Learning some skills

Lin Tinayuan looked at the bookshelves. Then his system rang.

[Searching... Searching... Searching... Done!]

[Found 11,029 books with material arts on the first floor. Can't access the second floor.]

[Do you want to import 11,029 books into the system library {Yes} / {No}]

"Huh?..." Yu Tinayun stared at the screen with wide eyes. He immediately replied. "Yes!"

[Importing books into the system library. Building a system library succeed. Importing books... done!]

[Host can now go to system world and read all the books on the first floor.]

He quickly ran onto the second floor and the same message was displayed.

[Searching... Searching... Searching... Done!]

[Found 9,134 books with material arts on the second floor. Can't access the third floor.]

[Do you want to import 9,134 books into the system library {Yes} / {No}]


[The host can now go to system world and read all the books on the second floor.]

Yu Tinayun smiled and returned.

The elder who was managing the pavilion saw and asked. "Why are you returning empty-handed?"

Yu Tinayun smiled. "Sorry elder, but today I had some work to do, so I can't browse and find books. I will come back later."

Yu Tinayun walked, but he got interrupted by the elder.

"Wait! Returning empty-handed is not good. I shall pick some good martial arts for you." The elder said and raised his hand and four books quickly came to his hand.

"Here." He handed the books to Yu Tinayun.

"Thanks, elder." Yu Tinayun bowed and looked at the martial arts.

'Mighty palm. seven mystery of sword...' and left the building.

Yu Tinayun sprinted towards his room and closed his door. He then laid on the bed and entered the system world.

The system world wasn't that different from before but a new building got added next to the shop. He ran there and entered the building. The moment he entered, he saw many books, just like he saw in the library pavilion. But the books here were arranged with their ranks.

"Low level human martial arts, medium level human martial arts, high level human martial arts and low-level earth martial arts." He read the names of the shelves.

The whole building was huge and had only a single floor. He then browsed the shelves and agonized over which martial arts he should choose.

"What martial arts should I pick?"

Then suddenly 3 books flew toward Yu Tinayun and a message appeared.

[These 3 martial arts are the perfect fit for the host.]

Yu Tinayun looked at the books.

'Perfect Energy Manipulation, Strength of seven mighty bulls and Feet of Cheetas.'

He read the description of the skills.

*Perfect Energy Manipulation: A low-level earth-grade martial arts which helps one to control their qi and decrease the qi consumption on using martial arts.

*Strength of seven mighty bulls: Grants one the strength of a mighty bull. Divided into seven stages.

*Feet of Cheetas: Increase one's speed and let one jump high in the sky.

Yu Tinayun eyes lit with excitement. As he was reading it, the martial arts in his hands disappeared.

[Successfully learned.]

[Perfect Energy Manipulation (0/2,000)]

[Strength of seven mighty bulls (0/500)]

[Feet of Cheetas (0/1,000)]

Yu Tinayun eyes widen in surprise. He again got shocked by the function of the system. He grinned and started to meditate.

He started to cultivate. When one learns a skill, their qi also got absorbed by the martial arts. And the pores that absorb qi also increase. So, Yu Tinayun started to cultivate and instead of energy, he got exp.

[Gained 10...20...30...50 exp from cultivating.]

Yu Tinayun ignored the message bar and focused on his cultivation.

[Gained 500 exp from cultivating.]

After cultivating for 2 hours, Yu Tinayun stood and started to practice his skill. Only learning skills is not enough when one doesn't even know how to use that skill.

Yu Tinayun first used Perfect energy Manipulation. As he used that martial arts, a small amount of qi formed on the palm of Yu Tianyun.

He slowly throw the qi and tried to control it. He could control the qi ball for 1 minute until it got blasted.

Yu Tinayun focused and again throw a ball of qi and control it from far. This time, he could control it for 1 minute and 20 seconds.

He cultivated the skill for 10 hours until he could control the qi ball for 5 minutes.

"Ha! I have empty my qi." Yu Tinayun laughed. He could use the martial arts freely but couldn't utilize it properly. So, he practices from morning to evening and he got slightly better.

Yu Tinayun went out from the system world and went outside. He walked toward a certain building that had a sign of food on top of it.