Chapter 2: Battle

Three wolves charged at Yu Tinayun. Yu Tinayun quickly used his skill and hit one wolf. The other 2 reached him quickly but Yu Tinayun again hit another wolf.

But the third wolf bit the Yu Tinayun's arm. He quickly throw it towards the arm and used his skill.

All the three wolves died. This time, Yu Tinayun only have to use his skill one time. Because he increased his mastery, his skill power also increased.

[Ding! Killed 3 Normal Wolf. Received 300 exp and 3 jade coins.]

[Qi fist mastery increased by 150]

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The elder clapped at Yu Tinayun's performance. The elder thought that Yu Tinayun is talented. But he couldn't be called genius.

He looked at Yu Tinayun. "Do you still want to continue? You have 5 battles left. But if you don't want to continue then I will return your money."

The elder knew the importance of the jade coin. The jade coin is the monthly money of new disciples, except for the monthly income, they can't earn money through other ways. Their whole priority is to quickly improve their cultivation and become a real sect disciple.

Becoming a real sect disciple requires a disciple to be at the 7th stage of the Qi Refinement Realm. Even if it seems that the 6th and 7th are close but they aren't. Up to 6th level cultivation, cultivators refine qi from the surrounding and store them, and from 7th to 10th level, they refine the qi inside their body. When they refine their stored qi, their physical power increase a lot.

Up to 6th level, one's strength is 50 to 60 kg, and when they reach 7th level their strength tremendously increases to 100kg. And if one's a genius then it could rose to 150.

Yu TInayun quickly took his fighting stance and replies, "No, I want to continue." His eyes were full of determination and self-confidence.

The elder sighed, 'Kids nowadays.' And released 5 wolves, this time. When someone battles continuously, the number of enemies increases every time.

And when they couldn't defeat them or are in a life-threatening situation, the elder will quickly help them.

Yu TInayun used his Qi fist on the first wolf and it got killed instantly. The four wolves charged at him when they saw that. But unlike last time, Yu Tinayun didn't move. He quickly used his Qi fist and killed another wolf. And again killed the next wolf.

The last surviving wolf reached the Yu Tinayun and quickly attacked him. But Yu TInayun dodged the attack and killed the wolf.

[Ding! Killed 5 Normal Wolf. Received 500 exp and 5 jade coins.]

[Qi fist mastery increased by 250]

[Rewards Received: 1000 exp, 500 skill mastery, 50 jade coins.]

[Congrulation on breaking through the 7th stage of Qi Refinement State.]

[Rewards Received: 1000 exp, 1 random skill, +100 mastery in cultivation technique]

[Qi Fist power increased by 100]

Host: Yu Tinayun

Level: 7 (Seventh stage of Qi Refinement Realm)

Exp: 1100/3000

Quest Completed: 3

Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Cultivation Technique (Mastery: 630/10,000)

Martial arts: Qi Fist (Mastery 50/2000)

Yu Tinayun stayed still. He pumped his head. He smiled. He was too happy that he couldn't even hold himself.


He breakthrough into 2 stages in one day. Even geniuses can't do this. While Yu TInayun was happy and excited, the elder on the other hand was staring at Yu Tinayun.

'He broke through the 7th stage of Qi Refinement, this early.' He knew that Yu Tinayun was the 6th stage of Qi Refinement and he sensed his aura and knew that he just broke through the 6th level of Qi Refinement.

But he broke through and just in front of his eyes. The elder smiled. 'I have found a genius.' He wanted to take Yu Tinayun as his personal disciple. He already felt that Yu Tinayun would achieve great things in the future.

Yu Tinayun left the training ground and met the elder.

"This disciple will now take his leave." Yu TInayun bowed his head.

"Wait! Why the hurry? Let's go inside and talk."

"Huh?..." The sudden invitation from the elder surprised Yu Tinayun.

He nodded without thinking much and followed the elder. The elder sat on a chair and told Yu Tinayun to sat on another.

Yu Tinayun sat and the elder opened his elder.

"This disciple humbly asked. Why the elder invited me?" Yu TInayun politely asked.

"I want you to become my personal disciple." The elder directly stated the reason for inviting Yu Tinayun.

"Huh?..." Yu Tinayun stared at the elder.

"Are you saying, you want me to be your personal disciple?" Yu Tinayun slowly said that with a surprised expression on his face.

"Yes. I hope you can be my first personal disciple."

Yu Tinayun gasped. He widen his eye and politely replied. "Why did the elder chose me?"

"I see your potential. You have the talent. You recently broke through the 6th stage of Qi Refinement and just now, you broke through the seventh, am I right?"

Yu Tinayun thought. 'I forgot that others could see my cultivation and I just broke through 2 stages today, so everyone will see me as a genius.'

He was happy to be known as a genius but it also have a problem with it.

'If I am going to be strong in the future then I need a backer. I am not that strong now, and higher cultivators could kill me easily. So, should I join him?"

While Yu Tinayun was agonizing, the elder was calm and was waiting for Yu Tinayun answer. He was ready to hear Yu Tinayun's decision.

[To be continued.]