Chapter 103

Scott was just about to have breakfast when Christian and Jared walks into the kitchen. "Hi cuz," Christian said hugging him sideways. "Hi Chris, hi Jared. What are you guys doing here so early?" He asks biting into his muffin.

Christian and Jared are like Mutt and Jeff, where you see one you see the other. "We're just dropping off some papers for your mom. Now, remember we're leaving for England tomorrow night." Christian said in his unusual soft voice. He sounded a lot like Ty's wife when he speaks.

"Got it already packed." "And dance practice this evening at Ty's." "Okay, so how many of us are going to perform at this wedding anyway?" Scott asks.

"Well Caleb is in Miami and Fabian is busy with girl issues so that leaves, me, you, Ty, and Jamie." He said in a thoughtful tone.

"Jared, isn't it time you join the group?" Scott asks. "Boss said I'm not ready," Jere said making a face at Christian. "You're practically joined at the hip to our choreographer here, how can you not be ready?" Scott asks laughing. "I ask him the exact same thing." Jared snorts. "Oh for crying out loud, alright fine, we'll see how ready you are at practice this evening now come on we have a lot to do today," Christian said shooing Jared towards the door. "Later Scott," Christian said over his shoulder.

"Ready brother?" His big brother Eric asks coming into the kitchen. "Yep just let me freshen up a bit." "I thought I heard voices?" He said looking around. "Yeah, Christian and Jared were here, they left those papers over there for mom," Scott said running from the kitchen.


"You're not being fair," Jasmine said scowling at him as they walk to their lunch spot under a tree where they sit almost every day. "With what?" Scott asks innocently. "You've paid for our lunch three days in a row now." "No worries, I can afford it." He said dropping his bag on the ground.

"Not the point, you have to let me pay sometimes too. So I've come up with a plan. You pay two days, I pay two days and on Fridays, we split the cost, deal or no deal?" She asks narrowing her eyes at him. "Alright Deal." He said stifling a laugh.

"Oh, by the way, a friend of my cousin is getting married in England on Sunday, so my cousins and I will be flying out tomorrow evening. We're going to perform at the wedding." He explains.

"Perform?" She asks puzzled. "Oh yeah, we are dancers, not professionals or anything but we do our thing." He chuckles. "Dancers, really? How good are you guys?" She asks with eager curiosity. "I'll let you be the judge of that." He said bringing up a video on his phone and handing it to her.

His friends then calls out to him and he went over to their table to talk to them while she watch the video. She was on her fourth video when he came back. "So what do you think?" He asks digging into his box food once again.

"You guys are good, really good like BTS good (AN-just using these guys as an example, if you don't know who they are just Google them). "You really think so." "Yes, you guys are awesome." "Thank you, thank you very much." He said trying to sound like Elvis Presley while wriggling his brows which made her burst out laughing.

"So when are you coming back?" She asks. "Sunday night, I might miss school on Monday though." "I can't wait to see that video." She laughs. "This's going to be lit." He said rubbing his palms together.

Thank you all for reading

Thoughtful prayer

Thank you heavenly father for giving

Me this amazing, incredible life, and for

Making it possible for me to enjoy

Every part of it, even in tough times

(Heb 12 vs 1-6).

Love you all oh and let me just say


To each and every mother out there.