Chapter 3 - A Wish To Fulfil

A Wish to Fulfil

Neil, read the whole book last night, he is tired and gloomy a little bit today, but that is what happens when you stay late till 3 (Three). He moans heavily instantly when he wakes up, then he gets up from his bed walk clumsily and move to the bathroom, after refreshing himself he gets to the kitchen for breakfast and have a seat. His mom (Kendy) on seeing Neil's gloomy, droopy face she asks him "Didn't you sleep last night honey?"

Neil wasn't concentrating much but when he heard his mom asked whether he slept or not made him panic, but he kept it within him he and suddenly outburst "No, I slept well... yesterday" Dad (Matthew) also comes in and join them for breakfast, even he was a little tired and looked sleepless since you know last night he woke up and could have created a chaos, he heard what they both were talking and he said "You didn't sleep too, I heard a lot of noise yesterday, it was hard to sleep"

Kendy too said after him "yes, who was it"

Neil with hesitation he said "hmm... no, I didn't heard any sounds"

(he was afraid and got panic somehow he held himself back and controlled it and spoke)

Dad "I couldn't sleep well last night, well I need to go to work" (he gets up from his chair after finishing his breakfast and went out to the field)

Neil watched his dad going out and kept silence. Then after eating his lunch too, he also got up from the chair and went out to spend time with Peach, he took all that he needed but before he went out to play, he went upstairs to his room and took the book, 'time machine' and kept it in his basket, where he keeps the checks pattern cloth and Peach's treat inside it, so, that nobody can notice it. Then he bid his mom goodbye and then went out to the field. On the other side he saw his dad working, Neil saw him for a while working and then went with Peach and sat under the maple tree, their favorite tree. They were spending their time normal and very usual like any other day but after a while he took the book from the basket and showed it to Peach and said "you know I read it full at last night, it is a very good book, my dad was about to catch me reading it and being awake late night." Peach looks clueless since it does not understand what was even Neil talking about so he simply howled for everything he said. Neil then again started "I want to create time machine you know, my dad said he want to meet his grandpa, I want to fulfil his dream, I think he feels bad. But terrible thing is I don't understand anything, I don't know how to make it like that, it is not easy, it's time!"

He then keeps quite since he knows Peach did not understand anything he said for sure, so he kept his topic aside and did nothing but just to spend time with his friend Peach, but he didn't forget about it because inside he was finding a way to fulfil his dream, he was thinking how can he?

After playing, roaming all around the field, the time went and it was now afternoon, he said to Peach that he need to go for lunch and went, while Peach was left on the open field, so that he can throw his hyperactivity in the field.

Neil went inside the house, and he asked his mom (Kendy) "Mom is the lunch ready"

Kendy (mom) replied "It will shortly be"

Neil understood that the lunch wasn't ready and will take time for his mom to serve it on the table so he just replied an "okay" and went upstairs because he thought it was best time to write down his thoughts. He went to his room, took a small pocket notebook and a pencil which wasn't that sharp at the tip but he did not mind. He sat on his bed comfortably and he kept the pocket notebook on his left leg's lap and the pencil on his right hand and started drawing a time machine on his notebook, the drawing was really odd, He also wrote somethings with pencil and he was also wondering after a while, he tore all the pages he wrote many again and threw it on the floor, it seems that now he was frustrated and want to just quite, but decided not to, not at least this soon.

That is when his mom (Kendy) called him down for lunch "Neil, Lunch!" Neil from the upstairs replied "okay mom"

So, he got out of his room without picking the papers and all the way downstairs he was thinking frustrated, that the thing he is trying to do is just beyond his limits. Matthew also reached the home at the same time when Neil got to the hall, they both took a seat in front of their food and started eating, while eating, Kendy and Matthew were talking and he also got to know that dad went to the town for buying some stuff and is returning now. Matthew just said "Neil-" that is when Neil said suddenly "Yes dad, I will help you" Matthew (Dad) on hearing this was a little astonished and said "oh! you know what I am talking about" and Kendy (mom) was smiling at them after seeing them talk. Matthew and Neil after lunch went out to farm the field, Neil knew that he lost his time in discovering his thoughts. So, Matthew and Neil were doing their work as usual that is when Peach came to Neil and was just cuddling and roaming around him. Neil was happy seeing him because he is kind a funny in whatever he does. His dad, Matthew said "not there," (instructing Neil and telling him what to do) Neil sticking his tongue out "oh sorry dad"

