There is so much to eat...

Yu Tinayun enters the sect restaurant where the disciple eats food. Eating food is only for taste. Cultivators don't need food to survive as Qi gives them energy.

"Welcome, sir." A young girl greeted Yu Tinayun.

The girl was cute. Her beautiful face and black hair with blue eyes made her look dazzling. And her waitress dress completely suited her.

"Let me show you your table." She leads Yu Tinayun to the table at the corner of the restaurant. Yu Tianyun sats and the girl spoke.

""What do you want to order sir?" Yu Tinayun looked at the menu that was on the table.

"Chicken Soup... 1 jade coin

Beast meat... 2 jade coins

Steak. 2 jade coin

Qi Refining Realm Monster Meat... 8 jade coins


There were other monster meat and monster meat soup dishes. Yu Tinayun looked at the girl and spoke.

"I want Beast Meat, Qi Refining Realm Monster Meat, Steak, Monster Meat soup." Yu Tinayun said while smiling.

His eyes were full of expectation to taste the monster meat. He was poor, so he couldn't afford to eat any monster meat. So, today he is going to eat to his heart's content.

The girl smiled and said. "Ok, please wait." The girl left and returned after some minute with some food in her hand.

"Here's your order, sir." She put the plate on the table and again left and again returned with another plate, and again left and again returned with another plate of food.

After putting three plates of food on the table, she finally relaxed and left.

Yu Tinayun looked at the table full of food. He immediately started to eat. He first ate the monster's meat.

The moment he put the meat in his mouth, his eyes widened.

"It's so delicious!"Yu Tinjauan exclaimed and ate his food with a joyful expression. After 5 minutes, he finally finished 1 plate of food.

He looked at the table again.

"There's soo much food to eat!!"

After 33 minutes-

He finally finished eating the food. He sat on the chair with a satisfied expression. He walked to the counter to pay his bill.

There was a middle-aged guy standing there. He wasn't a cultivator. Those who work in restaurants are generally not cultivators.

And the previous girl was also not a cultivator. He walked toward the man and spoke.

"How much?" He asked.

"Your total will be 20 jade coins." The man said while smiling.

Yu Tinayun took out 20 jade coins as the jade coins are saved in his system and he doesn't know where in the system. He just needs to think about the jade coin to summon it.

He learned that when he gave the jade coin to his master when he was training at the training ground.

He took out 20 jade coins and paid the man and left.

He walked to the training ground. He wanted to check his strength. He quickly reached the training ground and saw his master sitting in a chair looking at the ground.

Some cultivators were fighting with each other, while some were fighting with monsters. Yu Tinayun walked toward his master and greeted him.

"The disciple greets the master." He bowed his head.

Wu Ling looked at him and replied. "Hmm! Nice. You have improved since the last time I saw you. So, why are you here?"

"I want to have a duel with other cultivators."

"Ok... Go to the ground and wait for someone to come and fight with you. And since you are my disciple, you don't have to pay any coins."

"Thank you, master."

After saying that, Yu Tina'yun walked toward the ground and waited for his opponent. When one wants to fight with other cultivators, then he has to pay the coin and take a personal area and wait for someone to come and fight with him.

And those who come to fight with one who had paid the jade coin, then they don't need to pay any money.

Yu Tinayun sat on the ground waiting for someone to fight with him. Wu Ling looked at You Tinayun and smiled.

"He is a monster." Wu Ling whispered to himself. He just met Yu Tinayun yesterday with the 7th stage of Qi Refining and today he has advanced to the 1st stage of Foundation Realm. He doesn't know how Yu Tinayun cultivated this fast, but he was happy to get a brilliant disciple.

After waiting for a while, someone finally came to challenge Yu Tinayun. He was a boy and he was none other than Lin Jiu.

"Ohh, you had some money to come train here." Lin Jiu looked at You Tinayun and smiled eviliy. He had advanced from the Eight Stage of Qi Realm to Ninth stage.

Yu Tinayun stared at Lin Jin and also smiled.