Chapter 2 - Man To Man

Man To Man

Bright pleasant day, yes, it was another day. The same story of morning goes on and Neil wakes up with his pleasant boyish attitude. But not all the days are same, it may seem to be normal at first but, little did Neil know that his life was about to change from today!

It was Thursday and sacks came early in the morning and his dad got to his work, his mom helped his dad in his work. It took hours to finish their work but they completed in before evening, at afternoon. Neil's mom (Kendy) got to the kitchen and she started her work. Matthew, Neil's dad was again in the field, such an obedient country man.

Neil, oh he had the normal good day with Peach, they played, chased, ate and slept.

Today Neil and Peach played a lot till the afternoon, after playing they both felt boredom and Neil went to his house, sat on a couch in the hall and he thought what can he do, he wanted to do something that could keep in more occupied. Kendy came in with some cleaning utensils to do her daily house chores, his mom saw him sitting idle in the hall, on the couch, she asked "Neil what are you waiting for"

Neil replied "Nothing!"

Kendy (mom) " there's something that you are worrying about, Is it Peach?"

Neil (with a straight forward face) " Mom what? No, it just I got nothing do so, I am resting"

Kendy (mom) " oh! wait till your dad calls you for work, you like it"

Neil " okay mom but he will call me later, but what till then?"

Kendy (mom) "hmm...what about you read a book, I used to read books when I was bored, when I was of your age"

Neil "No that's hmm...okay" (Kendy, mom goes from the hall with utensils after finishing)

Neil again sit idle like nothing happened, and blank, he is silently thinking in his mind, blinking his eye like an idiot who have nothing to do.

He gets up from the couch slowly and finally decides he is going to read a book, but wait! even if he is going to read, he is not going to read his school books but a fascinating new story book. He moves into his dark study room in which a lot of books were kept in the big shelf, remember it yesterday his dad schooled him at night before dinner. He went into the dark gloomy room switched on the light bulb to make his visibility clear and moved near to the shelf, it was quite all around with a very little sounds of his mom working in the other room. He looked up and down, left and right side of the shelf, checking each book from the uppercase to the bottom, he picked up a book named 'Sandy's perfectly imperfect life' He looked at the book's cover, thought for a second, then groaned and kept the book again in its places in the shelf but beside this book was another story book which had a bright blue-black colour cover with golden imprint bold text on its front cover.

He took the book from the shelf, it was a little dusty but not damaged, yes, it was old. He read the title softly "Time machine" Neil never heard about it any before, but he knew a very little that it was about time!

It was a new book for him, he thought it can fascinate him, so, he took the book along with him and went upstairs switching off the lights and leaving the room behind. Aside his mom (Kendy) saw everything, she saw him going upstairs and she knew he will enjoy reading books now. She smiled after seeing it, since Neil did what she expected him to do.

Neil went into his room laid on his bed instantly without his socks. He laid on his chest with his head facing the book on the pillow below his face. The light from the window made the pages bright and clear, it was a good, pleasant day to do something fascinating as reading all along the day, laying in your bed in a relaxed mood. He raised his legs and started waving it each by each. His hands were on the pages and he was looking at each of its page. The pages were old and thick, it had small formal black text, the entire book was written in the same font. The cover page had a lot of bends and folds at the edges. Some page even had something written on it by someone and even some highly unusual shaped drawings with the pencil.

So, he turned to the first, yes, very first page and started reading it line by line, trying to understand better. At first, he was not that moved but as he read, his whole mind became one with the book. He felt it was so interesting that he did not want to stop reading, he felt to finish the book at one shot, he kept on changing his position while reading, sometimes he sat with his legs crossed, his back rest on the pillow or fully laid his back down with his face up looking at the book above him which was held in his both hands.

Suddenly Kendy (mom) called Neil from the downstairs "Lunch is ready"

She didn't hear a reply from Neil so she again called (in a high pitch tone) "Neil, Lunch is ready!" then Neil replied "okay mom.... coming "

Kendy felt that Neil really got into book maybe, that is when even Matthew (dad) entered the house, he came inside and sat on the chair, he saw the food was served on the table but where is Neil? He asked his wife (Kendy) "honey, where is Neil?" , Kendy replied "upstairs, reading a book"

Matthew said "reading! he likes reading?" , Kendy looked at Matthew in a evasive manner indicating that she was clueless.

