying nonstop for the last four days but we're not going to stop or lose hope, not now," Janice said in a determined tone. "For years I prayed to God asking him to get me out of my situation with Leon and for a long time I honestly thought that God was angry at me for turning my back on him to go live with Leon." She sobs.

"That he was ignoring me but I was wrong, he hadn't forgotten about me, he heard my prayers but was waiting for the perfect time to help me and I don't believe for one second that he helped me to endure all I had and brought me all this way so that I can stand here and watch the man that saved my life die." She said wiping tears from her eyes.

They all wanted to say something but for some reason they were speechless and Janice continues. "There's no way I'm going to accept that, I know for a fact that God is going to bring him through this, he's going to wake up." Fabian was about to say something but Janice stops him by holding up her palm. "I know the God I serve and I'm willing to bet my life on that."

She looks at Mr. Steven with tears running down her face. "Could we please see him?" She asks in a shaky voice. "Sure." He said leading the way. "We're all going to stand around his bed and pray for a miracle." She said taking determined steps towards Ty's room.

thank you all for reading