Chapter 5: Dragon of the Forest

"H-how... could this... beast be here?" Yu Tinayun's voice shook as he said that to himself.

In front of him was a big beast, even 100 times bigger than himself. Its thick scales, a divine aura, and the cultivation pressure scared the Yu Tinayun. Yu Tinayun barely able to hold his ground against the big beast gritted his teeth.

It was a dragon. A divine beast that even an expert at core refinement real would tremble against it. The dragon flew in the sky looking at Yu Tinayun. Yu Tinayun was trembling, his hands were shaking as his face was full of despair.

He tried to move but the immense pressure didn't even let him lift his leg. The dragon land near Yu Tinayun. It didn't emit any killing intent and spoke in an arrogant tone.

"Hey, you human. I need your help."

The dragon ordered Yu Tinayun like he was the beast's servant.

"Y-y-yes.." Yu Tinayun said.

Monster those whose cultivation has crossed the core refinement realm have intelligence and could talk.

The dragon stared at Yu Tinayun and sighed in relief and lift the pressure. Yu TInayun stood still trembling from the aftershock of the pressure.

"Now, come to my back and take out the weapon which is stuck on my back..."

"O-Ok..." Yu Tinayun anxiously said while moving towards the dragon back and climbed it. He looked around and saw many big scales which are even sharper than an Earthly-grade sword. He walked on its back and found a small sword stuck on it.

It was stuck deep as its handle was only seen. Yu TInayun tried to lift the sword but he couldn't even budge it.

The dragon became irritated and yelled. "What's taking you long? Take the sword out quickly or I will kill you..."

Yu Tinayun ignored the voice and focused on the sword.

[Take the sword out from the dragon's body.]

[Rewards: Dragon scales, dragon-body cultivation art, and 10 dragons favorability]

[Time Limit: 10 minutes]

[Cannot reject the quest... Failure in the quest will result in death.]

[Received: 1-minute power boost potion]

*Power Boost Potion: A low-graded potion that increases one strength by 3 times for 1 minute. No side effects.

Yu Tinayun smiled. He quickly drank the potion without thinking much. A red aura covered his body and his strength increased. He immediately tried to lift the sword but still failed.

He put all of his strength into it and finally it budge. It slowly came out from the body and...


He got the sword. The dragon got happy. The sword which was causing him pain and trouble finally got lifted.

"Hey, you human... come down!!"

The dragon yelled at Yu Tinayun. Yu Tinayun jumped from the dragon's back and stood in front of the dragon.

The dragon glared at Yu Tinayun and coldy said. "I am leaving. Take that sword as a reward. Hmph!" And flew in the sky.

[Ding! Quest Completed.]

[Reward Received: Dragon scales, dragon-body cultivation art, and 10 dragons favorability]

*Dragon scales: A tough defensive part of the dragon. Can use to make spirit-graded weapons.

*Dragon-body Cultivation art: A body-type cultivation that increases one's offense and defense.

*Favorability: Amount of one's likes you.

[Favorability Scales]

*-value to 0: Desipe you (Greatly hate you to the extent that the person would want to kill you.)

*1-10: Not like

*20-50: Friends

*51-100: Likes you

*101-200: Loves you

*201-300: Can give their life to you

Yu Tinayun stared at the screen for some time until another message interrupted him.

[Do you want to learn 'Dragon-body cultivation art' / ]


[Ding! Congratulations on learning heaven-graded cultivation art 'Dragon-body cultivation art.]

[Rewards Received: 10,000 exp, defense, and strength increased by 3 times permanently.]

[Now the host can use the cultivation art to increase his strength by 2 times temporary.]]

[Rewards Received: System Box]

"Hmm... System Box?" Yu TInayun clicked on the system box and opened it.

[Opened System Box]

[Received: System World]

"System World?" Yu Tinayun became confused with this sudden reward. He thought to check it but didn't as he saw 10 beasts charging at him.


He quickly health with them as their cultivation wasn't that higher. Then suddenly...


The ground shook. But this time, it wasn't a dragon but a big beast. It was big, even bigger than the saber tooth. Its body was emitting a red aura.

It was the 1st stage of Foundation Realm 'Red Tiger' Yu Tinayun wasn't that scared of it and wield the sword that he took out from the dragon's back and took and fighting stance.

Clank! Slice! Slice!

Yu Tinayun and the red tiger fought but to Yu Tinayun's surprise, he immediately gained the upper hand in the battle. The sword was much sharper than his previous sword and it cut the beast skin easily without any problem.

Yu Tinayun smiled evilly and charged at the red tiger and cut its head. The beast fall and instantly died.

Yu Tinayun looked at the sword with excitement.

*Low Earth-graded Sword

Only this was the information, he gains but he was not disappointed instead he was overjoyed. He yelled in excitement but a notification interrupted him.

[Ding! Killed a Red Tiger. Received 2500 exp and 50 jade coins.]

[Rewards Received: 5,000 exp, 100 jade coins]

Yu Tinayun was happy with the rewards as he got many jade coins. He finally returned to his house. The sun was on verge of rising but Yu Tinayun didn't care and just entered his room and laid on the bed.

He quickly checked the 'system world.'