While Matthew and Neil were working outside, Kendy was cleaning inside her house, she took a dusting cloth and was cleaning, after finishing her work in hall, kitchen and the whole downstairs she moved to upstairs to clean Neil's room. When she entered the room, she saw a lots of crushed papers were on the floor, at first, she got annoyed but she picked up the paper, while picking the papers from the floor and some that were on his bed, she also saw a book (that was the time machine book) which was laying on his bed, she thought (below) that Neil was reading this book so she kept it on his table, just beside his table lamp and after cleaning his room too she went out of his room and then downstairs. After working Neil and Matthew, his dad entered the house and went to shower while his dad was in the bathroom he went into his room and saw that now his room was neat and clean, he remembers that he left the room in a terrible condition, he then later understood that maybe his mom did it. So, he entered into his room and then when he was searching for the book, he didn't get, he kept on searching in hope of getting it back maybe because he kept it somewhere around his room and forgot where, but he tried his best then too he did not find it so, he thought may be his mom knows because she was the one who cleaned the room. So, he rushed to the downstairs and asked his mom "Mom did you see a book that was on my bed"

Kendy (mom) replied "Yes I kept it on your table, didn't you get it"

Then again, he went to upstairs and went into his room and then came near his table and saw that the book was there alright. He gasped, felt good and the picked the book then again kept on his bed and sat again on his bed. He was looking at the book and then he thought let he try reading his mathematics and physics book. So, he went downstairs and entered his study room, went near the shelf he took some math and physics books of his grade and higher grades too. He went upstairs again to his room and then opened the books and start trying to understand it. The book were so boring that he didn't even like it, he didn't understand anything and he knew how much ever he tried he could never learn it. He then too tried his best in reading it but he came to the conclusion that he wasn't made for it, he didn't even understand high school book very well and what would be about getting a higher degree in that subject, it would be terrible. He looked at each book and later knowing that it was of no use he threw them on his bed a pushed it aside. Now he is really frustrated and he is getting irritated for no reason. That is when his dad came out of the bathroom, and he knew it was his turn so, he got into the bathroom right away.

After having a splendid shower he came out and saw as usual his dad and mom were watching some program on the T.V and he dried his hair, changed his clothes and sat with his mom and dad in front of the T.V on the couch, watching the program along with them. It was his dad's favorite program it used to hire all Saturdays at 8 o'clock (Eight) at night. This wasn't any interesting family program or serial but it was kind a counselling program. A spiritual man would seat in front of his audience and answer the question. It was pretty orthodox. Sometimes Neil liked the show since the man used to give good advice which was indeed useful but there are times he hated it too, when the man used to talk to spiritual, which seems to be really annoying. But his dad never minds anything about that show, instead he liked watching it, he never really missed the show. Tonight, the man was talking something about unconscious mind, 'unravelling true power of mind' little did Neil know that tonight he is going to see a world beyond his imagination. The man was talking about how a person can achieve full advantage of ones thinking power and use it for good. He talks about how to open your mind, become one with it, the facts about mind, how to get through your struggles and personal depression. Neil liked this topic about mind and power that comes with thinking. His mom and dad were more like just listening to the man. Nobody talk much about such topic, but this man proposed such a topic to the public then there would be some catch. This man tonight said a highly unusual, weird way of unravelling and opening the unconscious mind and how to manifest the dream and how to fulfil them!

Neil was so keen on this topic, the man talked about how to manifest your dreams! The man said if someone is trying to do or wants to do something for true purpose then the whole universe will help him, he said "write a letter to yourself, expressing your feelings and problems even though you know it all and you are only writing it for your sake do it with your full heart, it is important that you put yourself in such a position"

"Write a letter to the unconscious mind, just a letter that can, may change your whole way of thinking about existence, life, love and even yourself. After writing the letter keep it somewhere special, somewhere you don't lost it and can keep it safely, you can keep inside your diary or with your favorite gift or you can keep it under your pillow! while sleeping"

Neil liked what the man said, he thought he will try it, who knows maybe it work. He really got inspired and he was more interested too, but then suddenly his mom (Kendy) switch off the T.V and says "dinner?"