Matthew (dad) called him downstairs too by calling his name out loud "Neil!"

This time Neil heard from upstairs that his dad was calling him so, he closed the book instantly and got down the stairs. Matthew (dad) again called him "Neil come down"

Neil while coming down shouted "yes! coming", then he reached the kitchen and sat down on his chair. Matthew (dad) fascinatedly (with smiling) asked "what were you reading?" Neil too replied with simile "uh.... a book about time"

Matthew (dad) "hmm...okay!" then with a pause. Later asked "Today will you help me again"

Neil thought for a while because he was reading a really interesting book so he don't want to stop it, but he knew it was important helping his dad so he replied "okay! yes, after lunch"

Matthew (dad) "Alright! alright!"

Later as soon as their lunch, after they finished eating, Kendy collect the plate, Matthew and Neil gets out to the field to work. It was 2:30 (two-thirty) at afternoon, Neil was helping his dad in plucking some apricot, though he encountered some unusual shaped and size of apricot, he was happy working along with his dad. While working he asked his dad random "Dad do you know what's hmm... time machine?"

Dad (Matthew) "It's time traveling, some kind of machine"

Neil "So if we invent time machine can we go the future or past?"

Dad (Matthew) looking at Neil and instantly replied "Yes, are you reading that book?"

Neil "ah...what? yes! you know it dad, you read it?"

Dad (Matthew) "when I was your age I used to read that book too"

Neil asked "was that book interesting"

Dad (Matthew) smiling looking at Neil "go ahead read, you will know"

Neil didn't say any other word but was a little annoyed by that answer because he felt that book was good but anyway he got to do his work soon.

Later after work, it eventually turned evening, it was somewhere around 7 (seven) at night. They daily bath at night. So, after coming into the house, his dad first went to the bathroom and later him for shower. After refreshing himself it was nearly 8 (eight) and his mom was still preparing food for dinner and his dad was watching the T.V again. So, he silently went into his room and read the book which he left incomplete earlier. Today he didn't remind his dad about his studies since he want to complete the whole story, it was a very long book. He read and kept reading until he finished the book. But his dad from down stairs called him down for studies. He was so annoyed that he couldn't complete the book at least today since he has to study. He came downstairs and said "yes dad"

So they both again got to the room and picked a book that he was studying yesterday. So Neil want to ask something about the book to his dad since he thought his dad knew much more about it but he thought randomly asking something like that while he is studying something highly not related even close to it because what if his dad get angry but he knew his dad was not that strict so, he asked his dad " Dad have you read that book?"

Matthew was astonished a little within him because it was totally random but he replied to Neil "Yes!"

Matthew knew that Neil was interested in talking about it so he didn't hesitate to reply his questions.

Neil asked fascinatingly "Did you read the whole freaking book?"

Matthew (in a calm tone) "yes!, When I was like your age I read this same book, I saved it till today"

Neil asked "wow! but why did you read it dad?"

Matthew said "there are many thing you don't know about your father, I was a curious boy like you, I had a dream"

Neil (exclaims softly) "oh! I didn't knew that but dad what was your dream, was it about mom or like something "

Matthew laughs quietly "It's not about your mom, she is my dream but, there was someone close to me, I wish to meet him"

Neil (pull the chair, bring his chair near to his dad so that he can talk more close to him) "who was it?"

Matthew "It was my father, Heil!"

Neil astonishingly said "Neil, dad?"

