Chapter 6: System World

Yu Tinayun clicked on the system world.


A bright light covered his field of vision and suddenly he reached a small village.

"Huh?" Yu Tinayun tilted his head. He stood and looked around.

No people, no trees, no animals, nothing that resembles a living being was there. Only 5 buildings were standing still which looked new.

Empty fields were all over the village and far the buildings and fields, there was a huge fog. The fog covered the whole village indicating that Yu TInayun can't go farther than fog.

He looked around and read the names that were written on the buildings.

"Lottery Building, Recruiter Building, Blacksmith Building, Alchemist Building, and Shop."

Then suddenly, a notification rang startling him.

[Ding! Successfully unlocked and explored the system world.]

[Rewarded: 1 lottery ticket, +1 all types recruits, 10 quest points]

Yu TInayun's eyes lit with excitement to get the rewards. He sprinted at the lottery building as it was the closest one.

He entered the building and looked at the big round board ahead of him. The boar was enormous with a pointer attached to its top. Many sections were separated and different names were written.

A sigh board near the lottery board had written 'Say 'spin' loud to spin'

He stared at the signboard and yelled.


The huge board rotated at Yu Tinayun's voice. And it stopped at a martial arts section.

[Ding! Received 'Speed of laser' martial arts.]

*Speed of Laser: A earth-graded martial arts that increases one's speed exponentially. Takes some qi to activate. Upgradeable!

[Costs 10,000 quest points to upgrade.]

"Hmm... well let's check other things."

Yu Tinayun smiled at the reward but he was still confused about quest points. He decided to check the recruiter building that was next to the lottery building.

He entered the building and saw a huge board with some words written on it.

*Recruit Farmers

*Recruit Blacksmith

*Recruit Alchemist

* Other professions would be available after the recruiter building upgrade

Then another window popped before him.

[Cost 1,000 quest points to upgrade the recruiter building.]

Yu Tiyanu stared at the board and say loud.

"Recruit blacksmith, farmers, and alchemist"

[Successfuly used 'Recruiter ticket' and recruited 1 farmer, 1 blacksmith, 1 alchemist.]

*Farmers: Plant and harvest spirits herbs, medicinal herbs, and different kinds of vegetables.

*Blacksmith: Could make weapons, but need to provide materials.

*Alchemist: Create pills and potions, need to provide required material.

[All of the recruiters are low-graded, so items which grades are more than medium-grade couldn't be developed by them.]

"Ok..." Yu Tinayun stare at the board but he didn't see any recruiters. He frowned and went outside to check.

The moment he step outside, he saw 3 people falling down from the sky and land easily. They stared at Yu Tinayun and bowed.

[Give orders to the recruiters.]

The message startled Yu Tinayun. He stared at the men. All of the men were of the same height, their body was muscular and their faces were gentle.

Yu Tinayun walked in front of them and said, "Farmer, blacksmith, and alchemist, standby. I will provide you some materials tomorrow and give you the works."

All of the recruiters nodded and got disappeared. Yu Tinayun stood there dumbfounded until a message notified him.

[All the recruiters have gone to an empty place to rest. Please call them if you need anything.]

Yu TInayun felt a chill running down through his spines. He couldn't see the movement of those earlier. He thought that 'Their cultivation is higher than me!' and left the area.

He reached towards the shop as he had no business in the alchemist and blacksmith building.

He quickly saw a board with some names written on it.


{Low-graded weapon. Cost: 100 quest points}

{Low-graded defensive armor. Cost {100 quest points}

{2 health potion. Cost: 20 quest points per health potion.}

{5 power-boosting potions. Cost 10 quest points per power-boosting potion.}

He stared at the board for some time and left the area. He didn't have many points to spend.

He reached the center of the village and click on the exit button by opening the window.

"Hmm!!!" He returned back and stretched his arms. The sun had risen and shone brightly outside.

He decided to go to the library pavilion. He sprinted through the door and quickly reached a huge building which had written 'Library Pavilion' on top.

A Library pavilion is a building that stores the martial arts of the sect. Disciple can borrow martial arts temporarily from this building. But if someone failed to return the book in time, then they will get punished.

And if someone sold the martial arts outside and got found then they would get heavily punished and exiled out of the sect.

Yu Tinayun entered the building and saw many bookshelves filled with books. Yu Tinayun's eye lit up in excitement. He ran towards the desk, where an old man was sitting.

The old man is one of the elders of the sect who manages the library pavilion. Yu Tinayun reached the elder and bowed.

"Good morning, elder."

The elder looked at Yu Tinayun and said, "Good morning, new recruit?"

"Yes." Yu Tianyun answered immediately.

The elder stared at Yu Tinayun and said, "Show me your identity jade."

Identity jade is a jade card that is provided by the sect to the real disciple. Real disciples are mainly divided into 3 categories, Outer Disciple, Inner Disciple, and Core Disciple. Every type of disciple has its own jade and its benefits.

Yu Tinayun handed the jade card given to him by his master. The elder looked at the jade card and widen his eyes.

"You are the disciple of Wu ling?" The elder asked tilting his head.


"Hmm.. that guy finally got his disciple." The elder murmured and put his qi on the jade card.

"Here, I have put the time limit on the card and also, you can only borrow 4 books from 2 floors. So, take your time and decide carefully."

"Ok." Yu Tinayun bowed and walked toward the bookshelves.

The library pavilion has four floors. Outer disciple only has accessed to the first floor, inner has the second one and core has the third floor accessed. And only elders have the access to the last floor.

The first floor has many low-grade to medium-grade martial arts, second has high-grade, the third has human-grade and finally the fourth has Medium Human-grade to High-human grade martial arts.

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