Matthew and Neil then got up and went to the dining table in the kitchen and sat on the chair and started eating. Neil was excited, about writing a letter, a letter especially and only for him. After eating their lunch his dad and mom were again casually talking, while that time Neil went into his room sat on his bed and started writing the letter. Here it goes-

Saturday, 16th October

Dear me,

I love my self than anyone else, I have lived and dreamed about my dreams. I too have a wish to fulfil. It is not about me; it is about my dad whose late dream I want to fulfil. I am just a boy who need to be loved, I will do anything things possible to get through it but I just need you to open the gate of nowhere.

Yesterday my dad told me about my grandfather and he was his favorite person in the world, but sadly he died. My dad is mad to meet him, but he is unable to do so. I am writing this letter to you or me let say, I just want to help myself and fulfil my dad's dream, since I love him. I hope you will not turn me down; I have a lot of hope from you, I just want to make it happen, at least for my dad. I just want to time travel.

Thank you,

loving myself

Neil wrote the letter and folded it neatly looked at it for a glance and then he kept it under his soft pillow. He really hopes he could get a better help. That is when his mom (Kendy) switched off the lights of downstairs, and shouted from downstairs, "Neil go to bed". Then his mom and dad shut all the light and then went into their bedroom to sleep. Neil hears it and then he switched of his rooms light too and then laid on the bed to sleep.

He was sleeping upright with his head on the pillow, and under the pillow was his letter. His eyes are open and he is wondering it to works, he felt writing a letter to himself felt good, since nobody ever wrote a letter for him and he was the first one to write a letter to himself only.

The sky was dark and quiet. Outside it was hush, no body! inside his mom and dad went to sleep and must have already slept by now so, it all quite now. Neil is just blankly sleeping on his bed upright; he does not have much expectation for tonight since dark has already fallen all over and has left a very little hope. Then snap he closes his eye and then he went into a quiet, calm, coma sleep. Silence all around, every soul is taking its break after a day in this world what do you expect? Neil is sleeping he is completely no more physical. The magic is now in the atmosphere, the weird occurrence within him is happening, it rapid, its working, the letter he wrote was for real and now it's magical. Magic has it power Oh no! he wakes up, Neil wakes up! He woke, but wait he is feeling a little different. Neil sees its already morning, he is really confused, he looks at himself, oh my God! he is an adult now. What? Neil is now an adult, he is panicked and scared he see him-self - he has broad palm, his forearms is wide and his whole body is much hairier. He now has hair on his arm and legs more than he had, his body is now broad and much built. Neil touches his face and feels it, he feels hair on his chin, he has a beard, a thick beard now. His skin is rough and he shouts "where am I?" and gets to know his voice is now much deeper that a teen boy. He now looks like a grown man like his father. Neil is sitting on some bed in some room, he doesn't understand which place is this, he is really confused. He pulls the bed sheet which was over his legs, when he pulled it always aside, he saw his legs are bigger and he have hairs on his legs. He kind a feel uncomfortable with this new or some body he feeling. He gets up from the bed move a step back and see all around his room, now his room his much bigger and modern. He has a private bathroom only for him, he has a small kitchen attached to his bed room now, his hall is now much brighter with modern lights. He goes near the window in the kitchen. The window is attached to an upright wall, his walls are covered with bright with wallpapers. He goes near the window and see vehicles moving on the road and people passing by below. He understands that now he is leaving in some apartment. He goes to the toilet; it has white tiles and small carpet on the tile, he also has a small white bathtub. He looks himself in the mirror. He is handsome now, his appearance is good, his hair is much more straight now that he had when he was teen. His beard and his hair are brown his eye look much better now, but it looks like he has lost his natural blush. his chin and jaw are fully covered with his short dense beard. His eyebrows are much thicker, he steps back slightly from the mirror and remove his shirts button and see his body is fully grown up, his chest is broad, his shoulders are wide and now he is much taller and his legs are bigger and longer. He steps out of the toilet in confusion he scratches his head, he does not understand what is happening? and where the heck he is? because he feels the same but his body and the environment around him is completely different, he doesn't understand where his mom and dad are too. His house is just a big room to which kitchen, tile and hall is attached together; his bed is in the side of the hall. His house is little small, but feels like cozy. He now lives in an apartment in a city, a urban place!