Matthew laughed calmly and said "Heil, he was my father "

Neil "what ,but grandpa is dead and I don't know much about it"

Matthew starts his life story, flashback "It was 1978, when I lost it all, back then I was a 12 (twelve year old kid who did nothing but farming with my dad along with Joe(his brother) . He was good man but only for me, every person thought he was a drunken popper. Yes, we had hard times too, sometimes my dad didn't care about his family he used to drink and he never did anything even when there were terrible times, he just sat idle drinking all day. My mom back then was angry at him so much but she couldn't stop him, so she used to farm the field all alone when my dad did nothing. But I love my father than anything. We were best friends because he was a good man, a loving father when he was not high (or drunken). He thought me many things, we used to play all the days, I never regret about the things I did with him, he was the best person. But why did he drink, I cannot say. My dad uses to go to the town in the name of going to a store, he would lie to his wife, my mom and take his van and go to the town to a bar store and drink. He used to come late night, after dinner, so, my mom and dad used to fight. But there were days when he dedicated his time only on me.

My mini truck, the red one (mini cooper, mini truck) is a handover from my late dad. I used to stop him from drinking, sometimes I used to help mom in breaking his bottle with my brother Joe. But that didn't work too. We used to also starve for two days in a row since the profit was never more, we were running behind. I miss him, he was my teacher, like how I am yours (smiling at Neil's face) but he died! 'Liver damage' (calm, looking down, a pause for a while then again starts) Died when I was 12 (twelve years old) I was so depressed, I am now too, but my mom, his wife (Heil's wife) was too sad. She was the one worst affected. But she left me and Joe with her unmarried, childless sister, my old aunt. She raised me and Joe there after the entire time. Joe and I moved to their house with a few things. We stayed there for few years and moved to our home here again. Since both my parents left us, we were left with all the responsibility and property. We started farming again at the age of 17 (seventeen) while working I used to see a girl, a girl who I liked (whispering to Neil) your mom.

She used to come with her mom and dad, to buy apricots from us. They were our number one customer, whenever she came, I was happy and we used to talk a lot, and then what happened? (In a happy tone) we got married. Joe and I worked there but when we fully grown as adult, Joe was 28 (twenty-eight years old) that time, four years elder than me who was 24 (twenty-six-year-old). Joe moved out he told me was going to town to make his life better, so, he took half share and left me alone. Then I got married after two years to your beautiful mom. Now Joe is successful in his dreams, at least for himself.

Neil astonishingly said "oh my God, I didn't know about that"

Matthew says "I know son I haven't spoken much about this topic but you know now"

Neil "But what was that dream, you said dad?"

Matthew again continues "hmm.... okay, when my dad died, I was sad but that didn't stop me so, just like you I heard about this time machine, so, hmm...I got interested in it too. I thought that was the only way I could meet my father again. So, I like you, started reading the book.

Neil "did you finish it?"

Matthew "uh...I won't say anything about it"

Neil (questioning) " but what happened next? did you create time machine?"

Matthew (smiling) "No Neil, not at all, but you can fulfil my dream, I have hope"

Neil "wow! I didn't knew that our van was grandpa's and uncle Joe's story, and my dad, about my mom, this struggling and stories. and... ah. Grandpa's name is Heil!" (Neil open his mouth astonishingly that he never knew this things)

Matthew "and that is why we kept your name Neil because my father, your grandfather name was Heil my boy"

Neil "I wish I had a chance to meet him, but dad"- Suddenly mom (Kendy) comes in and says dinner is ready breaking the conversation.

Kendy "boys! dinner is ready, come on"

Matthew (gets up from his chair) "come on Neil, I had said many things to you about our family, for dinner is ready now"

Matthew move to kitchen for dinner with his wife, talking something randomly with her, whereas Neil is sitting still on his chair astonishingly.

Then later Neil too get up from his chair, switching off the lights and leaving some book on the table.

They all take a seat and then start eating, Neil was a little anxious tonight while having his dinner. He didn't talk much just ate the lunch, whereas his mom and dad were laughing and talking normal.

After their daily night schedule they went into the bedroom to sleep.

