Chapter 159 Precautions

"I'm two months pregnant Caleb." She said with tears in her eyes. "Bloody hell, are they sure?" he asks as she gave him a 'seriously' look. "God damn, Ty is going to freak, but I don't understand. You guys have been taking a lot of precautions, so how?" "I don't know but I'm scared, after what happened with Tyrique. I almost died Caleb." She said tears running down her cheeks.

"Alright, there's no going back, there's a child in your womb right now, Ty's child, yes he's going to freak, there's no doubt about that but we'll help the both of you in any way we can, so have you told him yet?"

"No, not over the phone, I'll tell him when I get there tomorrow, just don't say anything to anyone yet okay." "Okay, it's our secret for now. So are they finished with you? Can you go home now?" "As soon as the doctor comes back yes." "Okay, so we wait."


For a good five minutes, Ty said nothing. He just sat there staring at her. "Baby? Please say something." She pleads. "You're pregnant. We were so careful. How can you be pregnant?" He asks more to himself than to her. "Are you upset with me?" She asks with trembling lips. "What? No kitten, no, not with you but with myself, I should've been more careful, especially after what you went through before." He said softly.

"It takes two to make a baby Ty." "I know but…." "Hey, stop, we'll take this one day at a time okay." She whispers. "Okay." He said in a shuddering breath.


"I'm trying so hard to be strong for her dad but I think I'm failing. We took all the necessary precautions so this wouldn't happen again and still, it happened." Ty cried. "It's been only three days since you found out son, give it time." His dad said in a soothing tone. "Time dad? The more advance this pregnancy gets, the more life-threatening it becomes."

"That may be true son but it's not as if we can end this pregnancy, that's not what you want, is it son?" "No, of course not, I want my child dad, but I can't lose my kitten in the process dad, I just can't." He cried and within minutes he could feel his airway closing.

He was struggling to catch his breath when Jason walks over to him and took his phone from him. "Hi, Mr. Jackson." "Jason, is he okay?" His dad asks in concern. "He'll be fine, can you give us a few minutes, I need to talk to him." "Um…alright, just have him call me as soon as he can." "Will do," Jason said ending the call and bending down in front of his friend.

"Alright just breathe, deep breathes buddy, relax, everything is going to be fine," Jason said rubbing Ty's back. "You don't know that." "True but I have Faith in God, he brought you both through this once and he'll do it again," Jason said in a firm tone.

"Now where is your Faith Ty?" Jason asks. "Home, with her mom." Ty mumbles. "Seriously dude? Don't make me hurt you." "I'll help." A voice said from behind them, they turn and saw Samson standing behind them.

"What are you doing here?" Ty asks in surprise. "Not much, just standing here watching a man of God having a panic attack brought on by fear." "My fear is based on cold hard facts, don't forget, I've been down this road before," Ty said defensively. "And yet here you all are, and you're all fine," Samson said sitting beside Ty.

"When she was leaving the hospital after she had Tyrique her doctor told her that having another child could be fatal.' Ty said in a soft sad tone. "Yeah and no offense Ty but your dad also told her she couldn't have children.' Jason states. "She flat-lined Jason, right in front of my eyes, what if that happens again, I can't lose her Jason, I can't," Ty said raking his fingers through his hair as he paced back and forth.

Samson knew from experience how scared Ty was but he also knew the God he served. The one true God that had brought him through a whole lot and who had literally saved his life. "Alright stop," Samson said standing in front of Ty to stop him from pacing.

"Believe it or not, I know your fear but I need you to do something for me. Forget everything the doctors said. Yeah, I know, easier said than done but you serve the creator of Heaven and Earth. The one true living God and he said that he's our help in times of trouble."

"2 Corinthians -12 vs 9, his grace is sufficient for you, for his strength is made perfect in your weakness." Samson kept repeating Bible verses that Ty knew all too well but find it difficult to put into action at this precise moment because he was scared out of his mind. "This battle isn't yours man," Samson said then laughs as Ty glares at him.

"Yeah, I know, I almost punched the guy who preached this sermon to me when I was in your position but trusts me it worked. Now, go finish your class, so you can go home to your wife and kids, I need to get to my meeting." Samson said slapping Ty on his shoulder.

Thank you all for reading

Now tell me, who do you think would

Win if Caleb and Samson should fight?

Hmmm, that's worth thinking about