Chapter 3: Rewards

Personal disciples are those who cultivate under elders, great elders, or sect leaders. They gain many benefits as cultivation resources, cultivation guides, martial arts, and protection.

It is a very beneficial contract.

'Hmmm... Should I join or not?!!!' Yu Tinayun was wracking his brain.

He was agonizing over whether to become a personal disciple or not. After wracking his brain for some time, Yu Tinayun finally spoke.

"What benefits do I gain?" He directly states the point with a straight face.

"Hmm... You will gain martial arts, some jade coins, and my protection. You will also gain rewards as you increase your cultivation." The elder said while drinking the tea.

"Then I, Yu Tinayun pledge the elder. From now on, I shall be your personal disciple..." Yu TInayun kneel before the elder.

"I greet my teacher..."

"Ok, ok. You don't have to bow too much."

Hearing that, Yu Tinayun stood up and sat on the chair again.

"Ok, I, Wu Ling shall make you my personal disciple from now. Heaven shall witness this and earth shall support my decision. The one who would be my disciple, I shall protect you and nurture you."

The elder touch Yu Tinayun while casting some unknown spell. A small mark formed in the middle of Yu Tinayun's chest. It was just above the heart.

This mark is called a disciple mark. Those who have this mark can't betray their master. They have complete freedom except they have to obey some orders.

"Now, you are my disciple." Wu Ling proudly said that.

"Thank you, elder..." Yu Tinayun again bowed.

"Here, this is a storage ring for you. Since you are my first disciple, these are the gifts from me."

Yu Tinayun face lit up. He smiled and politely accepted the ring. He then bowed and left the room with a happy and excited face.


Yu Tinayun returned to his room and immediately checked the content of the ring. There were 5 Body Tempering pills, 3 Qi pills, 1 middle-grade sword, 1 Call Jade, and 1 jade card.

"Wow!" Yu TInayun's eyes lit.

*Body Tempering pills strengthen the body and purify the impurity from the body. Its also improve the absorption of the Qi.

*Qi Pills gives qi to the body. On eating, the qi in the pill release into the body. It is most useful in the breakthrough process.

*Middle-Grade Sword is a tough sword made up of some special stone.

*Call Jade calls the person which is linked into the jade.

*Jade Card a mysterious card that has some specific thing written on it.;

"Everything is good... I should just eat the pills."

Without caring, Yu Tinayun ate 5 body hardening pills in one go. This is certainly not the way, one eats the pills.

Eating pills require extreme caution. A single misstep can cause the qi backlash and decrease the cultivation. It's because a pill has more qi than a body can absorb at one time. One cultivator eats a single pill and slowly absorbs the qi of the pill.

But Yu Tinayun didn't know as he never ever has seen a pill. Pills are expensive, one pill costs 1 spirit stone which is equal to 100 jade coins. So, he just went with the flow and ate it like food. But...

[You have gained 5000 exp on eating 5 body hardening pills.]

[You have level-up to 8]

[Congrulation on breaking through the Eight Stages of Qi Refinement Realm.]

Because of the system, he didn't get any qi backlash and without any problem, he broke through Eight Stage.

"I have broken through 3 stages in one day!!!"

He raised his hand in the air and jumped around.

He then eats 3 qi pills in one go.

[You have gained 6000 exp on eating 3 qi pills.]

[You have level-up to 9.]

[You have level-up to 10]

[Congrulation on breaking through Ninth Stage of Body Refinement Stage.]

[Congrulation on breaking through Tenth Stage of Body Refinement Stage.]

Host: Yu Tinayun

Level: 10 (Peak stage of Qi Refinement Realm)

Exp: 100/ 6000

Quest Completed: 3

Cultivation Technique: Heavenly Cultivation Technique (Mastery: 630/10,000)

Martial arts: Qi Fist (Mastery 50/2000)

Yu Tinayun stiffened. He smiled as his eyes lit up. He tried to calm down and checked other stuff. He took the jade card and read the words written on it.

"Library Pavilion up to the 2nd-floor entry, 5 books borrow and 5 hours of staying... Really?" Yu Tinayun laid on the bed and just meditate for some time to waver his mind.

He was too happy to even calm down. The gains he gain right after obtaining the system were too much that Yu Tinayun was already thinking of becoming the core disciple of the sect which requirements 1st stage of the Core Condensation Realm.

Yu Tinayun thought to check the library pavilion tomorrow. And he rested even though it was still mid-day.


Wu Ling was walking inside the main building of the sect. He opened a door and entered inside.

"The elder greets the sect lord."

He greets the man who was sitting in the expensive chair. The man stood and said...

"Yes, why are you here today?" He said indifferently.

The elder smiled. "I finally got a personal disciple..."

"Oh... so?" The man didn't show any interest.

"He is a genius. When I first saw him, I felt from his aura that he broke through the sixth stage of Qi Refinement just a day of a week but just today... he fought with 5 wolves and then broke through seventh just in front of me."

"Nice... Nurture him and make him someone who will contribute to the sect." The man didn't even care and sat on the chair again.

"Yes! Then I shall leave..."


The elder left the room and the man looked outside the window and murmured. "Genius huh... Let's see how much he will grow..."

The man smiled and stood up.