Mom and dad bid Neil "goodnight" and went to sleep. Neil faked that he was going to sleep but he didn't actually sleep. He just went into his room turned off the lights of his room and took a hand torch from the hall. Then he opened the 'time machine' book from the page he was reading. He covers himself with his blanket and laid on his chest with his face down, looking on the book on his pillow and with one hand he was holding the torch. Sometimes he used to turn around to see whether he woke somebody up. Yes, as usual Peach was sleeping in his shed. It was a beautiful night like any before. It gave him a good feeling of reading a interesting book at night like nobody never knew he is awake. At night you are far away from the hustle and bustle of your surroundings. When he was reading that book, he was able to connect to it, feel that emotions that importance going through. Reading a book just for the sake of it, does not make any sense anyway.

The silence of the night helped him. It calmed him in a different way. He got inspired by each word in that book to make a new dream and to fulfil it to the fullest. While reading he never felt it was boring, but interesting so much that he didn't even take break of few minutes and kept completely reading for two hours straight. Tonight, the moon was appearing small since it was a full moon yesterday. But then too it didn't affect the endless stars and that brightness in the dark sky made the whole atmosphere around him calm, fresh, cold but comfortable. An enthusiastic reader can only say how it feels to read at night, since a book is not written for a sake to fill it but to inspire readers, intellectual readers.

Reading the book he left many pages completed and now he was feeling thirsty, he needed a drink, water which was downstairs. He was scared, he knew if he dared to walk on the weak wooden floor, it would make that horrific, terrible noise which could even awake the beauty out of sleeping beauty and not to mention his mom and dad too. Visualizing what would possibly happen, if his dad or mom woke up hearing his footsteps, he thought of making some reason or excuses and he dared to move, but before he had hidden his book and switched of the torch since if he carried the torch, for sure his mom and dad would be wake by seeing that light from it, so he switched of the torch kept it in his room and he tried slow step, slowly, slowly each by each he kept his toe first on the floor and then moved. He is moving downstairs very quietly and slowly, trying to make a very little noise or no noise at all. But the wooden stairs were not that good even a small touch on it would make a loud noise, but somehow, crossing his fingers he reached the hall without waking anyone, not a single body.

He again moved slightly and slowly into the kitchen to drink water, he took a glass cup and went near the sink turned on the tap very slightly, so, that the water does not rush and make sound, it took time but he filled the glass with water and drank it slowly limiting his voice too. He kept the glass slowly on the table and then again moved upstairs, one step a then the other. He reached the mid way between his room and the hall, he was in the middle of the stairs in fifth or sixth step he heard someone was awake, somebody maybe his mom or dad. He heard a sound of someone other than him from his mom's and dad's room. He waited for a while the when the sound came near and louder, he jumped across the stairs skipping some steps in between, it created a lot of noise, so much that it gave evidence that someone was indeed awake! While climbing he fell down to his knees which hurt him but he deals with it and jumped to his bed and grabbed his massive bed sheet cover himself from bottom to top, closed his eyes tightly. Someone was coming upstairs, one of his parents, his heart beat was increasing he was gasping heavily. You may think why Neil is afraid of his parent, because in his traditional family they go to sleep at 9:30 (nine-thirty) at night. There was no typical need of staying late at night so if a normal teenage boy like him was awake at night, then it would raise awareness among his parents and can create a problem! So, he was afraid and knew there was a very little chance of him not getting caught. So, he saw through his semi-transparent white bedsheet that it was his dad (Matthew) he tried to act normal, made no moments, just acting like a dead body. It seems that his dad wasn't that awake he was droopy and just checked that everything was right and went again downstairs and then again into the bedroom to sleep.

Neil was in pain since he hurt his knee while jumping across the stairs, he controlled it until his dad went out of his room and loosened himself casually. With a heavy gasp he whispered "thank god" and opened his eye and checked whether his dad has really gone.