He makes an assumption of maybe reaching the future. Maybe he is now on his future, who know must have the letter worked, so now he is in the future that means he travelled through the time, Neil asks himself questions-

Neil "oh my God! oh! what the heck is going on, where the heck I am? (He gasps) oof! why I am so, so large and where am I (he wakes to the kitchen and grabbed some utensils and start cooking without his concern or conscious even though he is doing it)

and why my I wearing this strip pajamas? where is dad and mom? am I in this apartment? (He yells after realizing that he is cooking!) ahh! (Moves back with knife on his hand) I know cooking (he looks at the knife in his hand and he drops it) I remember somethings, it's in this head hmm... (gasp heavily) I don't know, I need to move out!" (He becomes serious)

Then Instead of cooking he just spread a ready-made jam on his bread that was in his fridge and then dress up. He wore a sky-blue formal shirt with dark blue paint and a leather belt with dark blue suit upon it. He wears a new watch on his hand now. He takes a leather office bag with him and hold it in his left hand and then closes his door and move out of his house to the street, busy street where every person is get going to their own work. Before hitting the street, he glances the view at once and inhales a deep breath in and exhale (though he didn't like the air since it is polluted here in city)

He wonder how he knows to do his new daily chores and he was sleeping before but now it's bright, it day now. The time was 8.30 (eight thirty in the morning) and he is straight walking to the metro station, he is not going to his work today he already left a mail to them, lying to his boss that he is feeling ill since he got pollen allergy even though it's winter season though there are less trees around in the city. For sure his boss would have cringe on that mail.

Neil is walking around the city to know what the heck is happening within him, he thinks that he travelled through the time and is in his future, just his body and time is switched but his memory is the same. He looks almost around the street, he sees local street shops, small restaurants, an Italian, Indian and some fast food. There is arcade and kid are playing inside the store. The leaves are falling since it's winter, it's cold, which made men and women wearing woolen sweaters. Some are on their phone and texting while walking, Neil looks at them and he feels unusual since he can't walk without even looking at the path or way, but just seeing on their mobile screen, he thought it's a talent and wispier to himself "wow!" on seeing such people. He looks all around like an idiot, many passers-by looks at him and feel annoyed, they think he is half retarded, may be after seeing a grown office man looking around like something is new and with his unusual behavior. The people think he is of this generation but he is from old generation, nobody knows he had travelled through time. He reaches the metro and from there on he walks slowly because there is a lot crowd, he doesn't want to get in trouble. He walks across the station looking sides and up-down he knows that he has been before here since he knows all his basic life daily chores and all that stuff but he doesn't remember what his past, his after the age of 16 (sixteen) since he is now a 28-year-old man who works. He directly came to his adult hood without even going through his life, he is confused and is having a panic attack with a very bad anxiety. He walks along with the crowd; he notices that this place is highly developed and is modern. While walking he is thinking about his farm land, his house in the country side, he is wondering why is he here in the city and why is he doing an office job when he doesn't want to or never will to do since he always wants to go to the university and become a something. He was walking and suddenly he dashed a pretty girl. They both fell on to the ground and some passers-by also saw it and didn't help them to get up so, they got up by them self and Neil apologies "Oh! I am sorry, uh...I didn't see you coming, my mistake"

Always remember the girls who don't look like crazy are the craziest, the girl who don't look smart are the smartest so, don't fall for her outside!

The girl he dashed was so pretty that one could have said that she wasn't single. She was pretty and wore a warm yellow slim suit with a matching office skirt and her purse was so beautiful, shiny and cute, her hairs were red, straight and curly near her ears. He fell in love with her but he kept it within him, you know you can't just talk to a girl like that especially if it is spontaneous. But she may look pretty and kind but she was not, she was not even a little, she was savage. She said (in a ruthless manner) "Hey! you don't know to walk?"

