Chapter 242 In Labour

Tyler enter the canteen put a stack of papers on the table and took a seat across from his friends. "Hey guys, what's up?" He asks cheerfully as he began writing in one of the dockets. "Wow, look at you, you have a schedule that would break most men, but you're glowing," Jessica said smiling.

"Well, that's because my days and well some nights when I'm on duty, as hectic as they can be, they're nothing compared to the mind-blowing ecstasy I get to experience when I go home to my wife." Ty laughs biting his lips.

"It warms our heart to see you so happy man, if there is anyone who deserves this kind of happiness, it's you, no more tears, no more sadness, no more episodes, just pure happiness," Jason said with a warm smile.

"Thank you guys, I am happy, very happy, no matter how hectic my life is right now, I can't seem to stop smiling," Ty says. "Yeah, we can see that," Jessica says taking another bite of her sandwich.

"But as happy as you are right now please don't let it blind you to the fact that Kayla is still out there and she's a great threat to your happiness." Jason points out. "I know," Ty said closing one docket and opening another. "As much as she's the last person I want to be thinking about, she's never far from my mind. Janice has had a problem-free pregnancy so far and if this bitch so much as come within a hundred feet of my kitten, I swear, I'll give her a bad injection and put her out of her misery." Ty said angrily.

"Hey, whoa, easy there tiger, no need for that….." Jessica says and was about to continue when Ty slams his fist on the table. "I'm so sick of this woman, why can't we find her?" He growls through clenched teeth.

"All in due time, my friend, but in the meantime just stay on your toes, and let's not forget, we got your back, alright." "Thanks, guys, I'm really blessed to have great friends like you and even though she did get to finish her course online, she can't stay cooped up in the house forever, we need to find this loose cannon already.

Her graduation is also coming up soon, how the hell can I focus on what's important when I know this nightmare can strike at any time." Ty growls. "Hey, you've gone this long without any episode, so stay calm, by the grace of God, we'll get this witch before she can harm anyone," Jason says.

"I pray to God you are right because it makes me sick to think what this damn loose cannon is capable of." Ty sighs.


Ty enter his house at ten that night and was about to put his bag on the sofa when Caleb rushed into the living room and began flipping the pillows on the sofa like a mad person. "Hey! What in god's name are you doing man?" Ty asks alarmed.

"Shania is in labour and I can't find my damn bike keys!" Caleb shouts as he continues flipping pillows. "Forget the damn key, let's go!" Ty said hoisting his bag back on his shoulder and running towards the door with Caleb on his heels. "What's going on?" Anna asks as they breeze past her out the door. "Shania is in labour!" Ty shouts as he got in his vehicle, revs up the engine, swings the vehicle in reverse and speeds down the driveway.

"Mom, Dad! Shania is in labour!" Anna shouts on her way up the stairs.

Less than twenty minutes later Tyler came to a screeching halt in the hospital parking lot. "Go, I'll be there shortly, I just need to call Janice," Ty says as Caleb jumps from the vehicle and ran towards the entrance of the hospital.

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Verse for Thought

It is better to be patient than powerful

It is better to win control over yourself than

Over whole cities.

(Proverbs 16 vs 32).