Then he again opened the book and switched on the torch to read the book again. He started reading again, he gained much more knowledge about time, space and numbers. He learned many new things from that book which was both educational and inspirational. He nearly completed the book, there were only a few pages left to be finished. He gained the confidence to go on and on, turning each page steadily in a manner with uniformity, from his anxious face it was evident that he wants to do something that he always wanted to do. The number of pages were reducing one by one. His eyes were keen on each word, he tried his best to understand each sentence well, his lips were slightly imitating each word from the book, whispering very quietly through his mouth. He turns over the page slowly to make less sound and kept looking around after few minutes if there was someone spying or watching him. His eyes were moving side to side along with the words and then finally he read the last sentence of the book and officially completed reading his very first sci-fi book. This moment was great for him since the amount of knowledge and inspiration he gained after reading the whole book was priceless, though it was just one book but remembered it is one book that inspire a reader to read more and more. He slowly closed the book and turned it over to its cover page, glanced at it for a while and then smirked in a very silly way. He looked behind randomly and kept the book just aside his pillow where he would rest his big head. He switched off the torch and kept it under his yellow table lamp on the wooden table. He Slightly got up and sat on his bed, moving his bed sheet aside. He was facing the window and was sitting fascinatingly but also clueless at the same time. He was thinking, now what? what is next? he finished it, what after it? All weird thought were randomly flashing on his mind. He was seeing the moon that got lost due to the dark night clouds. He was also staring at the stars twinkling in the night sky. This atmosphere created a exotic feeling around him and within him. He was happy! he was thinking about his dad because today his dad said to him, he is much more capable to fulfil his father's dream of creating an absolute, completely real-life time machine. Yes, he was ready for it but he didn't know how to actually. Though he had read the book but he never got that solution on making a real time machine or something even close to it, he was wondering how? why? where? he can do it. He was staring calmly, hush all around, someone is thinking, thinking about future! He now was thinking about his late grandfather, Heil, he to felt bad for his death even though he never met him but he knew how much awaiting his father would be to meet his favourite person on the earth which is nearly impossible to do so, since he is permanently gone, erased from the world. How bad it would feel losing your love unexpectedly.

He sat there like nothing is going much on the outside but inside it was lot more than one can expect. Little he knew from reading that book that time was complex though, it is a very simple and common term everyone uses in their day-to-day life. Time and space were related, number were a big clue too, who know that an equation could unravel world's greatest mysteries. It is really hard for a small teenage kid to think something big about existence and time. It would also be nearly impossible for a farm boy to build a time machine or something like that. But then too he kept hoping, he knew this is difficult, giving up now is an easy thing, he thought what would be the use of even reading book for no actual reason and what about his dad's dream, isn't he waiting for it, hasn't he not lost the hope. He was really anxious, trying to look outside the box into a new world. It was 2:45 (two forty-five) at midnight. Imagine staying up that late at night with total hush all around, living in a completely isolated country side where any bad mind is open to do anything and you're just looking out of the window when its dark outside and inside too, doesn't that make you afraid for nothing. Yes, Neil was now looking at his wrist watch now, he thought it is really late now, it isn't that good to be awake whole night. But then too he was sitting on his bed, thinking! He thought what if past and future are totally imaginary and they exist only in his little mind. The present moment is reality indeed as he always exists only in the present but what about past, was that even real too or just feeling inside him. Thus, the universe itself in reality exists? He came to the weird part of thinking, he thought in his mind what would he do if he went to the future, in the future he would get to know his life, how successful he is whether he would turn like his father and continue the family tradition or the first one in his family to graduate university, will he be rich or will his mom and dad be happy and move with him, will he have a girlfriend and his future wife!

This all feelings of wanting to know things were in his mind, he wanted to know the answer for all his questions but it is not possible at least know. He thought how to improve his skill, he knew number where important here so can maths help him, physics? he is not that interested in this subject, he is weak in maths and kind a hate it. But he thought let give it a try and try his hard to fulfil his dreams and his dads too. Gazing upon the stars now he is really inspired, purpose, he got some purpose to do, at least now on he will never feel boring since he got a work to do. He again looked at his wrist watch on his left hand, it was 3 (three) now at night, he now felt the urge to sleep, he thought he had been thinking too much at a single night and now he really needs to have a sleep, but within him he was wondering that he actually forgot to sleep by thinking too much, he never felt to sleep or sleepy even when it was 3 (three) at night, which is really unusual for a daily routine, perfectionist boy like him, so he thought maybe the book got into his 'blood' and then he laid down on his bed and then he instantly slept...…