Neil "I am sorry"

The girl (rudely) "sorry is not a big deal, why heck are you in hurry?"

Neil (with hesitation) "sorry, I am new here so!"

The girl (in a mean way) "I don't care who or whatsoever, mind or else, you again dash, you know me"

Neil (hesitating) "hmm... are you all right?"

The girl "yes, look at yourself, jerk!"

Then she passes so close to him in a savage way like a bossy lady. Whereas Neil was shaken by the incident and looked astonished and looked the girl wake right away. Then he held himself back after a while and then moved on and started walking like nothing ever happened. It was for sure the girl was so embarrassed by falling in front of the public, a whole crowd, she came with style, elegance and thought she would be perfect but everything got wrong because of Neil, now she was so angry at him, inside herself.

Whereas Neil then waked into a metro, today it was too crowded and there were no place to sit, most of the sit were taken by people who came first and sat and some parents with a child all the office men and women were mostly standing, it was fully crowded. Then the metro start moving and then speeds up, everyone was holding tight on the bar since there were a lot of crowds and if by chance you slipped, you will also push many people beside you and it would be total humiliation. Neil a teenage boy stuck in adult body is experiencing this for first time he wasn't sure and dashed a fat man beside him kicking him to the side.

The fat man "Hey, watch out man!"

Neil (nods his head in embarrassment) "I am sorry, okay!"

The when the metro again shakes he dashed a middle lady next to him.

For sure the lady got hurt in her left hand so, she look at him crookedly

Neil apologies to her "I am again sorry, for that" He makes him-self steady and trying to limit and keep a good grip and hold on until he reached his stop. When he reaches his stop, he gets out of the metro, it was hard since the whole crowd were rushing to the exit, pushing people back, to move first because if failed to come out before the metro door closes then you would reach somewhere else. Coming out of the metro to the station and then to the open street he saw so many things, it fascinated him, he also took a close glance of his work place and then got started hitting the city roads all again! While waking he was thinking about his place, the farm, his apricot field and his dad, he is they main cause for this event happening within him. He is happy-sad or sad-happy, having emotional conflicts since he is totally, completely, absolutely amazed by what is just happening within him. He walks around the city he sees good bakery; he wants to try but he made up his mind to just travel and get to know his place, he is panicking since he doesn't know how to return to his original time and place, these things are in his mind. He knows how to cook his breakfast, Lunch, dinner or whatever and clean his house, his important pin code or number, his door number but he does not knows his past (from seventeen years to 27 years of age) since he never went through that phase of time in his life, he can recall his old normal memories that he had before when he was sixteen and younger. He also has a smart phone now.

He enters a local park where mostly moms and dads came to play with their kids, and there were some old people too who were brisk walking or jogging, it's now 10 (ten), not yet afternoon but he is already hungry but he waits for no reason. Neil goes and sit on chair, which are usually seen in the park, the one made with wood and painted with bright colour. He sits there, it was just beside the tree, on looking at the tree it reminded him of this favorite spot, the maple tree. On thinking about it he also remembers his dog Peach, thinking about him he feels afraid because he overthinks that if something bad had happened to Peach since if he was alright then he must have come along with him because Peach and Neil were best friends as said earlier and one cannot live happy without the other. But he then thinks that it has passed so many years and now he is 28 (twenty-eight) years old, his mom and dad got married at this age and now he is single and not even married, he kind a feels like his life is now a total bizarre, he actually never liked the cities even though the modern technology and development sometimes amazed him but he likes the country side, the atmosphere there accept him more than that of the city. He wonders about it. There are people who are looking at him, they think Neil is sad, maybe his day wasn't good. But on the other hand, Neil has just gone through a highly unusual occurrence or let say experience. He is just sitting idle without doing nothing, no expression on his face just like a statue, maybe that's the reason why people are thinking he is mad at something. He sits on the chair idle, something inside him says that "it will be better if you goes back to your home, lock the door and sit there calm and quietly because then there would be no reason for you to be sad or happy at any reason!